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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Animal Rights! or; P.E.T.A. to you too!

I am not a great fan of P.E.T.A. (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) or some of their spokes-people like Pamela Anderson, but, I do believe they are making points and raising awareness about animal rights that have long been ignored.

First of all let us not go anywhere near medical research on animals because this is an area that we just can't get out of, and the only solution is to make any procedures done on animals as painless and stress free as possible.

As for using animals for non-medical procedures, like "makeup testing," is not only wrong, but immoral.

Let us also leave whales out of the equation as well as cod, elephants for their ivory and tigers for their skins. Also any other fish, fowl or animal that is threatened. These endangered species should be protected by the full weight of the law.

This bring us down to the crux of the debate about animals.

It has become more evident over the years that most living things are not autonomons that blindly go about their business with no awareness of their existence or mortality.

On the contrary, scientist are increasingly finding out that most of the higher animals are very, very similar to us in a variety of ways.

[Except maybe chickens!];-)

They experience fear, loss, anger, joy, and all the other "human" emotions.

As a matter of fact you could say that animals such as dogs, and dolphins, and whales and even your household hamsters have a range of emotions quite similar to our own.

This is a topic I believe I will explore in greater detail, being careful of course not to become one of those bleeding heart liberals who try not to step on ants.

With the knowledge that we have far more in common with our dumber relatives than was first realized we must also make allowances for how our food processing factories do their job.

After all, I wouldn't expect anyone to become a Vegan and am not even sure if that is a healthy lifestyle, but you can rest assured that I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to end up being a vegetarian.

(Poo get's knocked off for his honey!)
<-- As to what degree of actual "consciousness" they posses, I will leave that up to the scientists, although indications are that their "awareness" is a lot higher than we originally thought!

In spite of this we can certainly raise ourselves up to a higher moral level by showing how humanely we can treat those creatures below us, be they food or not!

Remember, the only real difference between us and them is that they are slightly dumber models of us!!!! (No really, maybe the best way to describe it is that their "life force" is not as strong as ours, so that even though they run the same gamut of emotions that we do, they are just not as strong!)

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com

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By the way, blogs are just like the movies, Poo didn't really die..... SEE!

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