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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Spy vs Spy.

I put a couple of tracking and measuring devices on this site out of idle curiosity about who is reading the articles.

Over the last few weeks I noticed that someone from a Government agency in Virginia keeps visiting the site and looking at a large number of pages.

I guess it's either a government employee with way too much time on their hands, or someone is trying to find out the secret code that is embedded in the articles.

After all we do talk about Muslims and terrorists and right wing Fundamentalists and hard line Conservatives and Native unrest and Dean Martin and abortion and religion in all its forms and the war in Iraq and homosexuals and Britney Spears and people from Iowa and child molesters and Christian beliefs and Dwarf tossing and conspiracy theories and what's politically correct and the Ten Commandments and al-Jezeera and al-Qaeda and Arabs and Alien abductions and Fox News and that subversive George Carlin and Barbarella and North Korea And Godzilla and intelligent design and Jehova's Witnesses and World affairs and the Devil you know and how President Bush is leading us down the garden path, and that reminds me we also have "Asshole of the Week," every week, and .... well, should I go on or do you get the picture?

So, if someone is trying to find out the secret messages hidden in these pages;

Good luck!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God-101 at www.God-101.com

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