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Saturday, August 05, 2006

You can all go to Hell!

I spent the last few years or so visiting a bunch of different web-sites that give their views of the world and the "here-after" from a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc. etc. point of view.

They all exhibit the same tendencies.

They believe that the world not only revolves around them, but that it also always operates in a way that makes sense only to them. If by chance it does not conform to their ideals then there is something wrong with the world, not themselves!

Thank God that moderates have been tempered enough by modern secular society that they and their beliefs are compatible with the general population and other faiths.
(Or tolerated anyways - and, I still have enough spiritualism in me to say "Thank God!")

The consensus now among the major religions is a policy of "live and let live!"

The fundamentalists, (whether they be Christian or Muslim) on the other hand, still live by the rule that they are right and everyone else is wrong. They, in their arrogance, believe that they have an inside track on paradise and anyone who disagrees with them is bound for hellfire and damnation.

Although Christianity has lost some if its zeal for spreading the "Word" at all costs, Islam has the distinction of not only being directed by God to convert all non-believers, but to do so by force if necessary.

This, along with a closed mind to any outside influences, makes for religions that are both stagnant and rigid. The Bible or the Koran can be held up like a shield to protect the adherents from any attempt at logical or even rational thinking.
"Nothing can sway us because we are the choosen and you are naught but infidels!"

I have, in my ignorance, debated and argued with staunch religious practitioners and the only thing I accomplished was to frustrate and aggravate myself.

No amount of logic, obvious facts or just plain common sense could sway these people from their choosen path. They will engage in all sorts of convoluted mental gymnastics and outright self-deception to avoid beign confronted with a threat to their carefully nurtured "belief system!"

The only way to go through life for them is with blinders on least their universe crumbles under them from an erosion of faith!

Rather than continue to enrage and exasperate myself I have come to the conclusion to just ignore them all and make the best of life according to my own ideals and convictions.

A patient goes to the doctor and says; " Doc, it hurts when I do this!" To which the doctor says; "Then don't do that!"

So---- you can all go to hell! (no pun intended.)

Your frustrated scribe;
Allan W Janssen

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