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Saturday, December 01, 2007

More Americans believe in Devil and Witches than Darwin

I started this blog because of things like this article from Great Britain.

If I can ridicule and shame a few people into questioning their belief's and to look at the world from a point of view that is not whitewashed by religious dogma then I have done my job!

Read this and weep!

DALLAS (Reuters Life!) - More Americans believe in a literal hell and the Devil than Darwin's theory of evolution, according to a new Harris poll released on Thursday.

It is the latest survey to highlight America's deep level of religiosity, a cultural trait that sets it apart from much of the developed world.

It also helps explain many of its political battles which Europeans find bewildering, such as efforts to have "Intelligent Design" theory -- which holds life is too complex to have evolved by chance -- taught in schools alongside evolution.

The poll of 2,455 U.S. adults from Nov 7 to 13 found that 82 percent of those surveyed believed in God, a figure unchanged since the question was asked in 2005.

It further found that 79 percent believed in miracles, 75 percent in heaven, while 72 percent believed that Jesus is God or the Son of God. Belief in hell and the devil was expressed by 62 percent.

Darwin's theory of evolution met a far more skeptical audience which might surprise some outsiders as the United States is renowned for its excellence in scientific research.

Only 42 percent of those surveyed said they believed in Darwin's theory which largely informs how biology and related sciences are approached. While often referred to as evolution it is in fact the 19Th century British intellectuals theory of "natural selection."

There are unsurprising differences among religious groups.

"Born-again Christians are more likely to believe in the traditional elements of Christianity than are Catholics or Protestants. For example, 95 percent believe in miracles, compared to 87 percent and 89 percent among Catholics and Protestants," according to the poll.

"On the other hand only 16 percent of born-again Christians, compared to 43 percent of Catholics and 30 percent of Protestants, believe in Darwin's theory of evolution."
What is perhaps surprising is that substantial minorities in America apparently believe in ghosts, UFOs, witches, astrology and reincarnation.

The survey, which has a sampling error of plus or minus two percent, found that 45 percent of the respondents believed in UFOs and 41 percent in witches.

More born-again Christians -- a term which usually refers to evangelical Protestants who place great emphasis on the conversion experience -- believed in witches at 37 percent than mainline Protestants or Catholics, both at 32 percent.


Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Deer Hunter!

This guy shot at the deer and MISSED...... all he did was get the deer mad!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


Asshole of the Week!

Police in Aiken, South Carolina say a man tried to open an account with a $1-million bill, which does not exist.

The teller refused to take it and called police while the man started to curse at bank workers.

Thirty-one-year-old Alexander Smith of Augusta, Georgia, has been charged with disorderly conduct and two counts of forgery.

Aiken County Sheriff's spokesman Lt. Michael Frank said the second forgery charge stems from a stolen cheque being used to buy several cartons of cigarettes from a nearby grocery store.

(Just a crazy guess, but could alcohol have been involved here?)

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Saturday Morning Confusion #496

This morning I am so confused that it makes my head ache.

I am reading the Saturday morning paper and noticed an article about the "Religion of Peace," and how a British exchange teacher Gillian Gibbons allowed one of her students in Sudan to name his teddy bear Mohammad.

So what, you say!

Well, "what it is," is that Islam is no more a "Religion of Peace" than I am the King of Bavaria.

The Sudanese people got so upset over this "insult" to Mohammad that they are now holding mass demonstrations calling for the EXECUTION of poor old Gillian.

No slap on the wrist, no comments such as; "that ain't nice," or no "tsk tsk" under their breath, NO! Everyone jumped up and started yelling "KILL THE BITCH!"

This naturally brings us to the question; "Is Islam a religion of Peace?" NO!

Let me give you a quick quote from my book "The Plain Truth About God" where we turn our attention from Christianity to the tenants of Islam!

Islam was born out of war and conquest over 1300 years ago and has remained violent ever since.

(It remained violent, but has not progressed in any way shape or form since. The mindset of the average Muslim in the Middle-East is still firmly anchored somewhere between the eighth and twelfth century.)

Traditional authorities, beginning in the time shortly after Muhammad, viewed holy law as the revealed will of God and subordinated politics to holy decree.

Historically however, it was politics (tribal or otherwise) that invariable shaped Islamic law and led to complex discourse on a subject that was contentious on the surface but at its base rather simple.

The religious precepts are pretty straightforward, but the task of explaining them and choosing a method for their application is left in human hands. This means they are automatically constrained by human limitations.

On top of this, Muslims became politically divided early in their history with the division into the Shiite and Sunni sects and that oriented their respective understandings of the law and its applications.

