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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Taser for Kids!


Only $99.95!

AKA The Tasler™ for KIDS!: Guarantees you'll have children that obey every command!

You'll have the best dressed and most respectful children in your neighborhood, or Your Money Back!

Taseler™ Model 007 for KIDS! Shoots 6 Barbed Spikes at the Press of a Trigger!

Specially engineered for children. Has a lower voltage output, and smaller barbed spikes than the popular adult model compliance tool. Barbed Spikes are easily removed without tools!

40,000 Volts are sent through the Barbed Spikes, guaranteeing compliance from even the most unruly children... who just won't listen.

Imagine their surprise the first time they say NO, and you show them how well the Taseler™ for KIDS! works!

It's a fact...

By the time an American or Canadian youth is 21 years old, they'll be tasered by at least one police officer. Men, women, children - even pregnant women, are all going to be tasered at least once by a police officer who doesn't like them, doesn't like what they're saying, or who mistakes them for another subject.

Infractions as minor as jaywalking or a traffic ticket give the police officer authorization to taser a subject. Where a nightstick used to be the compliance tool of choice for the police officer, tasering a subject has proven to be much less work for the police officer than having to use full blows with the nightstick. After reloading, a police officer can taser many more subjects into compliance within minutes.

Children as young as 6 years old have disarmed police officers by taking their nightstick, and sometimes even their gun. That can't happen with an electronic compliance tool since it's activated when the police officer is over 6 feet away from the subject. 6 or 60 years old, the subject will comply with every command the police officer gives.

The police now have a tool that guarantees a subject will obey their commands. Just refusing to sign a ticket can result in 50,000 volts of electricity causing convulsions, injury from falling to the ground or into objects, and possible serious health problems such as paralysis of the heart muscle, or the lungs.

The courts have agreed with the use of an electronic compliance tool every time they've ruled to-date. While the police can't beat a subject, and you can't beat your children, the courts are on your side. Using an electronic compliance tool like the Taseler™ for KIDS! has been authorized by courts in every state in the US, as well as other civilized countries like Great Britain.

Here's your chance to get your kids to listen to you every time, and to condition them for the first time they're tasered by a police officer. It's going to happen. Your children need to be conditioned to handle the 50,000 volt shock and large barbed spikes used by police officers. Every police officer who uses an electronic compliance device has been tasered themselves at least once. Your child needs to be as ready as the police officer.

Studies have proven that subjects who survived being tasered four or more times become conditioned to the 50,000 volts of electricity, and are not injured when electronic compliance tools are used on them in the future. Scientists believe this is because their body has built up some tolerance for the high voltages, and because they are more likely to comply and stop moving when tasered.

Using the Taseler™ for KIDS! on your own children will have the dual benefits of conditioning their body to 40,000 volts of electricity, as well as getting immediate compliance after the use of your Taseler™ for KIDS! (and having well behaved kids!). That means your children will easily handle the 50,000 volts when the police officer decides to use their electronic compliance tool on your child. Conditioning has proven to last over 8 years after four electronic compliance sessions (Taseler™ for KIDS! Barbed Spike Refills are only $1.99 in 100 quantity!).

7 major cities have already equipped their parking enforcement officers with electronic compliance tools. Forest Rangers are now equipped with electronic compliance tools. In 2008, most large retailers have plans to equip their security guards, loss prevention personnel and cashiers with electronic compliance tools, proving the safety and effectiveness of this technology.

Teachers: Ask for your 25% discount! In today's world, you can't hit students... But the courts have ruled time and again that tasering a non-compliant subject by a police officer is perfectly OK for any reason. The police can't hit you, but the government says it's perfectly OK to taser you. It's time for teachers to get the upper hand on unruly students.

How did the Russians get the idea for the Taseler™ for KIDS! ?

The police are issued tasers, and can take them home (for free). It turns out there have been many instances where both US and Russian police officers have used their electronic compliance devices on their own family members. They concluded that if it's good enough for the police to use on their loved ones, it's good enough for you to use on yours.

Vitaliy Tolstonogov, one of the Russian inventors of the Taseler™ for KIDS! says:

Children are our most important resource...

Isn't your child worth $99.95?

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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The Search for the Holy Foreskin!

As another example of just how NUTS mainstream religion really is, get a load of this!

To believers of Jesus' Resurrection, (Not erection!) the only conceivable part of Jesus left on Earth would be his foreskin since it was cut off before he was crucified..... naturally!

(Hey, that makes perfect sense to me.... and by the way, when they referred to it, they called it the "Rumple-foreskin"!!!)

(This is a statue of Jesus recalling his circumcision!)-->

Legend holds that the Emperor Charlemagne received the "object" from an Angel, then gave it to Pope Leo 111 in the year 800.

(I personally believe that Charlemagne got it from the Angel "Harold," .... you know, from the song "Hark the Harold Angel Sings!")

As a matter of fact, my little droogies, this idea was so prominent that in the Middle Ages there were as many as 18 Holy Foreskins in various Monasteries and towns spread out across and around Europe.

