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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Saturday Morning Confusion! Or, Digg THIS!

Now kids, this week I'm REALLY confused!

Your humble author has written pieces that are rather UNCOMPLIMENTARY about:

Islamic terrorists, Christian Fundamentalists, the A.C.L.U., Arab Chauvinism, Politicians, Barney, Jews, Hindu's, Barbie and Ken, Peoples Fundamental Beliefs, American Society, Canadian Society etc., George W Bush and his Administration, Beauty pageants, mental illness, missionaries, child porn, Chipmunks, those fucking Indians, alien abductions and the people who believe in them, religious values, atheists, Christmas, Church, Creationists, drunks, ethnic distinction, farting, the Flying Nun, foreigners, immigration, insurance companies, Jehovah's Witnesses, lesbians, masturbation, Michael Jackson, The Military, minorities, Muslim Culture and Multi-Culturalism, misogynists, the Post Office, Blacks, Chinese, Polaks, Waps, Krauts, Chinks and white trash, lots of stuff about Kim Jong-ill and North Korea, O.J. Simpson, Palestinians, Southern States, The Bible, cops, Women's rights, self-abuse and male pattern baldness.

In other words there is not too much that hasn't been tackled on these pages whenever something outrages my sensibilities. After all this is a crazy world we live in and somebody has to challenge the nuts once in a while.

The purpose behind this is that out of all the people and groups that have been "dissed" in the last year on these pages, not one of them has ever seriously complained except for one!!!!

I wrote a piece on gays and pedophiles a few days ago (click here) and submitted it to a few other publications including DIGG.COM.

Now in all fairness I must admit that the title was a bit HARSH, (Hang the Bastards) but I have since changed this and a few comments in the article itself.

But, the point is, that out of all the stories I have written in the last year this is the only one that has caused outrage amongst a group or organization.

There have been no threats from terrorists, no nasty letters from Fundamentalist, (except of course a few hints that I'm going to HELL) no disclaimers or denials from politicians or The Military Industrial Complex and no arguments from Aliens trying to explain why they abduct people.

No, none of this happened boys and girls. The only group that raised a stink is either the gay community or the pedophiles I wrote about.

For my pains in mentioning that gays have a disproportionate influence on the media and the fashion industry and that pedophiles are complaining about being unfairly victimized, (as opposed to their victims) there was a torrent of backlash to DIGG.VOM about my article..... to the point where I have been temporarily banned from submitting anything else.

That the "Politically Correct" and special interest groups can have this much influence in a society that espouses free speech is a crime and that DIGG.COM caved in to them is even worse.

Remember Bunky, this is not a University classroom or left leaning debate group.

This is the real world and if you don't like something........ TOUGH! After all, the motto here isn't "We piss off everybody at one time or another" for nothing!

Your "Pissed" scribe;
Allan W Janssen

P.S. Write to Digg and complain.... remember, just because FREE SPEECH is free, doesn't mean it's easy!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are against censorship, but your thoughts and ideas about it are one sided. You shouldn't be censored at all, but you want to censor many things. Even if you don't admit forthright, you do want to see a bunch of books burned.
We've been around this block. You need to open your eyes, the world as a whole isn't buying into your fantasy anymore. Keep the faith Allan, we'll both end up in the same place, 6 feet under where the worms crawl in and the worms crawl out and the ants play pea knuckle on our snouts.

Saturday, August 04, 2007 1:11:00 p.m.  
Blogger Allan W Janssen said...

As for your previous statement "Now I want to go make love with my girl friend. It's our way of celebrating the sabbath."
I think you're engaged to your right hand and your left brain!
Hugs and kisses and fuck off...Allan

Saturday, August 04, 2007 2:55:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your essay on gay influence, as I read everything you publish. I disagree with the majority of what you said in the essay but am old enough to realize that nothing I could say would ever change your mind. Even though it was extremely vitriolic I don't think it was hate speech.

Until now I had never heard of Digg. I don't know their posting policies as to what is acceptable and what isn't and who gets to decide.

I would think you would receive a volumn of angry and hate-filled responses, which I'm sure you expected, but not that you would be booted.

Saturday, August 04, 2007 5:51:00 p.m.  
Blogger Allan W Janssen said...

Thank you very much for your letter, I appreciate your concern.
As you have guessed I am not homophonic, and certainly don't Condon hate mail.
I believe I was just stating facts and did so with no animosity towards the gay community.
As for pedophiles, let us leave sleeping dogs lie. ( I typed die by mistake, ?)

Saturday, August 04, 2007 5:51:00 p.m.  

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