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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Elvis is Alive!

Last year, we here at Perspective reported that Elvis was not only alive, but doing well in his new life as an unknown around the Nashville area.

This was naturally met with a bit of scepticism and most people chose not to believe it, but lo and behold, while on a fact-finding mission to New Orleans this week one of our Perspective staff members ran into Elvis down there and took this picture.

(Although we did get this shot of him, Elvis didn't really want his picture taken and refused an interview with us so we will repeat this article we first published last year!)

Thirty years after the reported death of Elvis Presley your fearless reporter has uncovered evidence that Elvis never really died back in 1977.

It seems it was all false publicity to get Elvis out of the spotlight for a while and give him a chance to rest. Then when he started to make more money "dead" than when he was alive they had to keep him permanently under wraps, so to speak!

Yes bunky, all those Elvis sightings were not someones imagination after all. Elvis was seen here, there and everywhere across America but since everyone thought he was dead all the sightings were discounted as hoaxes.

Even though he was out of the public spotlight Elvis's health continued to deteriorate due to a bad diet and drug use and he actually did come close to death in the early eighties as this file photo shows!

After an "Intervention" by his friends and family he regained his health and started living a simple life as a busker in New Orleans where he stayed for about twenty years until returning to Memphis.

Elvis mostly hid out in the back wing of Graceland and secretly watched the tourists as they filed through. He rarely ventured out unless in disguise.

When he did go out his favorite trips were to Disneyland and Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch where he sometimes worked as a roustabout.

He also did an occasional busker job in the south end of Memphis!

Here Elvis is shown in a photo taken on his 72'nd birthday last January 8th.

A small party was held for him at the playboy mansion with an "invitation only" crowd in attendance.

Your "hush, hush and on the Q.T." scribe;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://Allans-Perspective.blogspot.com



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