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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mother Nature Smiles

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com


Muslims vs Islamists!

This is almost like a "Tale of Two Cities" except it's a "Tale of two Ideologies!"

Let's talk about both for a bit. On the one hand we have the "Canadian Islamic Congress" (CIC) and on the other hand there is "The Muslim Canadian Congress" (MCC) and the "Canadian Muslim Union" (CMU) which were organized to provide a voice to Muslims who support a "progressive, liberal, pluralistic, democratic, and secular society where everyone has the freedom of religion." (Wikipedia)

We will deal with the MCC and CMU first. MCC was formed in 2002, in the wake of 9/11 by a group of Toronto area liberal Muslims. Then in 2006 eight executive members resigned and formed the new CMU whose philosophy of Liberal Islam is similar to the MCC's but with an intention to work "with and within the Muslim community."

These are the only Muslim organizations in Canada to ask for a "separation of religion and state in all matters of public policy."

The groups gained prominence by opposing the implementation of Shariah Law in civil law in Ontario and supporting the country's same-sex marriage legislation.

They also promote gender equality and were involved in organizing a Muslim prayer session in which the prayers were led by woman.

They have also been critical of Islamic fundamentalism and urged the government to ban donations to Canadian religious institutions from abroad, arguing that doing so will curb extremism.

In 2007, the MCC came out against a Canadian Human Rights Commission complaint made by several youths associated with the Canadian Islamic Congress against Maclean's Magazine for publishing an allegedly Islamophobic column by Mark Steyn saying that; "The reaction of the CIC has only given credence to his premise - that Muslims in the West cannot accept the values of individual freedom, a free press and the right to offend!"

Earlier that year, the MCC came out against a proposal by John Tory and the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party to publicly fund faith-based schools accusing the Tories of "pandering to clerics."

The MCC has also been outspoken on the issue of women wearing the hijab saying "It is not a requirement of Islam that Muslim women stay covered completely" and that women should be assured that not wearing the hijab is not a sin. (The MCC is associated with the Progressive Muslim Union of North America.)

Then we have "The Canadian Islamic Congress" (CIC) which refers to itself as Canada's largest national non-profit and wholly independent Islamic organization without affiliation to any foreign group, body, or government and says it represents -- Sunni and Shi'a, men and women, youth and seniors. (Wikipedia)

It has been described as "conservative and traditional" in outlook, particularly when compared to two liberal Muslim groups, the Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC) and the Canadian Muslim Union. (CMU)

The Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) supported recommendations by Marion Boyd that the government of Ontario permit sharia tribunals to which Muslims could voluntarily submit civil disputes and whose findings would then have legal weight under the Arbitration Act.

The proposal was opposed by the Muslim Canadian Congress, (MCC) the Canadian Council of Muslim Women and non-Muslim women's groups.

(The provincial government ended up rejecting the proposal and scrapping existing religious arbitration tribunals for Jews and Christians in the process.)

The CIC raised controversy when CIC President Elmasry wrote that Canadian Muslims; "Should not to make a cause of publicly deriding their religion, badmouthing the Prophet, ridiculing the Qur'an and mounting uninformed crusades to smear their Islamic Law, the Shariah."

In the aftermath, the Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC) demanded that the CIC apologize for "false" accusations that those who criticize sharia are "smearing Islam, ridiculing the Koran and badmouthing Muhammad."

The MCC stated that CIC President Elmasry accused the group of blasphemy, a crime that carries the death sentence in several Islamic countries, leading some MCC members to fear they will be arrested if they travel to certain Islamic countries...."

Arif Raza, MCC's lawyer wrote that "Your [Elmasry's] false and utterly irresponsible accusations of blasphemy have exposed these active, dynamic and prominent members of the Canadian Muslim community and their families to enormously dangerous consequences" and that "you [Elmasry] have defamed their good reputation and exposed them to ridicule and hatred within their own communities in Canada."

Elmasry responded by stating that Islam has no punishment for denouncing the religion, its holy book or the Prophet Mohammad. (Tell that to any Islamic Fundamentalist)

He dismissed as "nonsense" the notion that his words could be construed as a death sentence.