In light of these revelations a certain David Farley has written a book about it that will be out in 2009.

In the book the one TRUE Foreskin went missing in 1983 when it was stolen by "sacrilegious thieves" and has not been seen since. Nary a whiff!

Some say the priest sold it to a relic dealer in Turin. Others claim it was stolen by a local group of Satanists for use in their occult rites and still others blame Neo-Nazi's.

Whatever the case, Farley shares his thoughts on the Foreskin's significance! He said; "It is Holy Relic of a past time and only survived as long as it did due to Calcata's remote location and who knows if it will ever pop-up again!"

Your "Holy Shit" scribe;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Hulk and Wife to Settle!

Once again the "Perspective" investigative team has come through with new and startling poop about the goings on in Hollywood.

We just found out that Hulk Hogan and his wife Linda are back in the news over their upcoming divorce.

Rather than go through all the expense and anguish of a trial and legal expenses it has just been announced that they have decided to settle their differences in the ring with a winner take all grudge match to be held sometime in March.

(To make the match more even, Linda will be allowed the use of a taser!)

Your "Hollywood News" scribe;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Saturday Morning Confusion. # 51

Mountie to be disciplined for using Taser on double-parked senior!

With all the uproar over the use of Tasers by cops, especially in British Columbia, I am really, really confused as to why they don't seem to get the message........ Oh wait, I forgot, they are above the law and don't care, one way or the other, on what the public thinks!

An RCMP officer in Kelowna, B.C., will be disciplined for using a Taser stun gun on a 68-year-old stroke victim over a parking violation.

Supt. Bill McKinnon said the incident grew out of a simple traffic stop that escalated when John Peters drove away.
John Peters admitted he first drove away when a police officer tried to give him a ticket for double parking. When the RCMP approached his car for the second time the officer had his taser drawn, ready to use.

Peters, 68, says he raised his arm to try to protect himself before an RCMP officer shot him with the Taser.

The officer stunned him with the Taser once while he was still in his car, and again when he got out, Peters said.

McKinnon said a stun gun should never be used when someone is seated in a car and the officer has been suspended from using the Taser. He will likely receive a written reprimand on his record, McKinnon said.
"We have determined the use of a conducted energy weapon while Mr. Peters remained seated in the driver's seat of his vehicle was indeed inappropriate," McKinnon said.
Peters told the "Perspective" investigative team that the RCMP apologized to him on Thursday before issuing the public statement.

"We in turn regret this particular action, and have apologized to Mr. Peters over this tactical error in judgment. I have ordered a Code of Conduct investigation in order to address the issue," said McKinnon.
However, the second use of the Taser on Peters, after he got out of the vehicle, was justified because Peters was combative and resisting arrest, McKinnon said.

HOLD ON A MINUTE KIDS, The cop tasered this old guy while he was sitting unarmed in his car, and then a second time because he got combative over being tasered the first time????

For this he gets a reprimand?????

That cop should be charged with "aggravated assualt" or "assualt with a weapon" ...... but we all know that's not going to happen, don't we!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Donald Duck Escapes Rehab!

2007 has been a banner year for celebrities going into rehab and after only two days in the world famous Long Beach Rehabilitation Clinic Donald Duck went A.W.O.L. this afternoon and headed straight for downtown.

The award winning "Perspective" investigative team caught up with Mr. Duck at this well known strip club on Wiltshire Blvd. where he was warming up for a night on the town!
Your "hush, hush and on the Q.T." scribe;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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In the comments section of the article about the Dalai Lama you made this observation; The day we start to practice religious values without engaging in the actual dogma of that religion is the day humanity will start to grow up as a race!

This has been your message all along, hasn't it!!!

Dorothy C.

Yea, I guess that's about it! The religion itself is usually tainted with a human agenda but as long as the message is pure then it's O.K.
Your humble author;
Allan W Janssen

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Borat vs the Creationists

A few months ago I looked at some statistics for the type of people who visit this site and much to my dismay, (this was a few days before Halloween) over 50 % of the people that visited "Perspective" logged on to the page that showed "Borat's Halloween costume!"

The mere thought that most of the people who visited the blog came here for stuff like Borat threw me into an instant and severe depression.

Here I was looking for stuff that I thought people would find interesting and instead I learn that well over half of my readers were just looking for the lowest form of humor. On top of it all, it wasn't even that funny a picture and I had serious reservations about putting it on the blog in the first place.

The thought that my blog was catering to "idiots" almost made me quit the whole thing and I had to take a few days off to reflect on what I wanted to do.

After my brief vacation I decided that from now on I would only write about things that I personally found interesting and if other people like it too then all the better. There would be no more catering to the lowest common denominator since most of those people wouldn't get what I was trying to say anyway!

With this in mind I did a survey this week on who believed what in the Evolution/Creation debate

We had found out that Americans believed in Creationism over Evolution by a margin of about two to one. But, my dear readers of "Let's get things back into perspective here" held on to the belief of Darwinism over Creationism by a factor of about three to one!!!!!!!

