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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Iran to Punish Apostasy with Death

Apostasy -- or the formal renunciation of religion (Islam) -- is already punishable in Iran with death. But now, Iran wants to make the death penalty for apostasy part of the penal code.

The European Union is concerned and has asked Iran to reconsider.

The European Union this week sent a letter to authorities in Iran expressing its concern over a proposed change to the penal code that would make apostasy punishable by death.

The EU is responding to news that the Islamic Republic is planning to subject "apostasy, heresy and witchcraft" to the Hudud -- the body of fixed punishments assigned to crimes that are considered violations of the "claims of God."

Other Hadud crimes include alcohol consumption, theft, highway robbery and illegal sexual intercourse.

On a personal note, here in the West we keep talking about how "1984" and "Big Brother" are creeping up on us, but compared to some Muslim countries I don't think we have much to worry about!

As a matter of fact even Communism seems rather tame when compared with some of these Imams and Ayatollahs!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


The Church of Allan - The Plain Truth About God.

A serialization of the book, The Plain Truth About God (Chapter 5 - Timelines)

Chapter 5 – TIMELINE
You cannot tell who, or where you are, unless you know how you got there!

1534 A.D. - Henry V111 marries Anne Boleyn. Excommunicated by Clement V11.
- Henry V111 breaks away from the Catholic Church and makes himself the head of the Episcopal Church, or, Church of England.
1534 A.D. - John Calvin publishes his first edition of the “Institute of the Christian Religion.” This work is destined to become one of the most influential works of Protestantism. The book details his theology of Humanities depravity, the necessity of grace for salvation and predestination.
1535 A.D. - House of Hapsburg drives Turks out of Hungary.
1536 A.D. – Portugal has its own version of the “Inquisition.”
1543 A.D. - Spanish Catholics begin burning Protestants at the Stake while Sweden made Lutheranism the official state religion and banned Catholicism.
And, oh yes. Did not burn anyone!
1540 A.D. - Copernicus refuses to publish “De Revolutionibus Purbitum Coelestium” out of fear of Church censure.
** Is it so bad to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
1542 A.D. - Pope Paul 1V decides that Rome needs its own Inquisition, vows that Rome will not be outdone by Spain. New twist to an old tale, he boiled them rather than burnt them!
1545-1563 A.D. - Council of Trent Catholic Reformation, or Counter Reformation, met Protestant challenge by clearly defining an official theology.
1553-1558 A.D. - Catholic Queen Mary reigned in England, persecuting Protestants and restoring Catholicism as the official religion.
1558 A.D. - Elizabeth 1 succeeded Mary as Queen of England and restored Protestantism as the official religion. - The Puritan movement develops among those dissatisfied with her reforms of the church.
1560 A.D. - Phillip 1 inherits Spain for House of Hapsburg.
1550-1580 A.D. - John Knox publishes “The First blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of women.” Deploring the authority of women. “Misogynists to the left of us, Misogynists to the right!” Scotch Presbyterian Church founded by John Knox. Knox was a follower of Calvin because of his disagreement with Lutherans over sacraments and church government.
1604 A.D. - John Smith establishes Baptist Church. - King James bible.
1616 A.D. - The Church prohibits Galileo from further scientific work
**“I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use.” -Galileo
1620A.D. - English Puritans, known as Pilgrims, established a colony in America at Plymouth Rock to escape religious pluralism in England. **By the way, they only stopped at Plymouth Rock because they “ran out of beer” and had to stop for more supplies!
1633 A.D. - Galileo forced by the Inquisition to renounce theories of Copernicus.
- Descartes stops publishing in France in response to the Churches attacks on Galileo.
1647 A.D. - George Fox founded the Society of Friends. (Quakers)
1648 A.D. - Peace of Westphalia ends thirty years war - Guarantees greater religious freedoms and........... The Beginning of the Modern Era;

Let us take a quick refresher course in European history. Civilization in the West evolved following the disintegration of the Roman Empire in the late 5th century.
The adoption of Christianity as a major state religion in Rome and the absence of Imperial authority saw the eventual birth of the medieval world.
The major emphasis of this culture was humankind’s relationship with God. Popes, Bishop’s, Priests and Monks were extremely influential and exercised an enormous amount of power.
There was only one Church, and it was referred to as “universal,” or in Latin, the Catholic church. Judaism was more or less tolerated, but its followers often became the focus of persecution during times of distress.
Because of this “Catholic” viewpoint, Western Europe eventually followed a path that led in a completely different direction than that of the Eastern World. This included the Near East and the territories, which would become Eastern Europe and Russia.
The most deciding factor had been the split during the Early Middle Ages between East and West over the issue of the supremacy of the Pope.
Elsewhere, the Near East and Africa (including what is now Spain) remained more or less unified by Islam and it retained supremacy unrivaled in either Western or Eastern Europe until the coming of the Renaissance.
It was during the Renaissance period when Humanist philosophers began to question their contemporary culture that the medieval framework began to breakdown.
As these scholars began to look at the classical past, the ideology of man’s place in the world started to rival the ideology of man’s place in heaven. Eventually Renaissance humanism caused some to question the Church’s monopoly on thought and we slowly emerged from the dark ages that started when Otto the First turned out the lights in 962 A.D.
Of the people that questioned the Churches theology, most were burned at the stake. One of them, however, a monk by the name of Martin Luther, was able to avoid the flames, at the same time causing some flames of his own.
Luther’s ideas were not new. He just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
The political situation in Germany was greatly divided. For centuries, the disorganized principalities had been paying tribute to Rome in an attempt to court Papal favor.
The princes saw Luther’s ideology of religious reform as a means to circumvent the Papacy and so he gained the backing and protection of a majority of influential German princes.
Luther’s “Reformation” eventually fragmented into groups that adopted some of his beliefs and rejected others.
The result was that Europe became divided into two camps, the Protestants (including Lutherans and other offshoots of Lutheranism), and the Catholics.
The Catholic Church then launched a Counter-Reformation in an attempt to restore the “universitality” of Christian belief.
Despite its attempts at eternal reform, most notably the Council of Trent and the creation of the Jesuits, the Catholic effort to restore Catholicism to all of Western Europe eventually failed. However, not before a great deal of blood was shed on both sides.
The bloodiest struggle, and one of the most terrible wars in all of history, began in 1618. The fighting, which raged off and on all over Europe came to be known as “The Thirty Years War.” A conflict that at its heart was due to the manipulations of the Church and the Hapsburgs.
The war was a last attempt by Catholic forces to restore Religious unity in Europe.
It was a dismal failure and the Catholic Church finally surrendered to the fact that their religion was no longer “universal.” This failure led to a new European worldview. One that included the possibility of alternative thought.
The exploration of new ways of thinking began with religion, but did not end there.

**This is the turning point historians mark as the beginning of the Modern Era.

1653 A.D. - Oliver Cromwell becomes “Lord Protector” of England.
1664 A.D. - First women were condemned as witches in the new world, leading up to the Salem witch panic in Salem, Massachusetts.
1720-1760 A.D. - American Colonies experienced the “Great Awakening,” involving the widespread conversions to Charismatic Protestant Churches emphasizing personal piety and individual interpretations of the Bible. (Influenced the “Founding Fathers”)
1727 A.D. - Death of Sir Isaac Newton. - Voltaire preaches ideas of political freedom. - Methodist Church founded by John Wesley.
1776 A.D. – The American Revolution
1788 A.D. - The French Revolution
1827 A.D. - Mormon Church established by Joseph Smith because of visions of the Angel Moroni. - Degradation of women still practiced by allowing men to have multiple wives. (Not quite as good as seventy two virgins upon arrival in Paradise, but what the hell!)
1832 A.D. - Spanish Inquisition was finally abolished.
1858 A.D. - “Mary” in a one-night engagement at Lourdes. - Florence Nightingale held over during the Crimean War.
1859 A.D. - Charles Darwin publishes “Origin of Species.”
1863 A.D. -House OF Hapsburg - King Maximilian of Austria made Emperor of Mexico. – (Hapsburg’s attempt to get into North America.) - Maximilian shot dead in 1867. -So much for that!
1870 A.D. - First Vatican Council affirmed the doctrine of Papal infallibility.
1896 A.D. - Billy Sunday, American Presbyterian evangelist, began his preaching with road shows. Attracted huge crowds and foreshadowed the modern-day evangelists and televangelists.
1901 A.D. - Beginning of Pentecostal Church.
1914 A.D. - Archduke Ferdinand of the “House of Hapsburg” is assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist leading to the start of the “war to end all wars.” -World War 1.
1917 A.D. - “Mary” comes back for an encore after Lourdes and appears at Fatima, Portugal. Reportedly witnessed by 100,000 people.
1918 A.D. - With the end of the First World War in 1918, most of the House of Hapsburg’s possessions and titles were either taken away or abolished. This ended a thousand years of significant control over most of Europe. Many claims by various members of the House of Hapsburg to have titles or land reinstated are still going through the courts in Europe here in the 21st century!
1925 A.D. - “Scopes Monkey Trial” John T. Scopes convicted of teaching evolution in public school.
1947 A.D. - Discovery of the “Qumran” or “Essene” scrolls. (Dead Sea Scrolls.)
- Discovery of the “Gospel of Thomas” sayings of Jesus written down shortly after his death.
1957 A.D. - Founding of Church (?) of Scientology.
1962-65 A.D. - Second Vatican Council.
1979 C.E. - The Iranian Revolution results in the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the first Islamic state in the modern era.
2000 C.E. - Pope John Paul 11 offers apology and asks for forgiveness for Catholicism’s history of “Violence in the service of truth.”
Now that’s one small step for a man and a giant leap for humanity!