After Muhammad’s death, Islam also got off to a rocky start when warfare was used to spread the faith and three of the first four Caliphs died by violence.

The fourth Caliph, Ali, was a cousin of Muhammad and his followers then tore the community in two by claiming that Ali should have been the first caliph by virtue of his blood ties to Muhammad.

As we said, Islam became highly divisive right from its inception when it split into the Sunni, Shiite, and Sufi sects. Add to this the fact that Islam was spread through war and conflict as opposed to the philosophy of “love thy neighbor” that was the foundation of Christianity, and we have a religion that is ripe for dissension and conflict.

On top of the divisiveness amongst the practitioners of Islam, we can see how the faith slides still further with the triumph of fundamentalist interpretations of the Koran in the 11Th century.

This resulted in the triggering of major conflicts amongst the population of the region and the gradual decline of Islamic, and then by default, Arab civilization.
As you can see folks, one of the main problems with Islam is it's refusal to adjust to changing times and circumstances and the only way to cure this is through education of the masses.

(Perhaps what Islam needs is a “Reformation” along the same lines as the upheaval of the Catholic Church by Martin Luther.)

AND SPEAKING OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH............... don't think they are any better.

Don't forget we are dealing with Religions that started out with the supposed word of God and then became corrupted by human interpretation and hidden agenda's.

Pope Benedict criticized modern day atheism in a major document released yesterday, saying it had led to some of the "greatest forms of cruelty and violations of justice" ever known!!!

Jesus Christ, talk about the kettle calling the pot black!

That is about the greatest amount of hypocrisy I have seen in a long, long time!

Here is a religion that was responsible for the Inquisition, The Crusades, the persecution on non-believers and heretics and all manner of lying, cheating, duplicity and subterfuge that has the audacity to call atheists the villains!

Let me tell ya folks, this is why I love GOD but don't trust any of the people that work for him!

Your humble servant;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Friday, November 30, 2007

Interesting things you find out when you have sons.

1.) A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. ft. house 4 inches deep.
2.) If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite.
3.) A 3-year old Boy's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant.
4.) If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound Boy wearing Batman underwear and a Superman cape. It is strong enough, however, if tied to a paint can, to spread paint on all four walls of a 20x20room.
5.) You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on. When using a ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a hit.
A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a long way.
6.) The glass in windows (even double-pane) doesn't stop a baseball hit by a ceiling fan.
7.) When you hear the toilet flush and the words "uh oh", it's already too late.
8.) Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke, and lots of it.
9.) A six-year old Boy can start a fire with a flint rock even though a 36-year old Man says they can only do it in the movies.
10.) Certain Lego's will pass through the digestive tract of a 4-year old Boy.
11.) Play dough and microwave should not be used in the same sentence.
12.) Super glue is forever.
13.) No matter how much Jell-O you put in a swimming pool you still can't walk on water.
14.) Pool filters do not like Jell-O.
15.) VCR's do not eject "PB & J" sandwiches even though TV commercials show they do.
16.) Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.
17.) Marbles in gas tanks make lots of noise when driving.
18.) You probably DO NOT want to know what that odor is.
19.) Always look in the oven before you turn it on; plastic toys do not like ovens.
20.) The fire department in Austin, TX has a 5-minute response time.
21.) The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earthworms dizzy.
22.) It will, however, make cats dizzy.
23.) Cats throw up twice their body weight when dizzy.
24.) 80% of Women will pass this on to almost all of their friends, with or without kids.
25.) 80% of Men who read this will try mixing the Clorox and brake fluid.

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


Smelly Feet?

Smell plays such an important part of who we are attracted to and who we are NOT!

Of course you girls have other ways of finding out what a guy is all about! Odour tells a lot about us whether we like it or not!
And of course there are some people who can't be helped at all!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Dictator Kim Jong Il has resumed executions!

Dictator Kim Jong-ill has resumed executions in North Korea,

A North Korean factory boss accused of making international phone calls was executed by a firing squad in front of 150,000 people, it emerged today.

(And we thought our long distance rates were steep!!!!)

The manager was gunned down in a sports stadium in South Pyongan province after authorities claimed he'd installed the phones in a basement to reach the outside world, the Good Friends aid agency revealed.

Six people were also crushed to death and 34 others injured in an apparent stampede as they left after the execution.

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


Cop's are liars! (Among other things) Part 2

In the article a few weeks ago that "Cops are Liars" I commented on the fact that if you're going to investigate cops then the worst thing you can do is get other cops to do the investigating.