(It would have been higher but I have a suspicion that the Creationists snuck a few extra illegal votes in. You know, like Bush did in 2000!)

This leaves me feeling rather vindicated that I am talking to a reasonably intelligent and educated audience when I post something on this blog and for that I would like to thank each and every one of you!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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New and Improved Asshole of the Week!

Hold the presses bunky, we have a new and improved "Asshole of the Week" that just got himself elected and appointed. His name is Patrick Gilman.

A woman who was cited for loudly cursing at her overflowing toilet - and then at a neighbour (Patrick, an off duty cop) who told her to quiet down - has been acquitted on grounds that the U.S. constitution's First Amendment protects her raunchy language.

District Judge Terrence Gallagher dismissed the disorderly conduct charge against Dawn Herb, 33, ruling Thursday that she was within her rights when she let loose a string of profanities Oct. 11.

Although the language she used "may be considered by some to be offensive, vulgar and imprudent ... (it is) protected speech pursuant to the First Amendment," the judge wrote.

Herb was cited after Patrick Gilman, a police officer who lives near Herb, called authorities to complain. (Since this dipshit was off duty he called his buddies at the station and they charged the woman!)

At a hearing Monday, Gilman testified that he was at home, off duty, when his 12-year-old daughter ran in and said she had heard loud curses coming from a house down the street.

Gilman said he went outside, heard the bad language and yelled out to Ms. Herb to "watch your mouth."

He said that she cursed at him instead. That's when Gilman called his buddies.

(In Pennsylvania, someone can be convicted of disorderly conduct for using obscene language in a way that causes "public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm.")

But Barry Dyller, who represented Ms. Herb on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union, said rulings over the past 20 years have established that "colourful language" isn't illegal. He praised the judge's ruling. "He's exactly right ... in his reasoning," Dyller said. "And it's important that the public understands this."

Ms. Herb did not testify at the trial earlier this week, and her lawyer advised her not to speak to reporters.

She could have faced up to 90 days in jail.

(This leaves our poor tow truck driver with only a Hero of the Day Trophy! Sorry Charlie!)

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Asshole of the Week and My Hero of the Day!

This guy might be a bit stupid once in a while, but you have to admit he has balls.

For his tenacity in the face of adversity we give this unnamed tow truck driver both the Asshole of the Week trophy and also a trophy for being "Perspectives" Hero of the Day!

An Oregon tow truck driver upset over a recent ticket tried to take revenge by towing a police cruiser. Police say the 32-year-old man was arrested after he hooked his truck to the marked police vehicle while an officer was responding to a domestic disturbance call.

The driver released the cruiser when another officer ordered him to, but police say he later locked the doors of his truck and refused to cooperate.

The driver then called the police station, "apparently unsatisfied with the police response he had generated when he tried to tow the cruiser.

The manager of the tow company was summoned and eventually coaxed the driver into surrendering. He was charged with unlawful use of a vehicle, obstructing governmental administration, interfering with a peace officer and criminal mischief.

Just goes to show that cops have no sense of humor!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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These documentaries by James Burke are among the best series of programs that have ever been produced. (Equal to the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan!)

Although they were made over twenty years ago the subject matter of these works is timeless and it's presentation is flawless.

The first in the series; "The day the Universe changed," was a ten part series presented here in full and it dealt with the impact certain inventions had in changing history.

The next few; "Connections," Connections II," Connections III," and "Re-Connections," all look at how our modern world is interconnected and when one event occures, how it can have far reaching implications and be connected to other events in ways that we did not, and could not, know!

I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Islam is O.K. The Imam's are NOT!

A couple of days ago we told you the story of a 16 year old Canadian Muslim girl who was strangled to death by her father because she refused to wear a Hijab (head cover) when she went out in public.

(Even though Toronto is the most cosmopolitan city in the world, wearing a Hijab for a sixteen year old suburban Muslim girl is still a traumatic experience. Especially at school!)
Her father thought that her intransigence on correct Muslim dress was bringing dishonor to the family and this led to the altercation that claimed young Aqsa's life!

The irony in all of this is the fact that it is NOT Islam that is making a big deal out of proper dress, but rather the Imam's themselves.

Here we have a group of misogynist men who have been brought up with a sense of "Fundamentalist, Islamic" beliefs, (Otherwise they would not have become Imam's to begin with!) and hammer their own prejudices and interpretations of Islam into the faithful five times a day.

(Imam's are not the same as a priest in the Christian faith in that Islam, on the surface, let's every man communicate directly with God, while in actual fact it is the Imam's that control public opinion and the direction of the faith.)
Here is an example of this from my book "The Plain Truth About God!"

The Islamic State, as it has come to be known, exists in the Middle East on the principal of obedience being due to God only and that Muslims reject the Western, secular idea of separation of church and state!