**”And so it goes!” - Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Idiot of the Day!

As you probably know by now I don't normally comment on celebrities to any great degree for two reasons. First, everyone else does and second, it would be like making fun of a cripple.

It's cruel because they can't help being all screwed up. They don't live in the real world!

BUT!!!!! I just can't leave this one alone.

Paris Hilton has ten dogs at her house........ O.K. so far?

Paris Hilton lives in a Mansion in Beverly Hills........... still O.K?

Paris is building an exact miniature replica of her mansion for the dogs!!!!!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Asshole(s) of the Week.

Another two-for-one sale on today. I take you back a few articles (NAFTA Rhetoric vs. Reality) to this comment; "Banana Rama and Hillary Clitoris are both on a wild rampage in the northern States about how they are going to rip up the North American Free Trade Deal."

Both recipients seem to be infected with that common American affliction of believing they can rip-up or ignore any treaty or deal if it doesn't suit them at that particular time.

Never mind obligations or commitments, the prevalent attitude in the United States still seems to be "Might Makes Right!"

It doesn't matter whether it's a missile treaty, a Star Wars agreement, a softwood lumber deal or NAFTA, both Democratic hopefuls suffer from the American belief that they can do whatever they want.

Fortunately John McCain is a little smarter and honorable with his statement that re-negotiating NAFTA would not be prudent.

I just might switch my support to him........ not that it matters since I'm Canadian.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Winners and Losers

Another two-for-one sale today with our "Winner and Loser of the Day." You have no doubt read about this already but it's now Awards time so I will repeat the story here!

A newborn girl fell through the toilet in a moving train and onto the tracks moments after her mother gave birth prematurely, surviving nearly two hours before being found, relatives said Thursday. (WINNER)

The infant's mother, who uses the single name Bhuri, (LOSER) was traveling with relatives on a train when she went to the bathroom shortly before midnight Tuesday and unexpectedly gave birth, said Arjun Kumar, her brother-in-law.

"Later, she fell unconscious and the baby fell through the toilet," he said. "Two stations later, we knocked at the door."

Bhuri opened the door, soaked in blood.

"When we asked her about what happened, she said the baby had fallen through onto the tracks," Kumar said.

Toilets on Indian trains usually have holes that open directly onto the tracks, and there were no indications that authorities doubted Bhuri's story or planned to investigate.

Kumar said that after finding Bhuri, relatives pulled the train's emergency brake and notified railway officials. A search was quickly organized, and guards at one of the stations the train had passed soon found the baby.

"She was on the rail track for almost 1 1/2 to two hours," said Dr. Gautam Jain, a pediatrician at Rajasthan Hospital in Ahmadabad, in the western state of Gujarat, where the baby and mother were taken.

The infant, who has not yet been named, was eight to 10 weeks premature and weighed only about 3 pounds 4 ounces, Jain said. She had a low heart rate and body temperature.

"We do not expect such children to survive," Jain said, adding that her survival was "God's mercy."
Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Saturday Morning Confusion #467

When the world's great scientific thinkers change their minds:

Don't ever think that it's just us mere mortals that get confused there bunky. No sir! Even some of the greatest intellects around get it wrong or just plain change their mind.

One hundred and sixty-five eminent thinkers, researchers, and communicators, at the annual request of the edge.org website, answered the following question: "What Have You Changed Your Mind About? Why?"

From particle physics to evolutionary theory, to the atomic bomb, to global warming, to the battle of the sexes, to the equality of human beings, to God and the paranormal, and to the dogmatism of scientists themselves, dozens of the big thinkers in the world explained online, at the start of 2008, what the most important things that they’ve change their minds about during their lives are.

The project takes place on the website www.edge.org, a kind of informal think tank, a forum for ideas and scientific debates (see adjoining article), which asks such questions annually online and later publishes the result in book form.

Many of the names here are well known to the interested public—the physicist Freeman Dyson, the "genome decoder" Craig Venter, the biologist Richard Dawkins (author of the controversial book The God Delusion), the Nobel laureate physicist Leon Lederman.

Other participants, such as actor Alan Alda or the musician Brian Eno, may be surprising departures, but are just as interesting.

And there are a number of science journalists, as well, including Steve Connor of the Independent, Roger Highfield of the Telegraph, and Philip Campbell, editor of Nature. The following are just 10 examples of the ideas that they are re-evaluating.

1. The atomic bomb won the war.

Freeman Dyson, renowned physicist and mathematician, Princeton's Institute of Advanced Study. - I changed my mind about an important historical question: did the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bring World War Two to an end? Until this year I used to say, perhaps. Now, because of new facts, I say no.

2. We have stopped evolving.

Steven Pinker, experimental psychologist, Harvard University. - Ten years ago I wrote, "Are we still evolving? Biologically, probably not much." The completion of the Human Genome Project was several years away. But new results have suggested that thousands of genes, perhaps as much as ten percent of the human genome, have been under strong recent selection, and the selection may even have accelerated during the past several thousand years. Currently, evolutionary psychology assumes that any adaptation to post-agricultural ways of life are 100% cultural. If these results hold up, and apply to psychologically relevant brain function, then that simplifying assumption might have to be reconsidered.

3. The paranormal exists.

Susan Blackmore, psychologist, consultant to the journal Skeptical Inquirer - When I was a student at Oxford in 1970, I became became fascinated with occultism, mediumship and the paranormal. I did the experiments. I tested telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance; I got only chance results. I trained fellow students in imagery techniques and tested them again; chance results. I tested twins in pairs; chance results. I worked in play groups and nursery schools with very young children (their naturally telepathic minds are not yet warped by education, you see); chance results. I trained as a Tarot reader and tested the readings; chance results. I was lying in the bath trying to fit my latest null results into paranormal theory, when it occurred to me for the very first time that I might have been completely wrong, and my tutors right. Perhaps there were no paranormal phenomena at all. I had hunted ghosts and poltergeists, trained as a witch, attended spiritualist churches, and stared into crystal balls. But all of that had to go. Once the decision was made it was actually quite easy.

4. We are all equal.

Simon Baron-Cohen, psychologist, Autism Research Center, Cambridge University. - When I was young I believed in equality as a guiding principle in life. My mind has been changed. I still believe in some aspects of the idea of equality, but I can no longer accept the whole package. Striving to give people equality of social opportunity is still a value system worth defending, but we have to accept that equality has no place in the realm of biology.

5. The obligation of a scientist is to do science.

Leon Lederman, Nobel Laureate in Physics (author of The God Particle)- I have always believed that the scientist’s most sacred obligation is to continue to do science. Now I know that I was dead wrong. I am driven to the ultimately wise advice of my Columbia mentor, I.I. Rabi, who, in our many corridor bull sessions, urged his students to run for public office and get elected. He insisted that to be an advisor (he was an advisor to Oppenheimer at Los Alamos, later to Eisenhower and to the AEC) was ultimately an exercise in futility and that the power belonged to those who are elected. Then, we thought the old man was bonkers. But today... A Congress which is overwhelmingly dominated by lawyers and MBAs makes no sense in this 21st century in which almost all issues have a science and technology aspect.

6. Men are at the top because they are smarter.

Helena Cronin, philosopher, London School of Economics - I used to think that these patterns of sex differences resulted mainly from average differences between men and women in innate talents, tastes and temperaments. After all, in talents men are on average more mathematical, more technically minded, women more verbal; in tastes, men are more interested in things, women in people; in temperaments, men are more competitive, risk-taking, single-minded, status-conscious, women far less so. But I have now changed my mind. It is not a matter of averages, but of extremes. Females are much of a muchness, clustering round the mean. But, among males, the variance—the difference between the most and the least, the best and the worst—can be vast. So males are almost bound to be over-represented both at the bottom and at the top. I think of this as 'more dumbbells but more Nobels'.

7. It is possible to unify the forces of physics.

Marcelo Gleiser, Brazilian physicist and astronomer, Dartmouth College - I was always fascinated by the idea of unification of the forces of nature. I wrote dozens of papers related to the subject of unification, even my Ph.D. dissertation was on the topic. I was fascinated by the modern approaches to the idea, supersymmetry, superstrings, a space with extra, hidden dimensions. A part of me still is. But then, a few years ago, I started to doubt unification, finding it to be the scientific equivalent of a monotheistic formulation of reality, a search for God revealed in equations. Of course, had we the slightest experimental evidence in favor of unification, of supersymmetry and superstrings, I'd be the first popping the champagne open. But it's been over twenty years, and all attempts so far have failed.