(This only makes sense because any cop is going to close ranks and protect his own. Unfortunate, but a fact of life!)

Well listen to this , bunky. Eighteen times in two years, Bolingbrook police were called to fellow officer Drew Peterson's home because of trouble between husband and wife. (Kathleen Savio, the third wife of Sgt. Drew Peterson, was found dead in a bathtub in 2004.)

But, Peterson's wife could never get authorities to arrest him.

In fact, she was the only one ever charged.

Now residents of this Chicago suburb are wondering whether police were protecting one of their own -- and whether they bear some responsibility for what happened next.

Peterson's wife at the time of the domestic disturbance calls, Kathleen Savio, was found dead in 2004 under mysterious circumstances.

In a roughly two-year period beginning in 2002, police responded to 18 domestic disturbance calls at Peterson's house.

Savio accused Peterson of beating her and threatening to kill her, but no charges were ever brought against him. Instead, Peterson twice persuaded prosecutors to charge Savio with domestic battery.

She was acquitted both times.

Police Lt. Ken Teppel said that in all 18 instances, police conducted a thorough investigation. He said a department inquiry found no indication officers did anything wrong or violated procedure.
(When Savio was found dead in her bathtub in 2004, a coroner's jury ruled it an accidental drowning.)

Now his current wife (#4) Stacy is missing and feared slain.

Peterson, 53, was a police sergeant and 29-year veteran of the force, resigned earlier this month after he came under suspicion in his current wife's disappearance in October.

Since Stacy Peterson's disappearance, investigators have re-examined Savio's death and exhumed her body, and said they now believe it was a homicide made to look like an accident.

Peterson has not been named a suspect in Savio's death. But authorities said he is suspected in Stacy Peterson's disappearance.

Peterson has denied any wrong doing in either case and said he believes his current wife left him for another man and is still alive.

The Bolingbrook department has handed the investigation over to the Illinois State Police -- standard practice in criminal cases involving a member of the force.

Teppel said street cops in the 122-member department are being reminded about the proper way to handle domestic calls and are being told they are expected to adhere to the rules, no matter who answers when they knock on the door.

Teppel said Police Chief Ray McGrury has made it clear: "There are no favorites."
Savio and Stacy Peterson were Peterson's third and fourth wives. He and wives No. 1 and 2 divorced.

Vicki Connolly, Peterson's second wife, has said that during their marriage, an increasingly controlling Peterson hit her and told her he could kill her and make it look like an accident.

Connolly said police sometimes came to the house when the couple were having problems, but she said the officers were friends of theirs and no reports ever were filed. E-mail to a friend

This case is far from over folks!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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These documentaries by James Burke are among the best series of programs that have ever been produced. (Equal to the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan!)

Although they were made over twenty years ago the subject matter of these works is timeless and it's presentation is flawless.

The first in the series; "The day the Universe changed," was a ten part series presented here in full and it dealt with the impact certain inventions had in changing history.

The next few; "Connections," Connections II," Connections III," and "Re-Connections," all look at how our modern world is interconnected and when one event occures, how it can have far reaching implications and be connected to other events in ways that we did not, and could not, know!

I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Illegal Aliens

NO, not these guys!

THESE guys!

We have some news here that raises some questions. (After you think about it for a while!)

Police have broken up two major human smuggling rings that allegedly snuck hundreds of illegal aliens into the United States from Canada.

U.S. Attorney Thomas Anderson points to charts describing the operations of a human smuggling ring on Wednesday in Burlington, Vt.

The rings, operating out of Toronto and Montreal since 2004, allegedly drove foreigners to the American border and guided them across on foot, avoiding roads and border crossings.

The aliens, who came to Canada from Korea, Pakistan, India and Central America, allegedly paid $10,000 per person for the service.
U.S. authorities, with the help of the RCMP, cracked down on the rings and are prepared to lay conspiracy charges against five people allegedly linked to the Montreal operation and six people said to be tied to the Toronto group.

Now here comes the strange part......... these people in countries on the other side of the world only know that America is the land of opportunity and do their best to get in there, not realizing that once they hit Canada they are already home-free.

It's easier to immigrate into Canada but they still buy into the myth that the U.S. is the land of the free where opportunities are unlimited so they pay an extra $10 grand to get into a place that is basically no different than here..... they just don't know it!

That's the real crime!

(Actually, they are a lot less likely to get shot, imprisoned or die in poverty if they just stayed here!)

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Early hominid males were late bloomers!