This is a nice trick fostered by the Islamic clergy to hold on to as much power as possible in spite of the emergence of democratic and populist movements in the world at large.

One of the greatest drawbacks to Islam is that it operates on the surface as being infallible, much as Christianity did.

Among Muslims however, it is acknowledged that the Prophet Muhammad left no actual interpretation of the Koran, but rather said it should be read and taken literally as the word of God.

This means we have a Divine text that is adding to the confusion by being interpreted differently from scholar to scholar and person to person.

This interpretation by individuals depends on every one’s personal understanding, experience, social, political, and economic environment.

(In fact, this happened almost exactly the same way among the early Christians.)

In Islam, no one, not an individual dictator, an elected national body, or a scholar of religion, theoretically has the right to make any legislation that contradicts what is stated in the Koran or the Hadith of the Prophet.

If they do so, they are committing an act of grave Shirk, or “putting themselves in God’s place.”

BUT, the clergy interprets and decides which part of the Koran they want the general population to use.

They are also the ones that give guidance as to “what it really means.”

It is one of the greatest con-jobs in history since anything that goes wrong or not according to their particular plan is obviously “God’s Will.”

(It is also the one of the main reasons that a Muslims will end every second sentence with the phrase “Insh-Allah” - or –“ God willing!” Being as pragmatic as they are, this puts the onus back on God for whatever happens and absolves them of being in “Shirk.”)

As a believer, a man (remember this is a male dominated organization that would put the Catholic Church to shame) can offer his own proposals for the renewal of his religion, so it is always open to change.

The sad truth of the matter is that in Islam, as in every other religion in the world, there are no shortages of people who try and put themselves in positions of influence and power. (The Imam's)

This, for the purpose of spreading their own version of reality amongst the masses.
Another one of the other great threats to the Islamic state comes from a source that has been kept in check for the last 1400 years.

Of course we are talking about the subjugation of women throughout the Muslim world.

Men are concerned that any loosening of the reins that keeps their females in a position of subservience will lead to an all out revolution by women.

(In light of this, it is interesting to note that women enjoyed an almost equal position with men in Arab society before the coming of Islam.)

This makes us wonder how much of the abolition of rights for women was a cultural phenomenon and how much can be attributed to a misogynistic group of men (Imam's)using religion to undermine a woman’s place in society.

We are not just pointing the finger at Muslim society here, since it is a fact that the Christian community has also done its fair share in the subjugation of women. (After all, it was Jesus who championed the cause of women, only to have it put on the back burner again by Paul!)

From the book;

It might seem a bit unfair to bring this subject up in the section on Islam but the Muslims are, for the moment, the greatest perpetrators of injustice to women, and since the matter must be addressed, it may as well be here.

As we saw earlier in this book, throughout history it has been the men who waged war, made laws, and generally ran things according to their outlook. That was fine when the men went hunting while women stayed back at the campsite or early settlements.

Over the centuries, however, we have seen a gradual shift in responsibilities and division of work, with females taking an ever more proactive role in society, as they should!

Men, by their very nature of being the hunter-gatherers, have always had the inclination to “shoot first and ask questions later.”

This might have worked well in the past, but society is at a point now where the more reasoned and analytical approach employed by women might be a lot better for us in the long run. The natural balance that the female mind gives to a male deserves to be listened to much more than it has been so far in history.

Remember, in the Jahili culture of old, women used to mix freely with men. They used to dress in the same way as women in the secular societies now dress themselves.

It was only after the advent of Islam that it became the custom for Arab women to spend most of their time at home, to cover their bodies, and be kept away from other men.

You will now find some people who tell you that the Hijab (women’s Islamic dress) is an Arab custom, and not an Islamic requirement. Wrong!

Arab society was at one time much more enlightened than now and it is through the diligence of a few religious extremists through the centuries that the population has become narrow-minded in their world and cultural views.

This is one of the first things that have to be changed for women to take their rightful place in Arab society.

But then again-the difference between the wishing and the doing is great.
** Women have three roles - obey the father, obey the husband, obey the son.—Mid-East Proverb.

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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HO, HO.......... BLAH!

"Tis the season" kids and unless you want to be looking at January 1st with not only a hangover but a serious case of the blues as well, you just might want to follow these timely tips!

Guest post by: Cynthia Ross Cravit

1. Acknowledge your feelings. If you aren't able to be with your family or friends, let yourself feel sadness or grief. Take time to just cry or express your feelings. Just because it's the holiday season, you can't force yourself to be happy.

2. Seek support. If you're feeling isolated or downhearted, reach out to family members and friends, or community, religious or social services. Consider volunteering at a community or religious function. Getting involved and helping others can lift your spirits and broaden your friendships. Also, don't be a martyr – ask for help for organizing holiday gatherings, as well as meal preparation and cleanup.

3. Be realistic. As families grow and change, traditions and rituals often change as well. Hold on to those you can and want to. But accept that you may have to let go of others.

