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Sunday, October 22, 2006


We are still seeing the constroversy over British M.P.'s Jack Straw's comment that women who come into his office should not wear a "face veil." (Niqab, Burqa)

There were three Muslim women on C.B.C. Television this morning who argued the different points of modesty amongst the faithfull.

One was dressed in normal Western style, one had a head scarf and the third wore a "face veil," or Niqab.

The woman who was covered up completely argued that this allowed her to maintain dignity and respect from other men and let her be judged by her intellect and personality rather than on any physical attributes.

She went on to say that it was written in the Koran that she should be covered and that she was in accordance with God's teachings.

The sad fact of the matter is that this poor woman has been sold a bill of goods by the males in her culture and bought into it completely.

First of all, nowhere in the Koran does it say that women should cover themselves with the Niqab, (veil) or Burqa (veil and mesh).

All it says in the Koran is that both men and women should dress modestly and that women should wear the veil over their "bossoms!"

Anything else is a complete fabrication by the males in her culture.

The Middle Eastern "man" is generally a mysogynistic, pridefull, self centered person who is full of himself and his "machismo."

They have a culture that thrives on the exploitation and subjugation of women and will do anything in their power to maintain the "status quo!"

Many years ago someone got the bright idea that not only should women cover themselves modestly, but should also hide behind veils and clothing so that no other man could look upon "his" women (plural too!) in a lustfull way.

They were there for him and no one else!

To perpetrate this myth that females should be covered, men started to tell women that it was "God's will" that they completely cover up to remain pious and faithfull adherents of Islam.

The women, being physically weaker and not in a position to object, were made to comply!

Over the years this has once again proved that old axiom; "Tell people something enough times, with enough conviction, they will believe just about anything!

Your Scribe;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God-101 (what the church doesn't want you to know!) at; www.God-101.com
And the petition to have people mind their own business instead of yours at; http://www.petitiononline.com/moses/petition.html

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