8. Global warming is not an urgent problem.

Craig Venter, human genome decoder, J. Craig Venter Institute. - Like many or perhaps most I wanted to believe that our oceans and atmosphere were basically unlimited sinks with an endless capacity to absorb the waste products of human existence. I wanted to believe that solving the carbon fuel problem was for future generations and that the big concern was the limited supply of oil not the rate of adding carbon to the atmosphere. The data is irrefutable. We are conducting a dangerous experiment with our planet. One we need to stop. Now.

9. Humans emerged because they began to eat meat.

Richard Wrangham, British anthropologist, student of Jane Goodall, Harvard University - I used to think that human origins were explained by meat-eating. But I now think that cooking was the major advance that made us human. Cooked food allows our guts, teeth and mouths to be small, while giving us abundant food energy and freeing our time. Cooked food, of course, requires the control of fire; and a fire at night explains how Homo erectus dared sleep on the ground. So, in a roast potato and a hunk of beef we have a new theory of what made us human.

10. Races do not exist.

Mark Pagel, evolutionary biologist, Reading University - There is an overbearing censorship to the way we are allowed to think and talk about the diversity of people on Earth. Officially we are all the same: there are no races. Flawed as the old ideas about race are, modern genomic studies reveal a surprising, compelling and different picture of human genetic diversity. What this all means is that, like it or not, there may be many genetic differences among human populations—including differences that may even correspond to old categories of 'race'—that are real differences in the sense of making one group better than another at responding to some particular environmental problem. This in no way says one group is in general 'superior' to another, or that one group should be preferred over another. But it warns us that we must be prepared to discuss genetic differences among human populations.

See, you and I aren't the only ones who are still searching for answers!

Your Humble author;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


The Church of Allan - The Plain Truth About God.

A serialization of the book, The Plain Truth About God (Chapter 5 - Timelines)

Chapter 5 – TIMELINE
You cannot tell who, or where you are, unless you know how you got there!

While Europe was caught up in the conflict between Pope and Emperor, a storm was brewing in Asia. Genghis Khan united the Mongols in a military confederation and achieved such a series of conquests that has no parallel in history.
1220 A.D. - The earlier Mongols conquests drove a tribe of Turks out of Turkistan into Asia Minor. There they established the Ottoman Empire, which advanced until it controlled the entire eastern Mediterranean.
Heavy custom tolls levied by the Ottomans, who controlled the Black Sea trade, stimulated the European search for alternative routes to the Orient.
1225-1274 A.D. - Life of theologian Thomas Aquinas, who codified Catholic theology, marking the high point of the medieval scholastic movement.
1228 A.D. - Sixth Crusade launched. - The (Papal) Inquisition prohibited the reading of the bible by laypersons.
1233 A.D. - After proclaiming the Excommunicqamus two years before, Pope Gregory 1X established the HOLY INQUISITION to abolish heresy wherever it could be found. This provided the church with literally hundreds of years of entertainment.
1252 A.D. - The papacy approves the use of torture for religious disobedience.
1258 A.D. Pope Alexander 1V issues decree Ut Negotium, which allowed inquisitors to absolve one another of any “irregularities” while at work! …………“It’s a rough job but somebody has to do it!”
1270 A.D. - The crusades come to an end. - Marco Polo begins his journey to China to see Kublai Khan. (Grandson of Genghis Khan)
1273 A.D. - Rudolph 1 becomes first House of Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor after extinction of the House of Lenzberg.
1302 A.D. - Pope Boniface VIII issued the papal bull Unum Sanctum, declaring that the pope had supreme and final authority in all matters, both civic and spiritual.
1327 A.D. - German Dominican Master Eckhart defined the individual soul as a “spark” of the Divine at its most basic element.
1336 A.D. 100 Years War – Here’s a good lesson in history why wars and most human endeavors are so foolish. English nobility began to imitate French aristocrats in the thirteenth and fourteen centuries and changed from being beer drinkers to wine connoisseurs.
There was only one problem, and that was ---- all the vineyards were in France!
To gain access to the grapes, England fostered civil war in the area of Flanders in the hope a gaining control of them for wine production. This brought England and France into direct conflict and resulted in a war that was actually on and off for 229 years. (1336-1565)
C-1350 A.D. - “Black Death” Bubonic plague sweeps across Europe.
1350 A.D. - Renaissance begins in Italy.
1368 A.D. - Ming Dynasty established in China by a monk who led a 13-year long rebellion against corrupt and ineffectual Mongol rulers.
1378A.D. - The “Great Schism” when the election of Pope Urban V1 was challenged by French Cardinals who elected Clement V11 instead.
Rome and France had rival Popes for 40 years.
1429-1430 A.D. - Joan OF Arc. Led French rebellion during 100 Years War and drove out most of the English troops
1438 A.D. - Johan Gutenberg invents the printing press and movable type. Created the Gutenberg bible and was responsible for the Reformation to be so wide spread instead of a local insurrection. He made it possible for Martin Luther’s 95 Theses to be mass printed for distribution across most of central Europe.
1439 A.D. Albert 11 - House of Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor. From here on in, Hapsburg, Holy Roman Emperor, and German King were all the same.
This zenith of the Hapsburg rule was achieved through many wide and varied marriages, as we will see in the list of Hapsburgs that stretches from the tenth to the twentieth centuries.
Their overriding motto seemed to be; “Let others wage war, we get married!”
Habsburg (in English sometimes written "Hapsburg") and the successor family, Habsburg-Lorraine, were important ruling houses of Europe and are best known as the ruling Houses of Austria (and the Austrian Empire) for over six centuries.
Their principal roles were as:
• Kings of Germany (several centuries to 1806), mostly also as
• Holy Roman Emperors, and
• Rulers of Austria (as Dukes 1282–1453, Archdukes 1453–1804, and
• Emperors of Austria 1804–1918),
• Kings of Bohemia (1306, 1437–1457 1526–1918),
• Kings of Hungary (1437–1439, 1445–1457, 1526–1918),
• Kings of Croatia (1437–1439, 1445–1457, 1527–1918),
• Kings of Spain (1516–1700),
• Kings of Portugal (1580–1640),
• Kings of Galizia and Lodomeria (1772–1918), and
• Grand Princes of Transylvania (1690–1867).
• Grand Dukes of Tuscany (1737–1801; 1814-1860).
• Archdukes of Austria-Este {1771}. (One of Hapsburg’s Castles!)
Other crowns held briefly by the House:
• King-consort of England (1554-1558)
• Dukes of Parma (1814–1847)
• Dukes of Modena (1814–1859)
• Emperor of Mexico (1864–1867)

The family first started to gain prominence around 950 c.e. and continues to this day. Although known primarily for their role in the Austria-Hungarian Empire, they had a major influence in every country in Europe for the last thousand years!
One of the greatest influences the family had on history was in 1914 when Archduke Ferdinand of Austria (A Hapsburg) was assasinated by a Serbian nationalist. This led to the start of WW 1 and the eventual dissolution of the Hapsburg Dynasty and most of the royal Houses of Europe.
(Many of the legal ramifications of the dissolution of the Hapsburg Empire are still before the courts of Europe to this day! A further history of the Hapsburgs is presented in the index pages)
1478 - Spanish Inquisition - Ferdinand and Isabella end Muslim rule in Spain.
1483 A.D. - Martin Luther born. (The Reformation)
1492 A.D. - Ferdinand and Isabella send Christopher on a mission - Columbus sails the ocean blue. (Five hundred years after the Vikings!)
1496 A.D. - Spanish Crown marries into Austrian House of Hapsburg
1502 A.D. - Reign of Aztec Ruler Montezuma.
- Persian Shah executes any Sunnis who refuse to accept Shiite version of Islam.
(Not that you think that it was just the Christians that got carried away.)
1505 A..D. - John Knox, Protestant reformer, born in Scotland.
1509 A.D. - Birth of John Calvin. (Started Calvinism, which preached predetermination and good conduct.)
1514 A.D. - “Albrecht” Archbishop of Mainz - sold indulgences in return for contributions to building the new St. Peters Basilica in Rome.
1516 A.D. -House of Hapsburg Charles V now King over Germany, Netherlands, and Spain.
1517 A.D. - October 31, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on indulgences to a church door in Wittenberg. He protested the selling of indulgences and other corrupt church practices.
Some people got a hold of this piece of paper and printed thousands of copies. (Thanks to the recently discovered printing press!) They were then distributed across most of Europe to start the Protestant Reformation.
- Luther had intended this to be a local protest and had no idea it would spread the way it did due to mass dissatisfaction with the church.
1520 A.D. - Papal bull “Exsurge Domine” gave Martin Luther 60 days to recant or be excommunicated. Luther burns the papal bull. - The next year he was condemned as a heretic and outlaw at the “Diet of Worms.”
- Charles V divides Hapsburg Empire between Austria and Spain.
1525 A.D. - Northern Italy re-taken from France by House of Hapsburg.
- Hungarian and Bohemian crowns unite with Austrian Hapsburgs.
1530 A.D. - Luther publishes his Large Catechism and Small Catechism.
- A south German peasant uprising, inspired by Luther’s reform work began 150 years of religious wars. - Jesuit order is founded. -The term “Protestant” was first used at the Diet of Speyer.
1532 A.D. - In Denmark a royal decree made Lutheranism the sole religion. Martin Luther, as an outlaw, could not attend the Diet of Augsburg. He was held in an attempt to end religious division of the Holy Roman Empire.
Phillip Melanchthon, Luther’s co-worker, presented the “Augsburg Confession,” a statement of Lutheran beliefs. - Starts the Lutheran Church.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Friday, February 29, 2008

NAFTA Rhetoric vs Reality

We have all heard that old joke; "How do you tell if a politician is lying?" To which, of course, the answer is; "If his/her lips are moving!"

