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Friday, November 30, 2007

Illegal Aliens

NO, not these guys!

THESE guys!

We have some news here that raises some questions. (After you think about it for a while!)

Police have broken up two major human smuggling rings that allegedly snuck hundreds of illegal aliens into the United States from Canada.

U.S. Attorney Thomas Anderson points to charts describing the operations of a human smuggling ring on Wednesday in Burlington, Vt.

The rings, operating out of Toronto and Montreal since 2004, allegedly drove foreigners to the American border and guided them across on foot, avoiding roads and border crossings.

The aliens, who came to Canada from Korea, Pakistan, India and Central America, allegedly paid $10,000 per person for the service.
U.S. authorities, with the help of the RCMP, cracked down on the rings and are prepared to lay conspiracy charges against five people allegedly linked to the Montreal operation and six people said to be tied to the Toronto group.

Now here comes the strange part......... these people in countries on the other side of the world only know that America is the land of opportunity and do their best to get in there, not realizing that once they hit Canada they are already home-free.

It's easier to immigrate into Canada but they still buy into the myth that the U.S. is the land of the free where opportunities are unlimited so they pay an extra $10 grand to get into a place that is basically no different than here..... they just don't know it!

That's the real crime!

(Actually, they are a lot less likely to get shot, imprisoned or die in poverty if they just stayed here!)

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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