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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Do plants have cognitive powers?

This question was posed to me today by e-mail. Don't know how young or old the person was or why he thinks I can answer this question but will give it a shot!
From My book God-101;

If you look at Eastern Religions or the "Religion of Allan" it seems that ALL things have a connection with the Universe.

Call it cosmic conciousness or any of the other names it's been given, (Including GOD) this force is all pervasive and manifests itself according to the degree with which it is able to express itself in individual objects.

It seems we humans are at the top of the food chain, so to speak, while lesser animals can plug into this "force" to a smaller degree.

A good analogy woud be that humanity manifests God the best, followed perhaps by the great apes, dolphins etc all the way down to something like mice and then even less aware animals from there.

All living things are part of the Etheral awareness to a greater of lesser degree. For example a tree would still be connected to "God" but in a very very primitive way - as would bacteria etc.

It has been conjectured that even inanimate objects such as the rocks and the sea and even the earth as a whole are all part of this universal harmony and we are all but a small part of it and keep fluctuating between our corporal existence and then back to the Etheral plane.

Since this "God" force is all encompasing even the Universe itself sings and resonates with God's harmony and is one of the meanings of the term "Music of the Spheres"

Your Scribe
Allan W Janssen
Allan W Janssen is the author of the book "The Plain Truth About God-101" (what the church doesn't want you to know!) www.God-101.com

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