Banana Rama and Hillary Clitoris are both on a wild rampage in the northern States about how they are going to rip up the North American Free Trade Deal.

(Never mind that it was her husband who helped implement it to begin with!)

The bottom line in the whole thing is that both politicians are making hay by claiming that NAFTA has cost jobs in the US and they are absolutely right.

What they fail to tell anyone is that for each job lost, about two were gained in other sectors of the economy! But, that wouldn't make good politics now, would it?

Both Banana and Clitoris want to rip up the deal and re-negotiate it so that it's all in the U.S.'s favor, but as we all know, in the real world things don't work that way. Just in politics.

Canada still has to be careful, because as we all know from the U.S. - Canada softwood lumber deal, the States has no compunctions about ignoring a treaty if they have enough pressure from lobby groups, but all in all, NAFTA seems fairly safe for the following reasons.

Free Trade has been hugely beneficial to U.S. works too. For 36 of 50 U.S. States Canada is the leading export market.

This includes Michigan, Ohio and New York! The only big one's that do more business elsewhere are California and Texas. And don't get me started on how there seems to be more Canadians than Americans in Florida.

In 2006, the last year for which data is available, Ohio alone exported $18 Billion worth of goods to Canada and bought $4.2 billion worth of Canadian crude oil.

As a matter of fact, Canada provides about 18 percent of the United States foreign oil supply while Saudi Arabia only supplies about 15%.

We also supply just about ALL of America's natural gas supplies without which the lights would already be out in California!!!

Just between energy and auto's alone, trade between the two nations is so vital that no one would dare jeopardise it to any great degree. Even the idiot who suggested putting up a fence between Canada and the U.S. like down Mexico way.

The only thing we have to worry about in Canada is that someone doesn't get the bright idea of just annexing Canada and then all the oil and water is free!

Of course this would only happen with a Democratic administration because Canada is mostly "small l" Liberal and the Republicans sure as hell wouldn't want another 33 million Democrats to contend with.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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The Church of Allan - The Plain Truth About God.

A serialization of the book, The Plain Truth About God (Chapter 5 - Timelines)

Chapter 5 – TIMELINE
You cannot tell who, or where you are, unless you know how you got there!

570 A.D. - Muhammad born in Mecca.
610A.D. - According to Muslim belief, at the age of 40, Muhammad is visited by the angel Gabriel while on retreat in a cave near Mecca.
The angel recites to him the first revelations of the Koran and informs him that he is God’s prophet.
Later, Muhammad is told to call his people to the worship of the “One God,” but they react with hostility and begin to persecute him and his followers.
622 A.D. - After enduring persecution in Mecca, Muhammad and his followers migrate to the nearby town of Yathrib (later to be known as Medina), the people there accepted Islam. This marks the “hijrah” or “emigration,” and the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
In Medina, Muhammad establishes an Islamic state based on the laws revealed in the Koran and the inspired guidance coming to him from God. Eventually he begins to invite other tribes and nations to Islam.
- Muhammad begins either dictating or writing the Holy Koran. (There is a lot of debate as to whether he could read and write, although the popular consensus is that he was a trader and therefore probably literate!)
]630 A.D. - Muhammad returns to Mecca with a large number of his followers. He enters the city peacefully, and eventually all its citizens accept Islam. The prophet clears the idols and images out of the Kaaba and rededicates it to the worship of God alone.
633 A.D. - Muhammad dies after a prolonged illness. The Muslim community elects his father-in-law and close associate, Abu Bakr, as caliph, - This leads to the schism between the Sunni and Shiite sects.
635-638 A.D... - Muslims begin conquest of Persia and Syria. - Muslims enter the area north of Arabia, known as “Sham,” including Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq.
641 A.D. - Muslims enter Egypt and rout the Byzantine army. Muslims consider their conquest as the liberation of subjugated people, since in most instances they were under oppressive rule. - Islam begins to spread throughout North Africa.
661 A.D. - Imam Ali is killed, bringing to an end the rule of the four “righteous caliphs:” Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. This also marks the beginning of the Umayyad rule and the dispute between Shiite and Sunni Sects.
695 A.D. - Spain begins persecution of Jews in mistaken belief that they, and not the Romans, were responsible for the death of “Christ.”
711 A.D... - Muslims (Moors) enter Spain in the west and India in the east. Eventually almost the entire Iberian Peninsula is under Islamic control.
712 A.D. - Less than one hundred years after the founding of Islam, Christian and Muslim armies are already at war when Pelayo, a Visigoth King, defeats the Muslim Army in Covadonga, thus beginning the Christian Re-conquest of Spain.
732 A.D. - Muslim forces defeated at Tours by the Christian Armies under the command of Charles Martel.
750 A.D. - First great British epic poem, Beowulf, written in Old English. It exemplifies early medieval society and shows roots in Old Testament Law!
768-814A.D. - Charlemagne is crowned emperor by Pope Leo 111 at St. Peters Basilica in Rome. This Coronation marks the beginning of a new relationship between the church and state, with the emperor’s temporal authority depending upon the blessing of the pope.
871 A.D. -Alfred the Great of England constructs a system of government and education that allows for the unification of smaller Anglo-Saxon states in the ninth and tenth centuries. This was the start of the codification of English law, public interest in local government, and the reorganization of the army. He founds schools, promotes literacy, and a national culture.
900-1000 A.D. - House of Hapsburg starts accumulation of land and power with Otto 1st. -Forget about the British Royal Family or any of the other monarchies; this is who really pulled most of the strings in Europe for over a THOUSAND years!
-Vikings settle Iceland; establish Althing, the oldest body of representative government in Europe.
962 A.D.-Leif Ericsson explores North American coast. Calls it “Vineland!”
- Mayans immigrate to Yucatan Peninsula. - Otto 1 expands German Empire to Poland and Austria. Under Otto 1, the Holy Roman Empire (German) [House of Hapsburg] is officially revived making Catholicism the prevalent and dominant religion throughout Europe. - Europe immediately descends into the dark ages. (Coincidence?) - Exact start of Dark Ages unknown - too dark!
980 A.D. - As Europe descends into the ‘Dark Ages’ menaced by Vikings and Magyars alike, the Byzantine Empire struggles endlessly with Persia where the Arabs suddenly flare out in splendor under the banner of Islam.
1050-1200 A.D. - First agricultural revolution of Medieval Europe begins in 1050 A.D. with a shift to the northern lands for cultivation, along with a period of improved climate from 700 to 1200 A.D. in Western Europe.
This was combined with the widespread use and perfection of new farming techniques including the use of the heavy plow, the three field system of crop rotation, the use of mills for processing cloth, crushing pulp for paper manufacture, and the widespread use of iron and horses, and last, but not least, the brewing of beer!
With an increase in agricultural advancements, western towns and trade grow exponentially to the point where Western Europe runs on a money economy, in no small part started by the House of Hapsburg.
1054 A.D. - Schism between the Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches finalizes a long standing split between them when Pope Leo 1X and Patriarch Cerlarius excommunicate each other!
1066 A.D. - William the Conqueror invades England and claims the throne at the Battle of Hastings. England is, for the next few centuries, heavily influenced by French language and culture to the point where French becomes the language of the political realm. - William goes on to establish the feudal system.
1073 A.D. - Pope Gregory V11 begins widespread reforms of church practice, liturgies, and administration. - One of his first acts is to excommunicate all married priests.
1085 -1099 A.D. - At the Council of Claremont, Pope Urban 11 called the First Crusade (out of a total of eight) against Muslims in the Holy Lands. This crusade was carried out in an effort to aid Byzantine Christians against Muslim invaders. They sacked Jerusalem and killed 40,000 people!
1120 A.D. - Founding of the “Knights Templar” in Jerusalem.
1122 A.D. - Diet of Worms finally ends the long-standing investiture fight with a compromise, which retains church authority over Europe. -Death of Omar Khayyam, Persian poet.
1147-1149 A.D. - Second Crusade.
1184 A.D. - Spanish Theologian Dominic founded the Dominican Order of Monks. The group was authorized by Pope Innocent 111 the convert Muslims and Jews and put an end to Heresy. (This Medieval Inquisition was actually a practice run for three later Inquisitions)
1189-1192 A.D. - Third Crusade, lead by Frederick of Germany, Philip of France and Richard the Lion Heart of England. (The time of Robin Hood!)
1198-1216 A.D. - Power of the medieval papacy reaches its height with the reign of Innocent 111 who manages to excommunicate both Holy Roman emperor Otto1V and King John of England at the same time in 1209
1202 A.D. - Fourth crusade launched. – El Cid.
1204 A.D. - St. Francis of Assisi launched a monastic revolution in the Latin Church. Started the “Franciscans” in 1210 C.E.
1206 A.D. - Venetians convince soldiers to attack Constantinople before moving to the holy land. The residents of the city suffer the worst devastation on the city’s history. As a result, Latin domination of the Eastern Church began!
1208 A.D. - “Now we find a new game to play.” First witchcraft trial in England took place. Gideon, alleged to be a sorcerer, was acquitted!
1215 A.D. - Pope Innocent III organized the Fourth Lateran Council in Rome in order to discuss and define central dogmas of Christianity. It was one of the most important councils ever held, and its canons sum up Innocent’s ideas for the church. It recognizes the necessity of the Eucharist and penance as sacraments for salvation.
1215 A.D. - Magna Carta was signed by King John when English Barons forced him to agree to a statement of their rights. - The Children’s Crusade was launched. More than 50,000 children sold into slavery. (Pied Piper legend.)
While Europe was caught up in the conflict between Pope and Emperor, a storm was brewing in Asia. Genghis Khan united the Mongols in a military confederation and achieved such a series of conquests that has no parallel in history.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site http://www.god-101.com/