CBC News
An extinct hominid species that shared the planet with our ancestors almost two million years ago had a mating strategy where the males take much longer to reach maturity than females, scientists said on Thursday.
So what else is new? I can see that things haven't changed that much in the last two million years, just look at today's teenagers!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Osama, bo bamah, bannana, fanna, fo mama. Fee, Fi.....

Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden called on the Europeans to stop helping the United States in the war in Afghanistan, according to excerpts of a new audiotape broadcast Thursday on Al-Jazeera television.


Here's why!

Osama said a whole lot of other stuff on Al-Jazeera TV but the point I'm trying to bring up is this................ If we really want to marginalize Osama bin-Laden and people like him, then anything they have to say should be totally ignored!!!!!

Let him spout all he wants to on Arab TV but don't give him a soapbox here in the West.

Please, whenever you get some new tape on Al Queada or bin Laden or whomever, just throw it in the garbage.

Let there be a giant vacuum where these guys once stood and it will soon become apparent that they can't manipulate Western public opinion because let's face it boys and girls, out of sight is out of mind.

Let the army and the spooks and the diplomats deal with these nut cases but don't give them a free ride in the media.

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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These documentaries by James Burke are among the best series of programs that have ever been produced. (Equal to the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan!)

Although they were made over twenty years ago the subject matter of these works is timeless and it's presentation is flawless.

The first in the series; "The day the Universe changed," was a ten part series presented here in full and it dealt with the impact certain inventions had in changing history.

The next few; "Connections," Connections II," Connections III," and "Re-Connections," all look at how our modern world is interconnected and when one event occures, how it can have far reaching implications and be connected to other events in ways that we did not, and could not, know!

I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Child Porn!

Manitoban's could be the first North Americans to face jail time and fines for failing to report suspected cases of child pornography under legislation introduced Wednesday.

The provincial government on Wednesday introduced legislation that, if passed, will amend the Child and Family Services Act to expand the definition of child abuse to include child pornography.

Precise details of the legislation have yet to be released, but under its provisions, anyone caught not reporting suspected cases of child pornography could face up to two years behind bars or a maximum $50,000 fine — the same penalty for those who fail to report child abuse.

"Child porn is not just a picture — it's a sexual assault committed against a child," said Lianna McDonald, director of the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. "It's an act of child abuse that needs to be stopped."
The agency runs the national tip line for reporting child sexual exploitation that Manitoban's will be asked to call if they notice a possible case of child pornography.

This is all well and good but another example of Government run wild in controlling our lives.

Now don't get me wrong on this! I believe that any case of child porn should be immediately reported just from the fact that it's the right thing to do!

I can't imagine someone learning of a case of child porn and not doing anything, but I do resent the fact that the authorities feel a need to control our lives to the extent that they do.

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm Pissed Off!

I might get a little confused on Saturday mornings but here on a Wednesday night I am definitely pissed off.

The Canadian government, in all its wisdom, has announced it is investigating price fixing among the major chocolate bar, cereal and candy makers.

Chocolate bar pushers, candy runners and cereal pimps! A "Chocolate Cartel!"

What I would like to get back into perspective is why the government has never done a price fixing or anti-combines act against the companies that matter.

Companies like gasoline retailers who all seem to have the same price for gas and all seem to go up and down with their prices at the same time.

Or how about insurance companies, don't ya think someone should have a look at them? Why is it that the only people that can get life insurance are the one's who are healthy as a horse and why does all car insurance cost the same no matter who you go to.

Maybe movie theatres need a little investigation. I don't think it is just co-incidence that all the different movie theatres charge exactly $237 dollars for a large bag of popcorn when you're watching a movie!

Why does a 24 of beer cost the same no matter what brand you buy and have you ever tried to get a discount on your electricity bill?

Folks, there are millions of cases that need investigation for price fixing and the good ol' Canadian Government decides to show how tough it is by picking on the "evil-doers" that make Smarties and Co-Co Puffs. OH boy!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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These documentaries by James Burke are among the best series of programs that have ever been produced. (Equal to the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan!)

Although they were made over twenty years ago the subject matter of these works is timeless and it's presentation is flawless.

The first in the series; "The day the Universe changed," was a ten part series presented here in full and it dealt with the impact certain inventions had in changing history.

The next few; "Connections," Connections II," Connections III," and "Re-Connections," all look at how our modern world is interconnected and when one event occures, how it can have far reaching implications and be connected to other events in ways that we did not, and could not, know!

I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Perspective's Great Christmas Gifts!

Web site Stupid.com, which claims finding a truly stupid gift is an art form, on Monday unveiled its list of the top 10 "stupidest" holiday gifts for 2007.