4. Set differences aside. With stress, expectations and activity levels high, the holidays can be rife with family conflicts. This is the time to practice both patience and forgiveness. Set aside grievances until a more appropriate time for discussion.

5. Make a budget – and stick to it. Before you go shopping, decide how much money you can afford to spend on gifts and other items. Then be sure to stick to your budget. If you don't, you could feel stressed for months afterward as you struggle to pay the bills. Look for creative gifting options, such as donating to a charity in someone's name, giving homemade gifts or instituting a family gift exchange.

6. Plan ahead. Set aside specific days for shopping, visiting friends and other activities. Plan your menus and, if possible, make one big food-shopping trip instead of numerous smaller ones. Expect travel delays, especially if you're flying.

7. Learn to say no. Believe it or not, people do understand if you can't take on certain projects or activities. If you say yes only to what you really want to do, you'll avoid feeling resentful and overwhelmed. If it's really not possible to say no when your boss asks you to work overtime, try to remove something else from your agenda to make up for the lost time.

8. Don't abandon healthy habits. Don't let the holidays become a culinary free-for-all. Some indulgence is OK, but overindulgence only adds to your stress and guilt. Have a healthy snack before holiday parties so that you don't go overboard on sweets, cheese or drinks. Try to get plenty of sleep and schedule time for physical activity.

9. Take a breather. Make some time for yourself. Spending just 15 minutes alone, without distractions, can be enough to refresh you. Restore inner calm by taking an evening walk under the stars or by listening to soothing music.

10. Rethink resolutions. New Year's resolutions can set you up for failure if they're unrealistic. Don't resolve to change your whole life, but set smaller, more specific goals with a reasonable time frame.

11. Forget about perfection. Your life is not a holiday TV special. Schedules go awry, the roast may be over-cooked, old arguments dredged up. Accept imperfections in yourself and in others.

12. Seek professional help if you need it. If feelings of sadness, anxiety and/or hopelessness combined with an inability to sleep or face routine activities persist for several weeks, talk to your doctor. You may have depression.

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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These documentaries by James Burke are among the best series of programs that have ever been produced. (Equal to the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan!)

Although they were made over twenty years ago the subject matter of these works is timeless and it's presentation is flawless.

The first in the series; "The day the Universe changed," was a ten part series presented here in full and it dealt with the impact certain inventions had in changing history.

The next few; "Connections," Connections II," Connections III," and "Re-Connections," all look at how our modern world is interconnected and when one event occures, how it can have far reaching implications and be connected to other events in ways that we did not, and could not, know!

I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007


This is funny!


Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at http://www.god-101.com/ and the blog "Perspective" at http://god-101.blogspot.com/

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Give me the money!

I just ran across this correspondence from a few years ago where I had a rather heated discussion with a certain Dr. Kent Hovind who you may or may not remember is a fundamentalist preacher with a lot of strange ideas about biblical history and the evolution/creation debate.

Hovind acknowledges many contributors to his model of how the earth was formed and puts his own peculiar slant on most of the stories in the bible.

The model includes the following explanation of the Biblical account of Noah: Noah's family and two of every "kind" of animal (including dinosaurs) safely boarded the Ark before a minus 300° F ice meteor came flying toward the earth and broke up in space.

Some of the meteor fragments became rings and others caused the impact craters on the moon and some of the planets. The remaining ice fragments fell to the north and south poles of the earth.

The resulting "super-cold snow" fell near the poles, burying the
mammoths standing up.

Ice on the North and South pole cracked the crust of the earth releasing the fountains of the deep, which in turn caused certain ice age effects, namely the glacier effects. This made the earth "wobble around" and collapsed the canopy that protected it.

During the first few months of the
flood, the dead animals and plants were buried, and became oil and coal, respectively. The last few months of the flood included geological instability, when the plates shifted.

This period saw the formation of both ocean basins and mountain ranges and the resulting water run-off caused incredible erosion — Hovind says that the Grand Canyon was formed in a couple of weeks during this time.

(Well bunky, what do you think so far? Is it starting to sink in that a lot of these guys are much more than just a brick or two short of a load.)

After a few hundred years, the ice caps slowly melted back retreating to their current size and the ocean levels increased, creating the continental shelves.

The deeper oceans absorbed much of the carbon dioxide in earth’s atmosphere and thus allowed greater amounts of radiation to reach the earth's surface. As a result, human lifespans were shortened considerably in the days of Peleg.

On top of all this Hovind's website has offered $10,000 since 1990 to those who can "prove the theory of evolution."

Since at least 1999 the offer has been for $250,000:

"I have a standing offer of $250,000 to anyone who can give any empirical evidence (scientific proof) for evolution.* My $250,000 offer demonstrates that the hypothesis of evolution is nothing more than a religious belief."

Critics view this offer to be spurious because of the conditions which Hovind imposes.

Hovind also insists that evolution equates to atheism even though belief in a deity or deities is arguably unrelated to evolution and the two are not mutually exclusive.