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Another in the riveting series about how and why things work the way they do!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Seven Dwarves in Menopause!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


This Ain't no Sesame Street!

Know how to get good robots for your religion or cult?

Best way is to get em' young bunky!

Yep, the younger the better because then they don't know any better.

I don't know about Europe but here in North America we grew up with characters like (Canadian) Mr. Dress-up and the Friendly Giant (Jolly Green Giants cousin!) plus all the staples like Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, Barney and Friends, Disney, Thomas the Tan Engine, Little Rascals, Teletubbies, Mickey Mouse Club, Fraggle Rock and on and on right back to the early fifties.

Now just to show you the difference in cultures, here is an actual script from a Middle East children's TV show.................. Brace yourself!!!!

In the February 22, 2008 episode of the Hamas children's show "The Pioneers of Tomorrow," on Al-Aqsa TV, program host Saraa Barhoum and bunny character Assud urge viewers to boycott Danish products and to avenge the insult of the Muhammad cartoons reprinted by Danish newspapers. They also express their hope that "all the borders will be opened" between Arab countries, and discuss their own "martyrdom."

Amani: "Our brothers, the Americans, have affronted the Prophet Muhammad..."

Assud: "They are not our brothers, they are criminals."

Amani: "What?"

Assud: "They are infidels, not our brothers."

Amani: "They are enemies of Allah, and they have affronted the Prophet Muhammad."

Saraa: "And how did these Danes have the audacity to affront the Messenger of Allah? Do you have an answer to that, Assud?"

Assud: "No, I don't. Maybe because the Arabs and Muslims keep silent, [the Danes] humiliated them and did these things to them."

"Allah Willing, the Soldiers of 'The Pioneers of Tomorrow' Will Redeem the Prophet Muhammad with All That They Possess - Even with Their Blood"..."We Will Kill Them"

Saraa: "That's one reason, but there is an even more important reason, Assud."

Assud: "I have no idea."

Saraa: "It's because the West has seen that we've moved away from the religion of Allah, and from the Sunna of our Prophet Muhammad. They have also seen that we have forsaken the religion of Allah, and therefore, they could affront the Prophet, because... We have done nothing to redeem the Prophet Muhammad.

But I say to them: You haven't seen anything yet. Allah willing, the soldiers of the 'Pioneers of Tomorrow' will redeem the Prophet Muhammad with all that they possess, and even with their blood, Assud.

They will not allow them to do this again."

Assud: "If they do it again, Saraa, we will kill them, right?"

Saraa: "Allah willing."

Assud: "I will bite them and eat them up."

Saraa: "Yes.

"Assud, we are not terrorists. All we want is to get our beloved homeland, Palestine, back. We want all of Palestine to be ours. We are not terrorists..."

Assud: "Because it was ours to begin with, right?"

Saraa: "Right. They say we are terrorists merely because we want this, but of course, we're not terrorists..."

Assud: "They are the terrorists."

"I Want Us to Take Jaffa, Acre, Haifa, and All of Palestine, Allah Willing, and Then We'll Go to Iraq... All The Borders Will Be Opened"

Saraa: "Yes, Assud. Allah willing, we will regain the cities under Zionist occupation, such as Jaffa, Haifa, Acre, Ashdod, the village of Hoj, and all the Palestinian cities."

Assud: "Saraa, do you know what I'm hoping for? I want us to take Jaffe, Acre, Haifa, and all of Palestine, Allah willing, and then we'll go to Iraq. All the borders will be opened. Between Egypt and us, there will be no barriers, and the same goes for Jordan and Saudi Arabia. We'll come and go by car. I hope this comes true. Do you think this will come true?"

Saraa: "Allah willing, this will come true soon."

"When I Am Martyred, a Tiger Will Take My Place"

Assud: "Allah willing, when I am martyred, a tiger will take my place... Allah willing, I will be the one to fix things, and there won't be any tiger. The "Pioneers of Tomorrow" and I will make this dream come true. [...]

"Allah Willing, There Are Thousands of Soldiers of the 'Pioneers of Tomorrow'"

"Who will host this show if you are martyred? Will 100,000 Saraas take your place?"

Saraa: "Allah willing, Assud."

Assud: "We'll take them from among the 'Pioneers of Tomorrow,' Allah willing."

Saraa: "Allah willing, there are thousands of soldiers of the 'Pioneers of Tomorrow.'"

Assud: "Martyrdom for the sake of Allah is what we hope for, right?"

Saraa: "Right, Assud."

Saraa: "What do you have to say to the cartoonist who started all this, and affronted the Prophet by drawing him?"

Assud: "He's a criminal..."

Saraa: "Yes, a criminal."

Tasnim, by phone: "I say to him, and to all of them, that no matter how much they try to hide him, we will manage to kill him, to assassinate him."

Assud: "Allah willing."

Saraa: "I pray that Allah makes the earth swallow him up, so that he serves as a lesson to others like him, Tasnim.

"Assud, it appears that our show is coming to an end. What do you have to say to this criminal, the cartoonist who affronted the Prophet by drawing him?"

Assud: "I say to him what you already said: You criminal, you lowlife, you scum of the earth - right, Saraa? Allah willing, the day will come when you will regret what you did."
I don't know about you, but personally I find something in here that not only does not praise Allah, but is in reality very EVIL!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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The Church of Allan - The Plain Truth About God.

A serialization of the book, The Plain Truth About God (Chapter 5 - Timelines)

Chapter 5 – TIMELINE
You cannot tell who, or where you are, unless you know how you got there!

