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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Blob is coming!

Your fearless author told you a few weeks ago about the meteor that crashed in Peru and some of the people who went near the impact site got sick from an unknown disease!

Well, there's more!

Do you remember those 1950's Sci-Fi movies where an asteroid or meteor or hemeroid or space ship would plunge to Earth and then some sort of a disease or germ or bacteria or slime or whatever would come out of it and poeople would start dying or turning into dripping monsters or vomit green shit and kill everyone or parts of their bodies would fall off or they slowly went nuts and then......... well, you get the idea!!

Guess what kids?

Not to scare the crap out of anybody but some of that stuff might not be too far from the truth.

The trip: Space Shuttle STS-115, September 2006. (One year ago!)

The germ: Salmonella, best known as a culprit of food poisoning.

The reason: Scientists wanted to see how space travel affects germs, so they took some along — carefully wrapped — for the ride.

The result: Mice fed the space germs were three times more likely to get sick and died quicker than others fed identical germs that had remained behind on Earth.

"Wherever humans go, microbes go, you can't sterilize humans. Wherever we go, under the oceans or orbiting the earth, the microbes go with us, and it's important that we understand ... how they're going to change," explained Cheryl Nickerson, an associate professor at the Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology at Arizona State University.
Nickerson added, in a telephone interview, that learning more about changes in germs has the potential to lead to novel new countermeasures for infectious disease.

She reports the results of the salmonella study in Tuesday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The researchers placed identical strains of salmonella in containers and sent one into space aboard the shuttle, while the second was kept on Earth, under similar temperature conditions to the one in space.

After the shuttle returned, mice were given varying oral doses of the salmonella and then were watched.

After 25 days, 40 percent of the mice given the Earth-bound salmonella were still alive, compared with just 10 percent of those dosed with the germs from space. And the researchers found it took about one-third as much of the space germs to kill half the mice, compared with the germs that had been on Earth.

The researchers found 167 genes had changed in the salmonella that went to space.


"That's the 64 million dollar question," Nickerson said. "We do not know with 100 percent certainty what the mechanism is of space flight that's inducing these changes."

Your "hiding in the basement" scribe;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at http://www.god-101.com/ and the blog "Perspective" at http://god-101.blogspot.com/

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