The Chuch of Allan - The Plain Truth About God
Chapter 10. - Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up!
We do not know exactly how the texts in the bible were chosen but we do know that whatever happened occurred principally in the middle of the second century up until 325 C.E. when the First Ecumenical Council of Nicea was convened by Emperor Constantine.
He established the Nicene Creed as the fundamental statement of Christian doctrine........................
In his book “The Silence of Jesus,” James Breech takes an in-depth and impartial view of the words that have been attributed to “Christ,” and compared these with the words that composed the core material said by the historical “Jesus.” (See previous chapter!)
According to Breech, all the thoughts attributed to Jesus, a collection of eight sayings and eleven parables, can definitely be followed back to (Q) and do not have the taint of something said by “Christ.”
Modern day scholars would agree that these sayings, at least, are authentic.
They are remarkably free of the language and concepts of the early Christian movement, and show a purity of thought and concept, that upon close examination, reveals a simplicity and universal message not constrained by time or culture.
To truly understand the sayings that were uttered by the historical Jesus, we must keep an open mind and not make assumptions, or at least keep them to a minimum.
To do otherwise would be to fall into the same trap that ensnared the early “Christians.”
They created a body of work that first collected, then glossed over and distorted the sayings of Jesus to provide a basis for their own teachings.
One of the most basic assumptions that Breech examines is the concept of Christian “love” that forms the basis of most of the teachings of Jesus.
Let me explain:
** The foundation of Christian ideology revolves around “Love” for one and another.
To understand this we need to define exactly how the term or meaning of “Love” is used when compared to (the small L) love!!
In the first instance, there is the true “Love,” which means it is rooted in the power of the kingdom of God.
This is the “Love” that the historical Jesus preached to his followers.
The second type of Christian “love” (small L) is defined solely as an ethical idea that was propagated by the spreading Christian faith in trying to define the words of Christ.
Nietzsche probably best defined this form of Christian ‘love’ as a masked feeling of pity or charity.
In other words, we feel sorry for others and from this superior moral ground, we lend a helping hand.
Nietzsche claims that Christian ‘pity’ (love) is a device used by those who are not themselves truly vital and alive to obtain a perverse elevation of their own position by undermining others.
In other words, “I can make myself feel better by thinking you or someone else is worse-off and deserving of love.”
We often confuse the feeling of Christian “love” for someone with:
1. Pity for them.
2. Humanitarianism-or a love of Mankind.
3. Altruism, or self denial, and:
4. Sentimentalism, or wanting to be with others.
** These concepts of “love” have been re-enforced over and over again through one story or another.
What Jesus actually said was something more basic and infinitely harder to achieve.
The historical Jesus did not urge us to love humankind or to feel pity for someone else. He did not tell us to deny ourselves for someone else’s sake, or flagellate ourselves, or even to enjoy another’s company!
What He did say was pure and simple and straight to the point, “Love one another!”
This sort of Love is not the altruistic love of humanity, nor the possessive love for our mate, but rather something that requires hard work, tenacity, and sacrifice.
It is easy to love your wife or husband, child or parent, but to Love your neighbor (or stranger) is a task that is never ending and always requires effort.
It is a Love that seems to have no immediate benefit and is therefore not practiced by many people.
However, in the end, this is what will make Humanity rise up to it is potential and approach what Jesus referred to as the “Kingdom of God.” (The Father)
This is not something that is to be expected in the near, or far, future. Rather, it was a state of being that is present at this time, and only has to be observed and followed in order to achieve a state of Grace.
One of the core sayings of Jesus was “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed, nor will they say ‘Lo, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ For behold, that kingdom of God is in the midst of you.”
Jesus tells us quite clearly that the “Kingdom of God” is not a coming kingdom, or a future kingdom, but rather something already in and amongst his disciples. It is not a place, but rather a state of mind!
Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site
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