** Life of Jesus of Nazareth
Just for old times sake we are going to use A.D. instead of the current C.E.
(Common Era)

36-65 A.D. - Oral period of Christianity between Jesus and Gospel of Mark. - Only about 120 initial believers, then quickly to 3000 and 5000. - Paul converts to “Apostle of the Gentiles” - Main activity of Christianity shifts from “Jewish-Christians” of Judea and Galilee to “Gentile - Christians” led by Paul and his Patroness Phoebe. - The stoning death of St. Stephen, who became the first Christian martyr.
31-37 A.D. - Saul of Tarsus, formerly a rabbi and enemy of early Christianity, converts and becomes St. Paul.
37-41 A.D. - Caligula rules Rome. - Early Gnostics.
58 A.D. - Ming-Ti, Chinese Emperor, introduces Buddhism to China.
60 A.D. - Paul was imprisoned in Rome for sedition, and martyred for treason in…
62 A.D... It was also during this time that nearly everyone connected with Jesus was executed by Rome. (In one way or another) - A hard way to start a faith!
62 A.D. - James, brother of Jesus, and some others, were brought before a group of judges and accused of transgressing the law. They were then stoned to death. - “Q” documents circulated and Dead Sea Scrolls hidden in various caves. - Gospel of Thomas, based on Q?
64 A.D. - Great fire of Rome. Nero fiddled and then accused the Christians of setting the fire. He suppressed them for a while, but like the fire, they were too far advanced to be put out.
66-73 A.D. - Roman-Jewish war, final destruction of Herod’s Temple.
70 A.D. - Gospel of Mark, ends at Mk 16:8; (New ending added in c400 CE.) - Signs Gospel, hypothetical Greek text later used in Gospel of John to prove Jesus is Messiah. - Center of Christianity shifts from Jerusalem to Antioch, Alexandria and Rome.
73 A.D. - Massada, stronghold of Jewish zealots’ falls to Roman assault.
79 A.D. - August 24th, Mount Vesuvius destroys Pompeii.
79-91 A.D. - Pope Anacletus. (Titus the Blameless?)
80- 90 A.D. - Gospel of Mathew, second Gospel and most popular of the early church, comprised of Mark and Q. - Gospel of Luke / Acts, based on Mark and Q.
91-101 A.D. - Pope Clement 1 - In two or three instances, he speaks of remembering “the words” of Christ, so it seems he had a written record in mind, but does not call it “gospel.” He knows several of Paul’s epistles, and values them highly for their content; the same can be said of the Epistle of the Hebrews, with which he is well acquainted.
Although these writings obviously possess for Clement 1 considerable significance, he never refers to them as authoritative “Scripture.” What he does is write a letter arguing that church leaders possess a Divine authority inherited from Christ and his Apostles. So here, less than a hundred years after Jesus, we already have the Church trying to supplant God!
91-150 A.D. - Secret Book of James. - Gospel of Mary Magdalene, - Early Gospels of Thomas and James. - Secret gospel of Mark.
105 A.D. - Ts’ai Lun of China invents paper.
110 A.D. - Ignatius, 3rd Bishop of Antioch, martyred in Rome, letters subjected to heavy Christian forgery.
100-125 A.D. - Justin Martyr, first apologist to offer a defense of Christianity. - Gospel of John composed!
c150 A.D. - “Western Reviser” Probably one of St. Paul’s companions, transcribed Luke’s book (Acts) after the authors death and inserted details of which had personal knowledge. He made other alterations in accordance with his own taste, on which he regarded himself as having authority equal to that of Luke!
c160 A.D. -Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth, complained Christians were changing and faking his own letters just as they had changed the Gospels.
-School of Alexandria founded in Egypt. Becomes a major centre for both Christian theology and Greek philosophy.
c190 A.D. - Pope Victor 1: First Latin Pope. Called council in 190 to determine “official” new date of Easter but failed. - Excommunicated Eastern Churches that continued to observe Easter on old Biblical time. - New Testament cannon are fixed in currently known form.
235-284 A.D. - Germans, Goths, and Persians attack Rome. Ruin Athens, Sparta and Corinth. - While Rome and China slowly disintegrated under Barbarian invasions, India, secured from Nomadic attacks behind a revived Persian civilization, enters classical age under the Gupta kings.
286 A.D. - Emperor Diocletian divides Roman Empire in two, forming Modern Greece. (The Byzantine Empire) - Christians banned from Roman army. - Constantine defeats Maxentius to become the absolute ruler of Rome. - Converts to Christianity after a vision of a cross in the sky and the words: “In Hoc Signo Vinces” {“With this sign, (the cross) you shall conquer.”}
315 A.D. - Roman Empire split into Eastern (Byzantine) and West (Rome)
325 A.D. - First Ecumenical Council of Nicea convened by Emperor Constantine; establishes Nicene Creed as the fundamental statement of Christian doctrine.
Constantine offered to make the sect the official state religion if they would settle their differences.
By compiling a book of sacred writings that they could all agree on Constantine thought this would give authority to the new church.
Composed of about 300 religious leaders, this council was given the task of separating the divinely inspired writings from those of questionable origin.
The actual compilation of the Bible was an incredibly complicated project since it came three hundred years after the death of Jesus and involved churchmen of varying beliefs, in an atmosphere of dissension, jealousy, intolerance, and bigotry.
To add to the dissention, they were split into two groups that questioned the divinity of Jesus.
The purpose was to settle the dispute over the teachings of Arius, that Christ was not equal in divinity to God.
The council (in their wisdom) declared that Jesus WAS equal in divinity to God by a majority vote and declares Arianism a heresy.
(Dateline-Middle East Times - “Jesus declared equal by majority vote!” “Jesus relieved, would like to thank all his supporters.)”(Byzantine Empress Irene convened the second council of 787 CE the 7th ecumenical council. - It was called to refute “iconoclasm” and the council declared that images ought to be venerated - but not worshiped, and ordered them restored in the churches. It is the last council accepted by both the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Eastern Church as ecumenical.)
380 A.D. - Christianity becomes the official religion of the Roman Empire under the reign of Theodosius 1.
381 A.D. - First Council of Constantinople decides that the “Holy Spirit” has the same divinity as “The Son.” (Decided by the Council of Nicea 56 years earlier)
(GOD at first objected strenuously to having to share Divinity three ways, but eventually consented to a “Trinity!” ;-)
C.400 A.D. - Great library at Alexandria burned by Christian Zealots, destroying 750,000 works including most of the world’s historical pagan literature on religion!
405 A.D. - St. Jerome completes the Vulgate - a Latin translation of both the Old and New Testaments. This remains the Latin Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.
433-453 A.D. - Attila the Hun, known-world tour!
476 A.D. - The Western Roman Empire falls to barbarian armies, leaving the church as the primary authority in the West. - In the East, the Byzantine Empire, based in Constantinople, continues for the next 977 years.
500 A.D.-600 A.D. - The Talmud, a compilation of Jewish oral laws and traditions is put in its final form in Babylonia. - It consists of two parts: an oral law (Mishna) in Hebrew, and commentaries (Gemara) in Aramaic.
520-550 A.D. - Zen Buddhism evolves in China.
570 A.D. - Muhammad born in Mecca.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site http://www.god-101.com/

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Another in the riveting series about how and why things work the way they do!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Assorted Images.

Moon strays off course and sinks into Pacific ocean. Salvage operations commence.
YES SIR!!!! -->

There is a small white dot under the plane by the fence. That's some guy ducking!

The Iceberg that sank the Titanic
Teenagers eh!
Spiderman has an epileptic fit!
How to bug a cat!

And finally!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site http://www.god-101.com/

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


The Church of Allan - The Plain Truth About God.

A serialization of the book, The Plain Truth About God (Chapter 5 - Timelines)

Chapter 5 – TIMELINE
You cannot tell who, or where you are, unless you know how you got there!

