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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

"I'm a little tea pot, short and stout!"

Dr. Richard Dawkins (whose thoughts are also responsible for one whole chapter in my book) is an avowed athiest.

He has come up with a story that has been widely circulated and I feel needs repeating here. (Even though I am just an Agnostic, or maybe Gnostic/Existentialist, or even Unitarian/Universalist! Remember, my book God-101 is about what God is NOT!)

He theory? If there were a "teapot" in orbit around the sun we would have no way of proving it, since it is much too small to see!

None the less that would not stop anyone from "believing" there really is a teapot out there. The fact that we can't see it doesn't automatically mean it doesn't exist!

So, when we get down to a matter of faith, or belief, - facts don't have much to do with anything.

Just because we can't see the teapot doesn't mean there is not one out there. Conversly our "belief" that one is out there has about as much to do with anything - as the price of tea in China!

(Thus the "teapot!" HA HA)

We also at one time or another chosen to beleive in Thor-God of Thunder, Odin, Zeus, (not Dr.Suess) astrology etc. etc.

Dr. Dawkins conclusion was this: "Since what we believe about things is so fluid and subjective we should only go with what we do know."
(Objective Science)

Since I was para-phrasing the good Doctor Dawkins I hope I got his meaning right. But there is one aurgument he has not taken into account and which I talked about in my book - and that was this: "We cannot prove nor disprove the existence of God because the one common denominator in all religions in the World is the NEED to have those beleifs in the first place."

So the end result is that we can in no way prove the existence (or not) of God, it is the common need for God that makes me suspect there is something to it!!!

Your scribe
Allan W Janssen

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