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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Canadian government can't even grow pot right!

Seems to me that to grow pot all you have to do is stick the seeds in the ground, water and fertilize them, provide plenty of light and viola, POT!

Well, the Canadian Government, like most other governments, is acting more like one giant Post Office again.

In other words, they can't do anything right.

(By the way, remind me sometime to tell you about the postal worker I know who is on disability because of work related "stress!" STRESS? What the hell did he do, get a route where the houses didn't have any numbers on them?)

Anyway, I digress;

Lawyers for Canadian users of medical marijuana who want Ottawa to ease restrictions on where they get their pot wrapped up their case Wednesday by telling a Federal Court judge that government-approved marijuana doesn't compare to higher-quality strains available on the street.

Patients ought to be able to pick their own grower, said lawyer Alan Young, who accused Ottawa of rushing into drafting a program in 2003 that ultimately forced patients to use a substandard product - a violation of their constitutional rights.
Whether or not Alan Young wins his case the part I find incredulous is the fact that once again it is private enterprise that shows how it's done.

If you can't get your own government to grow your pot properly then you might as well move to Amsterdam....... although I have to admit that since marijuana cultivation is the number #1 industry in British Columbia they probably have a lot more experience than the bureaucrats.

Your humble scribe;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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