1180 B.C.E. - Troy sacked again, this time they get it right! - Camel domesticated.
1150? B.C.E. - Start of Greek dark ages. - Phoenician Alphabet.
1122 B.C.E. - Chou dynasty of China. - Chauvin Culture of Central America.
1006 B.C.E. - Saul, first King of Israel.
1004 B.C. - David, King of United Israel. Between 1000 and 600 B.C. ** - The beginning of the second millennium coincides with the emergence of new styles of civilizations as the result of the interaction between nomadic invaders from the north and the ancient agricultural people further south. - A distinctive European style of civilization emerged in Greece. - In the Middle East, three civilized empires (Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt) struggled for supremacy.
1000 B.C.E. - Classical period of Hebrew literature.
950 B.C.E. – Bible - Composition of “Yahwistic” (J) document, one of the four major sources believed to have been the basis of the Pentateuch, (Books of Moses): Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. - Queen of Sheba
945 B.C.E. (?) - Solomon, King of Israel. After Solomon’s death, the 10 northernmost Hebrew tribes revolted and broke away from the southern tribes. These 10 tribes created a separate kingdom with its centre at Samaria and used the name Israel.
In the southern kingdom, the line of David continued and they took the name Judah.
870 B.C.E. - King of Israel married Jezebel, lived unhappily ever after.
741 B.C.E. - Modern calendar perfected in China.
753 B.C.E. - Rome founded. (Romulus and Remus?)
750 B.C.E. - Beginning of Astrology by Nabu-Nasir, Babylonian King. (Naturally, he was a Capricorn! **If you believe astrology works, that’s fine. You’re not bright enough to make your own decisions anyway. - Scott Adams )
750 B.C.E. - Assyria becomes a world power, while Egypt declines. The Greek people, inspired by the Homeric epics, form a common culture around their cultural centers of Olympia and Delphi. The Phoenicians and the Greeks begin to set up trading colonies around the Mediterranean.
750? B.C.E. -This is the other date for the Historical Zarathustra, (1800 B.C.E.?) founder of Zoroastrianism. He finally had his teachings gain wide acceptance, and then written down in a comprehensive manuscript of which only 70% survives! He had the single greatest effect on Judaism, and then by default Christianity and Islam.
In Israel, the Prophets reshape the religion of Yahweh, elevating him to a universal God, keeping in line with Persia where a world religion emerges under the influence of Zoroaster’s followers. -Babylon sacked.
700? B.C.E. - Bible-First Isaiah written. - Height of Assyrian Empire,
700 B.C.E. - 476 C.E. - The rise and fall of the western half of the Roman Empire, until the fall of Rome to the Ostrogoths in 476 C.E...
621 B.C.E. - Bible-Deuteronomy and Book of Kings written in Babylon. - Draco of Athens wrote “Draconian Laws.” Death for most offenses.
600? B.C.E. - First circumnavigation of Africa by Phoenicians, took 3 years!
600 B.C.E. - Nebuchadnezzar, best remembered for his relationship with the Jews and as the builder of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Jewish Kingdom of JUDAH was positioned between two great powers - Egypt and Babylonia. It was unable to remain independent or neutral. If it joined one side, it would be attacked by the other. In 597 and again in 586 when the kingdom was under Egyptian domination, Jerusalem was besieged and captured by Nebuchadnezzar.
The second time he destroyed the city and carried off the Jews into their BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY. In Babylonia, but most conspicuously in Babylon itself, Nebuchadnezzar engaged in numerous building projects. Babylon was fortified, many temples were constructed, and a great step-pyramid, or ZIGGURAT the so-called Hanging Gardens, was erected. The last was later numbered among the SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD.
600 B.C.E. - Mayan civilization in Mexico. - Aesop’s fables. -Sappho of Lesbos. Greek poetess, first feminine love cult.
600?B.C.E. - Indian priest come to believe that repeating a prayer makes it more powerful so they begin using knotted strings as rosaries in order to keep track of the number of times a prayer is said. Monks of the Eastern Christian Church adopt this practice in the third century C.E.
575? B.C.E. - The Exile - Bible, Genesis, and Numbers written in Babylon.
559 B.C.E. - Cyrus the Great founded the Persian Empire when he defeated the Median kingdom in Iran and King Croesus of Lydia. He conquered Mesopotamia and the rest of the Middle East.’ Cyrus’ biggest conquest was Babylonia, a wildly rich and powerful kingdom in the Fertile Crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
Babylonian king Nabu-Naid was unpopular with many segments of his population. He had alienated the high priests, captured, and enslaved ten of thousands of Jews and generally behaved as the despot he was! So, Cyrus took Babylon, the greatest city of the ancient world, in 539 B.C. He did so to the cheers of its citizens, who welcomed him as ruler because of the word of his just treatment.
He lived up to that reputation, freeing more than 40,000 enslaved Jews and allowing them to return to Palestine. This assured the continuation of the Jewish people.
He is mentioned 22 times in the Bible for these and similar deeds and was considered a liberator rather than a conqueror. He was also the role model for Alexander the Great!
539-330 B.C.E. Achaemendid Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great and his successors, then Greek Classical Age! Until c. 250 B.C.E.
529 B.C.E. - Under King Cyrus’s son, Darius I the Persian Empire became the greatest empire the world had ever seen. The empire ended in 334 B.C.E. when Alexander the Great invaded the Middle East.
507 B.C.E. - Pythagoras, Greek Mathematician, Pythagorean Theory.
500? B.C.E. - Persian War, Athenians defeat Persia at battle of Marathon.
450 B.C.E. - “Torah” compiled from E, J, P, D sources in Babylon. - Start of 200-year “Warring States” period in China. - Celts invade British Isles.
- Time of Socrates (Philosopher) and Hippocrates “Father of Medicine.”
430 B.C.E. – Bible - Book of Ruth written. - Temple of Apollo in Rome.
400 B.C.E. -World population 150 million. - Socrates condemned to death. - Nehemiah comes from Babylon to aid Jerusalem temple rebuilding and “Ezra the Scribe” brings the Torah from Babylon to Jerusalem.
356 B.C.E. - China builds “Great Wall” as protection against the Huns.
350 B.C.E. – Bible - Chronicles, Nehemiah and Jonah. - Mahabharata: Indian Epic, including the Bhagavad-Gita. - Plato, pupil of Socrates “Academy” (School of Philosophy) in Athens
340 B.C.E. - Buddhism splits into “Greater and Lesser Vehicle” *”Reality is merely an illusion, a very persistent one.” - Albert Einstein
332 B.C.E. - Alexander the Great begins his conquest of the known world with the defeat of Egypt and founding of Alexandria, then Babylon, Persepolis, and then India right to the Indus Valley.
330 B.C. - 1453 C.E. - Eastern Roman / Byzantine Empire. Began with the founding of Constantinople by Emperor Constantine”1” in 330 B.C. and ended when Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453 A.D.
323 B.C.E. - Start of Hellenistic Age - Cosmopolitan civilizations. - “Diogenes the Cynic” lived in a barrel in Athens. (Start of the tradition of “town fool” or maybe even “village idiot.”)
300 B.C.E. - Euclid, Greek Mathematician. - Aristotle, disciple of Plato founded Lyceum Philosophy School in Athens.
275 B.C.E. - Colossus of Rhodes built, destroyed by earthquake in 244.
250 B.C.E. - Ecclesiastes written in Hebrew.
233 B.C.E. - Sun-Tzu, Chinese philosopher writes “The Art of War.”
212 B.C.E. - Archimedes, Greek Mathematician.
200 B.C.E. - Han Dynasty in China - Shih Huang Ti, first Emperor of united China.
On the western and eastern flanks of Eurasia, the Roman Empire and Han China reach their greatest power and are able to repel the attacks of northern nomadic Barbarians. The nomads, instead, attack Parthia, and invade India. - The Silk Road links Rome and China and brings East and West into regular contact for the first time.
182 B.C.E. - Hannibal and his elephant’s world tour.
165 B.C.E. – Bible - Daniel written in Jerusalem. - Bible - Book of Esther written in Persia.
149 B.C.E. - Third Punic war, Romans kill 500,000 in sack of Carthage.
146 B.C.E. - Greece under Roman rule.
134 B.C.E. - “Supernova” recorded by Chinese.
125 B.C.E. - Qumran, Dead Sea Scrolls hidden, - 10 Hebrew manuscripts at Qumran Cave #4, - Ethiopic Bible found at Qumran cave #7.
120 B.C.E. -Death of Spartacus .
63 B.C.E. - Julius Caesar elected Pontifex Maximus (highest Priest) by Roman Senate. (Originated Julian calendar)
60 B.C.E. - 1st Roman Triumvirate, Caesar-Pompey-Crassus.
44 B.C.E. - March 15th, - After being made “Dictator for Life” by Roman Senate was assassinated by Cassius, Casca, Brutus, etc. – “Et tu Brute?” - Octavian Augustus, 1st Roman Emperor, defeats Anthony and Cleopatra who commit suicide.
Death of the Republic - Birth of the Empire
37 B.C.E. - King Herod the Great of Judea assumes power.

** Life of Jesus of Nazareth

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site http://www.god-101.com/

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Another in the riveting series about how and why things work the way they do!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Perspective" Prediction. The U.S. Election.

Our "Perspective" Research Department has done a survey of the U.S. Democratic candidates and their popularity and "win ability" quotient and this is what they came up with!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site http://www.god-101.com/

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


Don't forget to wash behind your ears!

Just when you thought you've heard it all, along comes something else that makes you wonder what the hell is going on in this world.

In England they have these Muslim women who are Med students. With me so far?

OK, during their training these women go into the operating room to assist with procedures, and before they do this they have to scrub up to their elbows and are not allowed to have anything below the elbows. In other words, bare forearms, plus no rings, nail polish etc.

The problem is that they refuse to roll their sleeves up because it is considered immodest to show their forearms and refuse to do it.

These women are bitching because they say it discriminates against their religion (Screw sanitary regulations or the safety of the patient) and are threatening to resign if not given their own way.

What sort of assinine thinking is this and why haven't they been thrown out on their asses yet for being so stupid and inconsiderate.

And the hospital is no better because they are trying to reach some sort of compromise with these people!!!!!

Between political correctness and all this other bullshit, I sometimes think the whole world has gone nuts and is going to Hell in a handbasket! It's no wonder that Peter Finch screamed "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Christ if "Network" was made today he'd be REALLY nuts!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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What Is Intelligence, Anyway?

Guest Post By Isaac Asimov;

When I was in the army, I received the kind of aptitude test that all soldiers took and, against a normal of 100, scored 160. No one at the base had ever seen a figure like that, and for two hours they made a big fuss over me.

(It didn't mean anything. The next day I was still a buck private with KP - kitchen police - as my highest duty.)

All my life I've been registering scores like that, so that I have the complacent feeling that I'm highly intelligent, and I expect other people to think so too.

Actually, though, don't such scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by people who make up the intelligence tests - people with intellectual bents similar to mine?

For instance, I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not possibly have scored more than 80, by my estimate. I always took it for granted that I was far more intelligent than he was.

Yet, when anything went wrong with my car I hastened to him with it, watched him anxiously as he explored its vitals, and listened to his pronouncements as though they were divine oracles - and he always fixed my car.

Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man devised questions for an intelligence test.

Or suppose a carpenter did, or a farmer, or, indeed, almost anyone but an academician. By every one of those tests, I'd prove myself a moron, and I'd be a moron, too.

In a world where I could not use my academic training and my verbal talents but had to do something intricate or hard, working with my hands, I would do poorly.

My intelligence, then, is not absolute but is a function of the society I live in and of the fact that a small subsection of that society has managed to foist itself on the rest as an arbiter of such matters.

Consider my auto-repair man, again.

He had a habit of telling me jokes whenever he saw me.

One time he raised his head from under the automobile hood to say: "Doc, a deaf-and-mute guy went into a hardware store to ask for some nails. He put two fingers together on the counter and made hammering motions with the other hand.

