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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Terra or Gaia, it's still a sick Planet.

Our planet Earth has been known by two other names as well.

The first is the ancient Latin name, Terra, and the second is a more recent label called Gaia.

If you're not familiar with the theory of Gaia, it holds that this planet is a giant living organism, as is the Universe itself.

You can call this a version of "The Force" from Star Wars fame. All the Universe, and our Planet as well, is surrounded by,and infused with this "life force."

In the case of Gaia, is not only a living, but a breathing thing.

All the plants, all the insects, all the animals, all the fish in the sea and even the sea and land itself form a collective whole that is not only living, but some think, also an "aware" entity.

Much of this idea is right in line with Eastern Philosophies and Religion. Plants themselves could have an awareness on a very basic level, with the bacteria and then insects gradually exhibiting more of this "life force."

As we work our way up the evolutionary chain, progressively more complex organisms would also be infused with more and more awareness until we get into the animal kingdom, and then of course, to human beings.

(Not too palpable to anyone who believes the universe was created in seven days but it does make a hell of a lot more sense.)

If we take this theory to it's logical conclusion, then we could image Gaia as a small Being in the infinitely larger entity we know as the Universe.

Gaia is then an organism that is host to all sorts of different bugs and bacteria, (all the living things on the planet) as well as being subject to ageing, disease and dying.

We human beings infest Gaia much as a bacteria would live on and in us. We form part of the balance of nature that makes up the whole.

But, like any bacteria, or virus, this can be good or bad.

If we become too numerous then the effect would be much the same as if a human body was infected with a cold or virus.

Our overwhelming presence is slowly making our Planet sick and as we multiple and cause even more destruction there will come a point where the planet has to fight this virus or die!

I don't know what form or method this would be achieved by but it seems logical that natural disasters would have to reduce the human (bacteria/virus) population down to a sustainable level.

What would this level of infestation be? I'm not sure but let's pick an arbitrary figure of 50 or a 100 million.

If the Planet had this much smaller number of humans to contend with, the ecological balance would be more favourable, and we might find that our lot in life would also be much better and in harmony with Old Mother Nature.

She is, after all, not someone to be trifled with for too long.

Remember: "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!"

Your humble author;

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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