As a public service "Perspective" lists them here for your entertainment and shopping suggestions. "These gifts are so ridiculously stupid that everyone will want them," said Stupid.com's founder Gary Apple in a statement.

Here is stupid.com's top 10 which is endorsed by by the research staff here at "Perspective!"

1. Mistletoe To Go - In the mood for love but on the go? Consider this portable mistletoe. This attractive arrangement of faux mistletoe comes with a suction cup that attaches to your forehead.

2. The Hillary Nutcracker - Love her or hate her, this is a new take on Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton who, in holiday tradition, is made into a nutcracker.

3. Slingshot Monkey - The Slingshot Monkey is a stuffed monkey dressed like a superhero. It flies up to 50 feet and screams along the way.

4. Larry Craig Action Figure - The talking Senator Larry Craig action figure wears a T-shirt with his declaration: "I Am Not Gay." His limbs are bendable and he delivers a portion of his news conference after pleading guilty to lewd behavior in an airport bathroom.

5. Uncle Oinker's Gummy Bacon Candy - One of America's favorite smoked-meat product has been reproduced as a candy. Uncle Oinkers Gummy Bacon comes packaged the same way as real bacon and even looks like real bacon.

6. Inflatable Moosehead - No need to go through the expense and trouble of tracking down a moose and shooting it dead when you can simply buy an inflatable moose head for the trophy wall.

7. Electronic Yodeling Pickle - The electronic yodeling pickle is a 6-1/2" plastic pickle with a high-tech interior. When you press the pickle's button it belts out a yodel reminiscent of the Swiss Alps.

8. Poo-lar Bear Candy - It's a plastic polar bear that you fill with candy poop so when you press down on the bear's hind quarters, he poops out a tasty treat.

9. Get Off the Phone Excuse Machine - If you have trouble getting off the phone from some people, this small electronic device could be the answer. Press a button for "Whoops, there's the door" or "I can't hear you, you're breaking up," and you can get off the hook.

10. USB dancer - This bikini-wearing dancer plugs into your computer's USB port and audio port and when sound plays on your system, she dances and gyrates around the pole.

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Belgian doesn't waffle!

A Belgian anesthetist has filed a complaint against a Muslim who blocked him from entering the operating theatre where his wife was to undergo emergency surgery.

The woman was operated with the male doctor shouting instructions from a hallway to a female nurse

Doctor Philippe Becx from Bree, Belgium, was called to the hospital in the middle of the night because a woman had to undergo an emergeny caesarean section.

However, her husband blocked the door and demanded a female anesthetist. The latter was unavailable.

After a two-hour discussion proved fruitless, an imam was summoned. The imam permitted the doctor to apply an epidural injection, but only if the woman was fully covered with only a small area of skin showing.

During the surgery itself, performed by a female gynecologist, the anesthetist was to remain in the hallway. Through a door that was slightly ajar, he shouted instructions to a nurse who was monitoring the anesthesia.

According the hospital’s directors, the doctor acted with ‘admirable understanding.’ He would have been in his right to have the man removed by police.

The anesthetist has now filed a complaint with an investigate judge, charging that he was hindered in fulfilling his fuctions, and that he was discrimanated against since he was not allowed to do his job merely because he is a man.

The doctor further claims moral damage, since he could not fulfill his medical duties while he would still be liable should any complications have occured.

The Belgian organization of anesthetists says there have been other incidents between Muslims and male doctors. The organization demands clear guidelines from the government. “Tolerance is nice, but it may not jeopardize safety,” says chairman René Heylen.

The Muslim is also charged with endangering the lives of his wife and child.

The caesarean section was succesful, and mother and child are doing fine.

Click HERE

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Another reason I don't like cats!

They're stupid!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


10 Reasons You're Not Getting Ahead!

*You don’t have a goal. A lot of time we find ourselves “spinning our wheels”, struggling through a day-to-day routine that isn’t getting us anywhere because we don’t know where we want to go. Sometimes we had goals when we set ourselves on a particular path, but we’ve changed along the way and those goals are no longer that important. Sometimes we simply did what was expected of us without ever stopping to think about what we eventually wanted to accomplish for ourselves. Whatever the case, figuring out what your goals are and, just as importantly, whether your current actions are helping to achieve them, is important.

*You don’t have a vision. Setting goals is important but isn’t enough to drive you to the finish line; it’s important, too, to be able to imagine yourself as the achiever of your goals. How will you feel, what’s the payoff, why is it worthwhile to follow these goals and not some other ones? If goals are the end result of a journey, your vision is the fuel to get you there.