Unfortunately, Elmasry is incapable of grasping what freedom means -- he is on public record for insisting all adult Israelis are legitimate targets for Palestinian suicide bombers, only apologizing under duress -- since he comes from a culture where freedom is mostly non-existent.

Freedom comes with cost, and the cost of freedom of expression enshrined in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms is finding someone occasionally offended, yet this cannot be the basis for bridging or censoring the most fundamental right of an open society.

Also, since 9/11 it is transparently clear the assault against the West by Islamists is not limited to indiscriminate violence or the curtailing of freedom of expression!

Islamists are also "using our own legal system as a weapon against us" as Professor John Yoo at the law faculty of the University of California, Berkeley, recently noted.

The case brought to the Federal and Provincial (Ontario and British Columbia) Human Rights Commissions against Maclean's magazine for publishing Mark Steyn's essay on "The future belonging to Islam, a growing faith;" Is an example of "lawfare" being used to undermine the fundamental values of liberal democracy.

It was launched by Mohamed Elmasry and the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC).

On top of this the CIC has been outspoken in its criticism of a perceived increase in Islamophobia since the September 11, 2001 attacks. (I wonder why? -ED.)

It has accused governments and school boards of failing to address harassment and discrimination against Muslims and Arabs and has called for the province of Ontario to launch a public inquiry.

At a press conference at Queen's Park, CIC official Wahida Valiante said that "Islamophobia does exist and it's growing." and that "since 9/11, there has been no effort on behalf of the Ontario government, including the Ministry of Education, to have a comprehensive policy to address the growing isolation and marginalization of Muslim and Arab youth."

Well, let me tell you something folks.......... it's not up to the Government to "have a comprehensive policy to address the growing isolation and marginalization of Muslim and Arab youth!" Rather it is up to the CIC and any other Muslim organization to publicly denounce any and all acts of terrorism and religious fanaticism!

Islam has a hell of a public relations problem in the West and an "Us versus Them" attitude by ANY Muslim group will not help the matter!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Saturday Morning Confusion. #12

Let's jump right into the deep end of the pool kids and start with our "Asshole of the Week!"

The trophy and a loud fart go to Dr. Phil McGraw for butting into the Britney Spears thing and trying to make hay out of it for his own personal gain!

"Was it helpful to the situation? Regrettably, no. It was not, and I have to acknowledge that and I do," the talk show host told his audience Thursday during taping of a Dr. Phil episode that will run Monday.


Speaking of Britney, why not make her our "Loser of the Day!" (This isn't the first... or last time, kids!)

Britney's movie career is kaput - for now anyway.

Filmmaker Tommy Parker told MTV News earlier this month he was in talks with Spears' camp to sign her on to his low-budget thriller Memoirs of a Medicated Child.

But a rep for the film is now telling the "Perspective" research department; "Even with an accepted $3 million offer on the table and negotiations being finalized, producers decided to can Brit.”

Actor Peter Falk's niece Samantha Falk will replace Spears in the film as the sympathetic girlfriend of a troubled young man.


You remember a few weeks ago when I talked about making a list of things to do before I die, and the list included talking to Rodney Dangerfield about Lenny Bruce but then HE went and died before I could do it.

Well bunky, let me tell you something. This idea caught on so much that Hollywood went and made a movie about it.

Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman star in The Bucket List, a buddy flick in which they leap from planes, drive race cars, eat caviar, motorcycle on the Great Wall of China, and trot by other wonders of the world before they "kick the bucket."

With this in mind,when USA TODAY asked readers about their lists, many had destinations, accomplishments and relationships in mind.

Genny Scott, 49, who works at the county jail in Goldendale, Wash., most wants to "learn to scuba dive and see the Great Barrier Reef in person. I've never been anywhere that the ocean is warm enough to stick your toes in."

She also wants to research her family roots, swim with dolphins and become a nature biologist. One item she's already started: working on a novel, she says. "So that's not totally unattainable."

Wayne Palmer's list is a mix of "fantasies, reality (and) duty."