The asterisk denotes the terms which he claims show significant gaps in the gradual progression predicted by the theory of evolution:

Hovind has said a panel of judges would decide if a claim had met his criteria, but he has refused to say who would be (or is) on that panel. He has even refused to say what their qualifications might be.

Challengers who have submitted claims to Hovind have become convinced that he does not actually use a panel of judges, in spite of his promise to do so.

In one case, after twice stating that he would send a particular response to
his judges (according to his website any responses he sent were considered
"legitimate" Hovind then reneged stating, "Thanks for reminding me about not sending minor changes to the committee. This would be a waste of time for everyone involved. If you ever get any evidence that does support evolution please send it to me".

The respondent was not amused and felt that this indicated dishonesty on Hovind's part and proved that he'd never intended to pay.

The winter 2005 issue of Skeptic included an article titled "Doubting Dr. Dino" by Adam Kisby.

Kisby lays out Hovind's arguments in formal logic, and says that the assumptions "God is a necessary cause of the universe" and "The universe is eternal, i.e., un-caused" lead to contradictions.

Kisby sent his proof to Hovind and reports that "many weeks later I received a terse reply from Hovind in which he dogmatically rejected my proof."

Hovind's reason was "the universe is evidence of a Designer - not proof there is no Designer."

Thus Kisby concluded "I contend that either my proof is technically correct or Hovind's $250,000 offer is fundamentally flawed. If my proof is correct, then Hovind is constrained by the terms of his offer to release the money.

On the other hand if Hovind's offer is flawed then he is morally obligated to withdraw it or modify it."

Others have approached Hovind in regard to the challenge, addressing it from perspectives ranging from "large-scale evolution" and "the big bang" to "polar bears."

I myself sent Hovind a proof of Evolution based roughly on the Scientific principals that were covered in great detail by Scientific American and featured in this blog a few days ago.

Just as in the other cases, Hovind wrote me back and did a little sideways shuffle, rejected my arguments and refused to send me the 1/4 of a million bucks!

For my effort, (And I still maintain that I adequately explained and proved evolution!) Dr. Hovind sent me this message! (You might want to click on it to get it larger!!!)

Since I knew from the beginning that he was going to be a slime ball about the whole thing I sent him this little love note! (Click again)

The way things have turned out I would never have gotten the money anyways since Hovind AND his wife are now cooling their heels in a federal prison for 10 years after being convicted of tax fraud.

Hovind is a dip shit from the word go and he has now learned that you might be able to fool some of the population, some of the time, but don't ever fuck with the government.

They'll getcha every time!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at http://www.god-101.com/ and the blog "Perspective" at http://god-101.blogspot.com/

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Why Not!

You did WHAT!!! ---->

A reminder for all of us in the northern U.S. and Canada, the National Weather Service has predicted a colder than normal winter for the first time in over 15 years.

Where is Global Warming when you really need it!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at http://www.god-101.com/ and the blog "Perspective" at http://god-101.blogspot.com/

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These documentaries by James Burke are among the best series of programs that have ever been produced. (Equal to the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan!)

Although they were made over twenty years ago the subject matter of these works is timeless and it's presentation is flawless.

The first in the series; "The day the Universe changed," was a ten part series presented here in full and it dealt with the impact certain inventions had in changing history.

The next few; "Connections," Connections II," Connections III," and "Re-Connections," all look at how our modern world is interconnected and when one event occures, how it can have far reaching implications and be connected to other events in ways that we did not, and could not, know!

I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thank You!

Subject: Message to www.god-101.com
recipient: allanjanssen@rogers.com

Hi Allan. I like the way you think -- although I've just started to dabble in your stuff.

My interest is in the fact that quantum mechanics and spirituality seem to be coming together and reinforcing each other.

A year ago, I would have chosen evolution over creationism without much thought -- now I sort of think both are true because I think the basic stuff of the universe is consciousness or information and it is playing itself out in ways that probably include evolution.

I'm a big Alan Watts fan.

Anyway, thanks for your work. Linda

(You're welcome Linda, and it's people like you that make this all worthwhile!)

Your humble author;
Allan W Janssen

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Over the course of the last fifty years Canada has become one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world and the City of Toronto is far and away THE most social, cultural, ethnic, racial and religiously diverse city on the planet.

We get people from all over the world coming here to start a new life for themselves and the only thing that is asked of them is that they leave their old religious and cultural hang-ups behind.

No, we are not the great "Melting Pot" that the United states is, we are instead more of a soup that uses all the ingredients from the many immigrants who come here to flavour the Canadian mentality with it's distinctive character.

Gone are the days when each culture kept to themselves and did not intermingle with other groups and beliefs.

Now all that is required of our new arrivals is a basic respect for Canadian institutions and rule of law.

Several years ago there was a concerted effort by Muslims to implement "Sharia Law" into the fabric of Canadian Society and thank God for cool heads who rejected this attempt at changing the face of Canada and it's legal system.

Accommodation's can and are made for cultural and religious practices, but only in the context of fitting in with the generally accepted parameters of what it considered the "Canadian Norm!"