*You don’t have a plan. If goals are your destination and a vision is your fuel, your plan is the map to get you there; without a plan, you have no idea what immediate steps to take to achieve your goals. Planning means taking stock of the resources you have, the resources you need, and the steps you have to take to put those resources into action. The world is full of people with goals they have never accomplished because they didn’t have a plan — don’t you be one of them.

*You’re too certain. Too much certainty creates inflexibility. If you’re sure that your plan is correct, and refuse to accept the possibility of error, you may well find yourself stuck when an unexpected change comes about, or when your plan takes you in an unexpected direction. However strong your plan and however sure you are of your goals, make room for periodic reassessment.

*You’re not certain enough. At the same time, too little certainty will paralyze you. If you refuse to take a step because you aren’t positive it will move you towards success, you won’t make any better progress than if you had no goals at all. Keep your eyes open and be willing to change, but have faith in yourself, too.

*You don’t learn from your mistakes. A lot of people take their mistakes as signs of their unworthiness. They take setbacks as proof that they were never meant to achieve anything in the first place, and that they were stupid to even try. Mistakes are crucial to success — if we take the time to analyze them and learn from them. Even when they bar us irrevocably from attaining a goal, the lessons we learn from our mistakes help us to make new and better goals.

*You reject outside influences. A lot of people see the influence of others as a weakness, or worse, a restriction or even “pollution” of their innate creativity. This is, in a word, hogwash. We are first and foremost social beings, none of whom has ever accomplished anything without the help of others. Welcome and accept other perspectives on your strengths and weaknesses, your successes and failures. Accept help graciously when it’s offered. This doesn’t mean you should take every piece of advice offered you, but you should listen seriously and openly and weigh carefully the input of others. And learn from their mistakes, when you can.

*You worry about being copied. Often we close ourselves off from other people not because we’re afraid that they will influence us but that we will influence them, that our brilliant ideas will be taken up by someone else and no longer be solely ours. So we avoid sharing our passions, and spend our energy jealously guarding our “secret” rather than simply moving forward. In the end, we turn our passions into burdens that become difficult to carry instead of a joy.

*You use up your reserves. When I’ve found myself at my lowest points, it’s always been for lack of a reserve — whether of money, of time, or most crucially of energy. In part this was the fault of inadequate planning and over-certainty — I should have reassessed my situation more realistically before exhausting my resources — but whatever the cause, it’s a dangerous place to be. A mistake that could be easily recovered from under normal circumstances becomes overwhelming when you’re too broke or too exhausted to respond adequately. Keep track of where you are financially, materially, and emotionally before you find yourself too worn down to continue.

*You fear success. Forget fear of failure, it’s fear of success that kicks us the hardest. It’s the darnedest thing, too — the kind of thing that you don’t imagine possible, until one day you realize that you really don’t know what to do with yourself if you ever accomplish your goals. On the other side of success is the unknown, and believe it or not, the unknown is often scarier than the known world of struggle and unfulfillment this side of success. When I realized this, one night as I drifted unhappily to sleep, it jerked me straight up in my bed!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


Before and After!

The miracle of cosmetic surgery!

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at http://www.god-101.com/ and the blog "Perspective" at http://god-101.blogspot.com/

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These documentaries by James Burke are among the best series of programs that have ever been produced. (Equal to the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan!)

Although they were made over twenty years ago the subject matter of these works is timeless and it's presentation is flawless.

The first in the series; "The day the Universe changed," was a ten part series presented here in full and it dealt with the impact certain inventions had in changing history.

The next few; "Connections," Connections II," Connections III," and "Re-Connections," all look at how our modern world is interconnected and when one event occures, how it can have far reaching implications and be connected to other events in ways that we did not, and could not, know!

(Much like the "Six degrees of seperation!")

I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!

Episode 1-2

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


Capitalism is alive and well!

O.K., here's the scene. You drive up to the gas pumps and start to fill your tank.................

(Of course YOU have to do it, when was the last time you saw a full serve gas station?)

As your filling the tank a voice beside you suddenly says; "Feeling a bit drained after all the running around you've been doing today? Why not slip into the snack bar and get an energy bar or power drink to get you back on your feet! And remember, we have a sale on milk and bread as well."

Or, a TV screen lights up with a nice tropical beach scene and a voice starts telling you, (As you stand in two feet of blowing snow.) that Scare Air has a sale on flights to the Bahama's or Hawaii.

