I'm going to hell. (Maybe)
I am going to put my two cents worth into this one. This love letter from "anonymous" is meant to set me straight on religion.
At least, on his particular religion.
Just for the hell of it since that seems to be where I'm headed! ;-)
You can have your views on "religion" if you will.
Saying that there are defects in the New and Old Testaments is hogwash.
True Christianity If throughly and completely examined, without prejudice, will open one's eyes to the truth. It is NOT religion! (Then what the hell is it?)
Belief and Faith are not weak as you seem to put it.
There is a famous line that I will recite: Regarding God in three parts; Father, Son (Jesus) and Spirit as well as the Creation of time (?) as we know it states...
Were you there when it occurred? (Never mind me, where were the people that wrote this?)
The Bible states through the men that walked, talked and lived with Jesus Christ that He had said: I am the Way, The Truth and The Light; No man comes to the Father except through Me. (That is all fine and dandy but NOBODY that actually walked with Jesus wrote any of the bible, so if you're going to start throwing biblical phrases at me because you can't argue it on your own, then at least know what you're talking about.)
All of the supposed learned men of history who claim that there is no such thing as God simply were not there to see for themselves and failed to look.
Yes; there is a God and one day not known to this world every man, woman and child who has ever lived on this blue rock in space WILL bend their knee to the "King of Kings."
It will not matter what one believes, such as has been stated in this article.
Let me ask a question. Do you want to take the chance that the Bible is wrong? Hell is a very real place and is not a social place, rather it is a place of "Personal and lonely place" that was not intended for man kind. (Here we go with the "if you don't do as I say you're going to HELL thing.)
Each of us have been given free choice about what we do while we are alive in this place, yet it is our "Obligation" to find out what truth really is and not that of some oddball professor's point of view!Glen H., Sep 30, 2007, 3:14pm EDT
(This oddball professor is about a hundred times smarter than you Glen so running him down just makes you look all the dumber!)Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at http://www.god-101.com/ and the blog "Perspective" at http://god-101.blogspot.com/
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