In other words, we don't like first generation immigrants trying to change what "was" and "is" into what they believe it "should be!"

The reason for this will be explained in a little story I am about to tell you.

Aqsa Parvez came over to Canada from the Middle-East with her family and is a second generation Canadian.

Her father, Muhammad Parvez, 57, is a first generation immigrant who still holds the customs and beliefs of his home country dear and "religiously" follows them at home and in the community.

Aqsa Parvez's friends told authorities that the teen had been having arguments with her father because he allegedly wanted her to wear a traditional Hijab. >(Head Cover)

"She kinda wanted to go a different way from the way her family wanted her to go," said one friend. They also said that she wanted to escape the family conflict by running away.
All this came to a head yesterday afternoon when her father caught her walking around the neighborhood without her Hijab on and dragged her home with him.

We are not sure what happened next, but when it was all over Aqsa lay dying on the kitchen floor.

It's safe to say that she will be buried wearing her Hijab!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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These documentaries by James Burke are among the best series of programs that have ever been produced. (Equal to the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan!)

Although they were made over twenty years ago the subject matter of these works is timeless and it's presentation is flawless.

The first in the series; "The day the Universe changed," was a ten part series presented here in full and it dealt with the impact certain inventions had in changing history.

The next few; "Connections," Connections II," Connections III," and "Re-Connections," all look at how our modern world is interconnected and when one event occures, how it can have far reaching implications and be connected to other events in ways that we did not, and could not, know!

I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Humans Evolving Faster. Sorry Creationists!

Sorry all you Creationist Dudes, not only are we evolving, but we are doing so at an ever increasing rate!

Anthropology researchers at the University of Utah have found the pace of evolution has accelerated in the past 50,000 years, especially since the end of the Ice Age 10,000 years ago.

Meanwhile, according to research leader Henry Harpending, a professor of anthropology at the university, Human races are evolving away from each other and are very different from what they were 1,000 or 2,000 years ago,

(That explains, in part, the difference between Viking invaders and their peaceful Swedish descendants.)

"The dogma has been these are cultural fluctuations, but almost any temperament trait you look at is under strong genetic influence," Harpending said in a release.
The findings were published in Monday's edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The researchers looked for genetic evidence of natural selection, or the evolution of favourable gene mutations, over the past 80,000 years by analyzing DNA from 270 individuals in the International HapMap Project, which is an initiative to identify variations in genes that cause disease.

They studied 3.9 million chromosome mutations from 270 people in four populations: Han Chinese, Japanese, Africa’s Yoruba tribe and northern Europeans, represented largely by data from Utah Mormons. Harpending and his team examined the speed at which chromosome mutations broke up and recombined and found that about seven per cent are undergoing rapid, recent evolution.

The main result of these findings is to deflate the commonly held befief that human evolution has remained static over the last 50-100,00 years said Dr. Harpending.

"Our study denies the widely held assumption or belief that modern humans appeared 50,000 years ago, have not changed since and that we are all pretty much the same," he said. "We show that humans are changing relatively rapidly on a scale of centuries to millennia, and that these changes are different in different continental groups."
The researchers noted that rapid population growth, along with big changes in culture and ecology, have resulted in major genetic changes, such as skeletal and dental changes.

In fact, people today are genetically more different from people living 5,000 years ago than those humans were different from the Neanderthals who vanished 30,000 years ago, according to anthropologist John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin.

Human migration into new environments has also led to adaptations to colder weather, such as less skin pigmentation to allow for more vitamin D absorption.

The genetic changes have related to numerous different human characteristics, the researchers said.

Many of the recent genetic changes also reflect differences in the human diet brought on by agriculture, as well as resistance to epidemic diseases that became mass killers following the growth of human civilizations, the researchers said.

For example, Africans have new genes providing resistance to malaria.

In Europeans, there is a gene that makes them better able to digest milk as adults.

In Asians, there is a gene that makes ear wax more dry.

The changes have been driven by the colossal growth in the human population -- from a few million to 6.5 billion in the past 10,000 years -- with people moving into new environments to which they needed to adapt, added Henry Harpending, a University of Utah anthropologist.

"The central finding is that human evolution is happening very fast -- faster than any of us thought," Harpending said in a telephone interview. "Most of the acceleration is in the last 10,000 years, basically corresponding to population growth after agriculture is invented," Hawks said in a telephone interview.
Beneficial genetic changes have appeared at a rate roughly 100 times higher in the past 5,000 years than at any previous period of human evolution, the researchers determined. They added that about 7 percent of human genes are undergoing rapid, relatively recent evolution.

Even with these changes, however, human DNA remains more than 99 percent identical, the researchers noted.

Genes have evolved relatively quickly in Africa, Asia and Europe but almost all of the changes have been unique to their corner of the world. This is the case, he said, because since humans dispersed from Africa to other parts of the world about 50-100,000 years ago, there has not been much flow of genes between the regions.