"The clerk brought him a hammer. He shook his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk brought him nails. He picked out the sizes he wanted, and left. Well, doc, the next guy who came in was a blind man. He wanted scissors. How do you suppose he asked for them?"

Indulgently, I lifted by right hand and made scissoring motions with my first two fingers.

Whereupon my auto-repair man laughed raucously and said, "Why, you dumb jerk, He used his voice and asked for them."

Then he said smugly, "I've been trying that on all my customers today." "Did you catch many?" I asked. "Quite a few," he said, "but I knew for sure I'd catch you."

"Why is that?" I asked. "Because you're so goddamned educated, doc, I knew you couldn't be very smart."

And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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The Church of Allan - The Plain Truth About God.

A serialization of the book, The Plain Truth About God (Chapter 5 - Timelines)

Chapter 5 – TIMELINE
You cannot tell who, or where you are, unless you know how you got there!

100,000 B.C.E. – Although highly speculative, it is thought that this is about the time when humans first attained all the traits (Including consciousness) that we see in people today!
90,000 B.C.E. - Early Gravettian man competes with Neanderthals for space and game in regions of Southern Europe centered on the hills of Southern France.
50,000 B.C.E. - Early men reach the Pacific Islands and Australia. Ice cover in Northern and Southern Hemispheres at their maximum.
30,000 B.C.E. - First ancient artwork found in Dordogne, Southern France. (Other than cave paintings) Clay figurines representing a Fertility goddess. Invention of the bow and arrow.
10,000 B.C.E. - Neolithic Age: Glaciers retreating, warmer climate develops in California, S W Australia, Chile, SW Africa and then deserts in sub-tropic regions.
8000 B.C.E. - World population 5 million. Copper age, silkworm cultivation in China. - Plants domesticated and first pottery in China and Japan.
7000 B.C.E. -Walls of Jericho erected. - The area that is now central Turkey sees the beginning of Indo-European language—the mother tongue of all modern European languages.
6000 B.C.E. -Wheel invented and chickens domesticated.
5500 B.C.E. - With the melting of the polar ice caps and a gigantic shift-and-melting of the ice fields in northern Canada, world ocean levels rise dramatically. •The The Greenland Ice cap melts and the Mediterranean Sea breaks through at the location of modern Istanbul (Bosporus) to flood what is now the Black Sea. It floods the basin fast enough to wipe out entire villages and towns giving rise to the world flood legends. Evidence of the old shoreline still there under hundreds of metres of water.
5000 B.C.E. - Earliest small cities. - Horses domesticated. (Modern horses not native to North America - introduced by the Spanish)
3761 B.C.E. - (Year of Creation) October 7 - Year 1, Jewish calendar.


3600 B.C.E. - Troy founded. - Beginning of Sumerian Culture in the Tigris-Euphrates river basin and first crude writing. The Sumerians (Aryans) make use of many agricultural advances, such as domestic animals to pull plows, irrigation of the land, drained marshlands and more. - A large, cosmopolitan civilization appears.
- The increased output of food allows for the further development of a “leisure class” which does not have to work for food, allowing them to become priests, artist, merchants, scholars, etc. - The Sumerians also develop oar-powered ships, animal-drawn wheeled chariots, and other, similar vehicles. - Bronze objects and written cuneiform alphabet begun.
3500-3000 B.C.E. - Man’s earliest civilizations developed in Mesopotamia and Egypt. -The Indus Valley followed soon afterwards and later a farming population emerged along the Yellow River in China.
3000-2800 B.C.E. - World population 100M. (Increased twenty-fold in five thousand years due to agriculture.) - The subsequent history of Eurasia became a contest between the superior military ability of the Nomads in the North, and the superior numbers of people made possible by farming in the South. - In the North, the wide grasslands of the steppes provided a feeding ground for the herds of the Nomads. The mobility of the warlike Nomads provided them with an advantage in any military confrontation with the richer farming communities further south. - Sea levels about at present levels after rising 1000’-1500’ with the melting of the polar ice caps. - Bering Straight, English Channel, low costal areas of the Mediterranean, large parts of Indonesia, and many other locations now under water. - Rising water levels may also have flooded some ancient coastal or island civilization to give rise to the “Atlantis” theory. (Such as the Mediterranean breaking through the Bosporus Straight and flooding what is now the Black Sea!)
2800 B.C.E. - Advances in Sumerian Cuneiform writing. - Agriculture in Peru. - Chinese alphabet and early Minoan pictographic writing.
2767 B.C.E. -Methuselah tree, oldest living thing. (Carbon dated!)
2637 B.C.E. -Year 1 of Chinese calendar.
2600 B.C.E. - Historical Gilgamesh? King of Uruk, Sumeria. (First and oldest person referred to in ancient literature, Epic of Gilgamesh; written c.1200 B.C.E.) - Fu Hsi, first Chinese King?
2550 B.C.E. - Old Egypt - Beginning of Pyramids and mummies
2400 B.C.E. - Harappan Civilization before Indo-European Invasions
2350 B.C.E. -Walls of Jericho fall.
2200 B.C.E. - Troy sacked. - Hsiao dynasty in China - Indo-European invaders come over and under Black Sea and enter the mainland of Greece. - Stonehenge built in Britain.
2000 B.C.E. - Rise of Babylon and Minoan Civilization on Crete.
1800? B.C.E. - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
1800 B.C.E (?) - Approximate date of historical Zoroaster (???) and beginning of cult of Zoroastrianism! (Date for Zarathustra could have been before this time, could be around this time or could be later - around 600-700 B.C. when his teachings finally became very widespread in Mesopotamia.) – He was a major influence on Cyrus the Great and so inadvertently saved the Jews. Zoroastrian dogma also a great influence on Judaism, Christianity and then - Islam!
1800-1700 B.C.E. -Vedic period. Aryan invasion of Indus Valley in India.
1750 B.C.E. -Founding of Hittite Empire
1750 B.C.E. - Mesopotamia/Babylon - Development of “Code of Laws.” - Hammurabi created his code of laws, which consists of 282 laws, in the year 1750 B.C.E. The code of laws encouraged people to accept the authority of a king, who was trying to give common rules to govern the subjects’ behavior. The actual laws range from public to private matters, with humane approaches to societal problems.
The code of laws applies to the entire Babylonian society. The penalties of the code varied according to the status of the victim. The law of retaliation protected the patricians, while the lower classes received only monetary compensation.
The purpose of the Code of Hammurabi was to use political power to create common bonds among the diverse people of the society. It greatly influenced a total dependence on the power of their one ruler, and it was a conscious effort to exalt the king as the source, the only source, of earthly powers.
It unified the empire by offering the standards for moral values, class structure, gender relationships, and religion. It was the most important of all Mesopotamian contributions to civilization.
1700 B.C.E. -Joseph in Egypt. - Cult of Yahweh (Jewish “God.”) - Beginning of Persian Empire! - The Mycenaean Civilization emerges.
1628 B.C.E. -Santorini Greece destroyed by volcano. (Legend of Atlantis?)
1595 B.C.E. -Babylon sacked for first time.
1500 B.CE. -Beginning of Iron Age. -Shang dynasty in China 1492 B.CE.
1470 B.C.E. - Minoan Civilization destroyed by volcanoes and earthquake. (Possible site of Atlantis!)
1450 B.C.E - Mycenaean civilization replaces Minoa after the destruction of Thera and Knossos. Dominates the Aegean world for 200 years.
1400 B.C.E. - Cult of Mithra starts some where between Persia and India. Based on, or even a part of Zoroaster’s ideology, it becomes a major player in the region until finally being driven into extinction in Rome by the fledgling Catholic Church.
1350 B.C.E. (?) - Ten Commandments given to Moses.- EXODUS out of Egypt – Parting of the Red Sea. Israelites refuse to enter Canaan and wander the desert for forty years. Etc.
1325 B.C.E. (?) - Tutankhamen assassinated. (3300 years later, King Tut-farewell tour - coming soon to a city near you!)
1300 B.C.E. For several generations the Hittites and Egyptians remained diplomatic and military rivals.
The great battle of Kadesh was fought between these superpowers around 1300 BC and was commemorated in Egypt by a great pictorial relief, an epic poem, and an official written record. Despite the heroics of Rameses II, the battle apparently was a draw.
After several decades of uneasy peace, the two powers signed a peace treaty and mutual defense pact, perhaps in response to growing Assyrian power to the east.
A copy of the treaty was inscribed on the walls of an Egyptian temple at Karnack where it can still be read today.
1284 B.C.E. - Troy Sacked again, one possible date for Homers Trojan War! Because of its strategic location, sacking Troy was a regional pastime for almost 1000 years!
1280? B.C.E. - The next eighty years were relatively peaceful and prosperous for the Hittites and much of the Middle East.
1200 B.C.E - The Hittite Empire was destroyed, leaving only the shell of a civilization that was overrun 500 years later by the Assyrian’s Collapse of Mediterranean trade world. ** This era, at times referred to as the “great catastrophe” saw a time when invaders finally learned how to overcome chariots in battle and many civilizations were overrun. - Joshua

- End of the Bronze Age.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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