Take my word for it bunky, there is nothing better than a captive audience and I can see the time coming when your sitting on the can in your favorite watering hole and there in front of you, hanging from the shitter door, is a LCD screen reminding you that imported beer is half price for the next 15 minutes.

Yes kids, capitalism is alive and well in the Western world. The next step will be a TV in your living room that turns itself on as soon as you walk into the room and then starts bombarding you with commercials. Stay tuned!

Your humble servant;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Monday, November 26, 2007


These documentaries by James Burke are among the best series of programs that have ever been produced. (Equal to the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan!)

Although they were made over twenty years ago the subject matter of these works is timeless and it's presentation is flawless.

The first in the series; "The day the Universe changed," was a ten part series presented here in full and it dealt with the impact certain inventions had in changing history.

The next few; "Connections," Connections II," Connections III," and "Re-Connections," all look at how our modern world is interconnected and when one event occures, how it can have far reaching implications and be connected to other events in ways that we did not, and could not, know!

I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!

Episode 1-1

James Burke, the creator and host of 'Connections', explains the Haber-Bosch Process Connections was a ten-episode documentary television series created and narrated by science historian James Burke.

The series was produced and directed by Mick Jackson of the BBC Science & Features Department and first aired in 1978.

It took an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention and demonstrates how various discoveries, scientific achievements, and historical world events built off one another in an interconnected way to bring about particular aspects of modern technology.

The series is well-known for Burke's impeccable narration (especially its dry humour), historical reenactments, intricate working models, skillful use of classical music (most notably Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi, or "O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana), and shots on location as far afield as Penang (Malaysia).

The popular success of the series led to two sequels, Connections² in 1994, and Connections³ in 1997, both produced for TLC.

Modern soldiers demonstrate the use of steel-tipped pikes by the Swiss against Charles the Bold in one of the many reenactments used in Connections.Connections explores an "Alternative View of Change" (the subtitle of the series) that rejects the conventional linear and teleological view of historical progress.

Burke contends that one cannot consider the development of any particular piece of the modern world in isolation. Rather, the entire gestalt of the modern world is the result of a web of interconnected events, each one consisting of a person or group acting in rational self-interest with no concept of the final, modern result of what either their or their contemporaries' actions finally lead to.

The interplay of the results of these isolated events is what drives history and innovation, and is also the main focus of the series and its sequels.

To demonstrate this view, Burke begins each episode with a particular event or innovation in the past (usually Ancient or Medieval times) and traces the path from that event through a series of seemingly unrelated connections to a fundamental and essential aspect of the modern world.

For example, the program traces the invention of plastics from the development of the fluyt, a type of Dutch cargo ship.

Burke also explores three corollaries to his initial thesis.

The first is that, if history is driven by individuals who act only on what they know at the time and not because of any idea as to where their actions will eventually lead, then predicting the future course of technological progress is futile conjecture.

If we are astonished by the connections Burke is able to weave among past events, then we will be equally surprised by what the events of today eventually lead to, especially events we weren't even aware of at the time.

The second and third corollaries are explored most in the introductory and concluding episodes, and they represent the downside of an interconnected history.

If history progresses because of the synergistic interaction of past events and innovations, then as history does progress, the number of these events and innovations increases.

This increase in possible connections causes the process of innovation to not only continue, but to accelerate. Burke poses the question of what happens when this rate of innovation, or more importantly change itself, becomes too much for the average person to handle and what this means for individual power, liberty, and privacy.

Lastly, if the entire modern world is built from these interconnected innovations, all increasingly maintained and improved by specialists who required years of training to gain their expertise, what chance does the average citizen without this extensive training have in making an informed decision on practical technological issues, such as the building of nuclear power plants or the funding of controversial projects such as stem cell research?

Furthermore, if the modern world is increasingly interconnected, what happens when one of those nodes collapses? Does the entire system follow suit?

Connections (1978)
The Trigger Effect
Death in the Morning
Distant Voices
Faith in Numbers
The Wheel of Fortune
Thunder in the Skies
The Long Chain
Eat, Drink and Be Merry
Yesterday, Tomorrow and You

Connections2 (1992)
Sentimental Journeys
Getting It Together
Something for Nothing
Echoes of the Past
Photo Finish
Separate Ways
High Times
Déjà Vu
New Harmony
Hot Pickle
The Big Spin
Bright Ideas
Making Waves
One Word
Sign Here
Better Than the Real Thing
Flexible Response

Connections3 (1997)
What's in a Name?
Drop The Apple
Invisible Object
Life is No Picnic
Elementary Stuff
A Special Place
Fire from the Sky
Hit the Water
In Touch

Follow this series with James Burke daily, Monday thru Friday, here on "Perspective" at http://god-101.blogspot.com/

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at http://www.god-101.com/

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

An Unforgettable Classroom Exercise

One day, a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name.

Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers.

That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual.

On Monday she gave each student his or her list.

Before long, the entire class was smiling. "Really?" she heard whispered. "I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!" and, "I didn't know others liked me so much," were most of the comments.

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. The teacher never found out if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.

Several years later, one of the students was killed in Vietnam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before.

He looked so handsome, so mature. The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to bless the coffin.

As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her.

"Were you Mark's math teacher?" he asked. She nodded: "Yes." Then he said: "Mark talked about you a lot."

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon.

Mark's mother and father were also there, wanting to speak with his teacher.

"We want to show you something," his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket. "They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it."

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.

"Thank you so much for doing that," Mark's mother said. "As you can see, Mark treasured it."

All of Mark's former classmates started to gather around. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home." Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album." "I have mine too," Marilyn said. "It's in my diary"

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. "I carry this with me at all times," Vicki said. Without batting an eyelash, she continued, "I think we all saved our lists."

Tears rolled down the eyes of the humble teacher. We encounter so many people in our lives, and it's a precious joy to see the good in all those journeys.

[Original Story was by Sister Helen]

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Turkey: Radical Islamists Call For Destruction Of Israel!

Thousands Of radical Islamists in Istanbul call for Jihad and the destruction Of Israel over the weekend.

This from a country that is trying to get into the E.U. (European Union)

The International Quds (Jerusalem) Meeting convened in Istanbul Saturday and called for armed struggle until Jerusalem is ‘liberated.’

Representatives of all Islamic countries, as well as organizations such as Hamas, Hizbullah, Islamic Jihad and Jamaat-i Islamia are attending the giant meeting.

Speeches of condemnation of Israel and determination to continue the armed struggle until Israel is eliminated were interrupted by loud calls of “Allah-u Akbar.” (God is great!)

Turkey is a country that is 90% Muslim and 90% in Asia, not Europe, so why are member countries even toying with the idea of letting them in to the European Union?

It would make a lot more sense to integrate Russia into the E.U. and NATO.

This might curb some of their more bellicose actions and smooth relations by converting an adversary into a willing partner.

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Sunday Morning Funnies #2 1/2

Birthdays are good for you - the more you have the longer you live.

Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.

If money could talk, it would say: goodbye.

If nobody knows the troubles you've seen,
- then you don't live in a small town.

If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand
- we'd be so simple we couldn't understand.

If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence,
try orderin' somebody else's dog around.

Never, ever make absolute, unconditional statements.

Pain and Suffering is inevitable but Misery is optional.

Sometimes the best helping hand you can give is a good, firm push.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

There are three dimensions to credit cards, length, width and debt.

You can listen to thunder after lightening and tell how close you came
to getting hit. If you don't hear it, you got hit, so never mind.

If you lend someone $20, and never see that person again,
- it was probably worth it.

If you think nobody cares if you're alive,
try missing a couple of car payments.

It may be that your sole purpose in life
- is simply to serve as a warning to others.

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
That way you're a mile away, and you have their shoes too.

Don't use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice.

The easiest way to find something lost around the house
is to buy a replacement.

If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing.

Today is tomorrow's yesterday.

If you are longing for the 'good old days', you're there pal.

Accept that some days you're the pigeon,
and some days you're the statue.

Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

You are what you eat. So stay away from the jerk chicken.

If you see a snake, just kill it. Don't appoint a committee on snakes. - H. Ross Perot

When everything's coming your way,
- you're in the wrong lane.

Never eat more than you can lift. - Miss Piggy

If you put your nose to the grindstone, you'll get a flat face.

Life is tough, get a helmet

The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight shoes.

Never argue with a man carrying a water buffalo.

Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which you need more.

AND.........You can't tell a book by its movie.

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at www.God-101.com and the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Christmas time is here again!

Christmas time is here again in my home town of Toronto and the lights are blazing!

We just had the Santa Claus Parade and today is the Canadian Football League's Grey Cup Final.

Ontario Place

Eaton Centre -->

One of the main attractions is the nightly skating in the square outside of City Hall. ->

Naturally Toronto's Gay comunity had to get in on the action as usual. These guys should be spanked for going out in public like that. (Except they would probably like it!)

Allan W Janssen is the author of The Plain Truth About God at http://www.god-101.com/ and the blog "Perspective" at http://god-101.blogspot.com/

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