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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Capitalism is alive and well!

O.K., here's the scene. You drive up to the gas pumps and start to fill your tank.................

(Of course YOU have to do it, when was the last time you saw a full serve gas station?)

As your filling the tank a voice beside you suddenly says; "Feeling a bit drained after all the running around you've been doing today? Why not slip into the snack bar and get an energy bar or power drink to get you back on your feet! And remember, we have a sale on milk and bread as well."

Or, a TV screen lights up with a nice tropical beach scene and a voice starts telling you, (As you stand in two feet of blowing snow.) that Scare Air has a sale on flights to the Bahama's or Hawaii.

Take my word for it bunky, there is nothing better than a captive audience and I can see the time coming when your sitting on the can in your favorite watering hole and there in front of you, hanging from the shitter door, is a LCD screen reminding you that imported beer is half price for the next 15 minutes.

Yes kids, capitalism is alive and well in the Western world. The next step will be a TV in your living room that turns itself on as soon as you walk into the room and then starts bombarding you with commercials. Stay tuned!

Your humble servant;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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