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Monday, December 10, 2007

Wild Kingdom - or - Lions and Buffalo and Crocs, Oh My!

As I said before, I no longer post what I think other people will like, but rather I comment and display things that catch MY attention and interest!

This amazing video shows a herd of water buffalo attacked by a pride of lions that catches one of the calves.

When the lions drag it to the waters edge they have a fight with a crocodile over the calf.

Then the herd of water buffalo stage a surprise counter attack and ............ well, watch the video for the amazing conclusion!

Your "wild kingdom" scribe;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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These documentaries by James Burke are among the best series of programs that have ever been produced. (Equal to the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan!)

Although they were made over twenty years ago the subject matter of these works is timeless and it's presentation is flawless.

The first in the series; "The day the Universe changed," was a ten part series presented here in full and it dealt with the impact certain inventions had in changing history.

The next few; "Connections," Connections II," Connections III," and "Re-Connections," all look at how our modern world is interconnected and when one event occures, how it can have far reaching implications and be connected to other events in ways that we did not, and could not, know!

I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!

(This is week # 3)


Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Merry Christmas or else!

It's that time of year again where the "Missus Herself" sits down and writes Christmas cards to all our friends and relatives.

(They are not always the same people!)

While she was writing away this past weekend I read an article about how sending cards at this time of year, especially at the office, can lead to inadvertently offending certain people who are not of the Christian faith.

Two answers to this, and then a definitive summation at the end.

First of all, if you do get a Christmas card then please take it in the spirit it was intended, for this is the time for "Peace on Earth and good will toward men!"

(Now the Feminists are going to get into the act as well about the "men" part!)

Secondly, I don't see any Christians getting upset when Jews wish each other "Happy Chanukah" or Muslims say "Happy Ramadan" or Wiccan's strip naked and dance around a fire. No! Live and let live I always say!

Now don't get me wrong, I am not an official Christian by any means but because of my wife's shinning example I am an Agnostic who subscribes to Christian Values and I try to live my life accordingly.

So, if you are not a Christian and you get a card from us that you find offensive............. go fuck yourself! (Not very Christian, eh?)

Your humble servant;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

U. S. Politics

I don't know why I'm commenting on the U.S. presidential race since I can't vote there anyway, but as usual I just have to give my two cents worth, (And if you've read about attempts to do way with the penny you know that two cents worth ain't a whole hell of a lot!) since anything that happens in the States might as well be happening here in Canada.

First of all, even though I lean towards the Democratic ideology there is not one Democrat I like except John Edwards! (It looks like he doesn't have a snowball chance in hell of winning and Al Gore wimped out!)

Among the Republicans there is not one that doesn't scare the shit out of me but if I had to go with the best of a bad lot then Ron Paul would be the man.

Your "perplexed, bothered and bewildered" scribe;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Dalai Lama urges Christians not to convert to Buddhism

I have always liked and trusted the Dalai Lama (As opposed to his ne'er-do-well cousin Fernando) and this article I just discovered has given me new respect for him as a spitual leader and a person.

It was written two years ago but is just as relevant today!

Guest Post by Fran Race

The Dalai Lama has urged Christians not to convert to Buddhism.

The controversial words were spoken by the spiritual leader of Tibet and the leader of the Tibetan Government in Exile at a conference entitled "Ethics for a New Millennium" in Edinburgh, Scotland this weekend.

Instead, the Dalai Lama urged Western Christians and Muslims embrace the teachings of compassion and peace that can be found in their own religious traditions.

"All major religions carry the same messages. Messages of love, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and self-discipline. I have Muslim friends, Christian friends. All have these same values
The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibet, but has lived in exile for nearly 50 years since his homeland was invaded by China.

Despite the continued use of violence against his people by the Chinese he has inspired the hearts and minds of many across the world with his teachings of non-violence and compassion.

For his tireless work to promote human rights and peace he was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1989.

As part of his address he urged the USA and Britain to take a "firm stand" with China regarding democracy, freedom of speech and human rights.

These words come days after British Prime Minister Tony Blair engaged in discussions with Chinese President Hu Jintao, and at a time when US President George Bush was in Beijing.

(Proposals to increase trade with China has been met with fierce opposition by both human rights and free Tibet protestors.)

Your humble servant;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Sunday Morning Funnies #11


The family is sitting at the dinner table. The son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of boobies are there?"

The father, surprised, answers, "Well son, there are three kinds of breasts.

In her twenties, a woman's breasts are like melons, round & firm. In her thirties & forties, they are like pears, still nice, but hanging a bit.

After fifty, they are like onions."


"Yes, when you see them, they will make you cry."

This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter says, "Mom, how many types of "willies" are there?"

The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, "Well, a man goes through three phases.

In his twenties, his "willie" is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his thirties & forties, it's like a birch tree, flexible but reliable.

After his fifties, it is like a Christmas tree."

"A Christmas tree??"

"Yes, dead from the root up and the balls are for decoration only."

AND FINALLY: Here's to ya!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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