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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Survey Says!!!

If you're married........ here's a survey you won't forget!

Would you believe that people who live with each other for 25 years actually develop similar facial features? I don't just mean that people tend to choose partners who resemble them, rather that over time together couple's features actually converge.

It's weird, but there's evidence for it from a singular study carried out by a noted psychologist Robert Zajonc and colleagues.

110 participants were shown photographs of men and women in their first year of marriage and of the same couples after 25 years of marriage.

Then they were asked to judge their resemblance along with the chance that any man and woman were married to each other.

The researchers went to a lot of effort to remove extraneous info and crop photos so that only faces could be seen.

The types of choices the participants made indicated the perception was that couples became more facially similar after 25 years together.

The results could not be explained by people simply all looking the same as they got older. Also, data from a control group indicated participants were indeed making judgements on the basis of facial features rather than any other criteria.

So this means if you stick around with your partner, you'll end up looking more like them after a couple of decades.

Which naturally raises the question: Why?

Your "ever wondering" scribe;
Allan W Janssen

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