Like the film buddies, Palmer, 46, an engineering technician in West Allis, Wis., wants to sky-dive. "I just have to lose a few pounds first."

His travel list highlights the last five U.S. states he hasn't visited (Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Vermont) and the Holy Land, to see the sunrise from a mountaintop and to look up an old pal.

Interior designer Lisa Echard, 43, of Taylorsville, N.C., has already checked off items, including riding in a hot-air balloon, "which actually landed, accidentally, in a lake," seeing the Grand Canyon, and accompanying her husband on his life-list goal of visiting Australia.

Still on the list: "Make myself a handmade quilt; see Paris and about 20 other places outside the U.S.; live in the Pacific Northwest, even for just a year to try somewhere different; write a book."

Possibly most important, Echard says: "Find a meaningful way to enrich other people's lives — outside of my own family."

The Rev. Kerry Shook and his wife, Chris, are leading 500 churches nationwide in a program that challenges them to live the next 30 days as if they were their last.

They did the challenge at their church, Fellowship of The Woodlands, in a Houston suburb. Their book on the challenge, One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life, is due in stores Feb. 5. It addresses "the big difference between a full life and a fulfilling life," he says.

In their pilot program, people took the honeymoon they'd forgone for 25 years, lost weight, quit smoking and clocked adventures, but most took it to a higher plane, including a woman who forgave the man who killed her son.

"We are all encouraged to leave a small ecological footprint and a huge spiritual footprint," Kerry Shook says.

The Shooks have four teenagers, and the couple's own list included more time and deeper conversations together. "It's the relational shortcomings that most haunt people in life," he adds.
The Bucket List movie ultimately sends its two wanderers to the people, not the places, who matter.

"Find the joy in your life," Freeman tells Nicholson before the credits roll.


Here is our "Winner of the day!" He's an actor, a producer, a director, a writer.

And now George Clooney has been named an official U.N. "messenger of peace" meaning he'll promote the organization's peace-keeping efforts.

Clooney, who is currently in Sudan, will receive his designation on Jan. 31 at U.N. headquarters.

He's the ninth U.N. messenger -- people chosen from the fields of art, music, literature and sports who have agreed to help focus attention on the United Nations' work.


A new "Star Trek" movie is coming out in December. Here is a sneak peek at the new Enterprise!


And finally for today, put your hands over your ass kids, because that is exactly where you're going to get it from "Big Brother" according to Tech-Dirt magazine.

The U.S. constantly brags about being #1 in everything, when in reality they are being left in the dust and the only thing they lead in is trampling peoples rights and liberties!

Now, there are those who claim the government already has the ability to monitor all internet communications, but it looks like it's about to become official.

National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell told a reporter from The New Yorker that he's prepared a "cyber security policy" that would grant the federal government the right to monitor all Internet communications.

The report also notes that President Bush hasn't yet announced this policy. The reporter from the New Yorker states: "it may be the only way to protect transportation, security, and other critical systems that rely on the Internet."

That is a bizarre statement that seems totally unsupportable. It almost goes without saying, but the old (supposedly) Ben Franklin quote applies: "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

It's also not clear from this report whether this is just a policy or an actual system for monitoring Internet content -- as that makes quite a big difference.

Either way, expect to see more people become a lot more interested in encrypting their communications soon.

Your "Hush, Hush and on the Q.T." scribe;
Allan W Janssen

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Friday, January 18, 2008

It is the Innocent Who Pay the Price for Incitement by the Preachers of Hatred!

The following are excerpts from an interview with former dean of Islamic law at Qatar University by Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari.

The interview aired on Al-Jazeera TV on December 9, 2007:

(View more clips of Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari, H E R E ! )

"The Law Does Not Punish Those Who Incite; It Punishes... The Perpetrator"

Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari: "In my opinion, the people who try to impose a single religion, a single culture, or single political regime oppose the will of Allah. Allah created human beings, and the Koran says: 'but they will not cease to differ' on Judgment Day.


"Why did Allah create human beings different from one another? The development of the world, the enrichment of life, and the progress of Man and society can only take place when there is such diversity.


"When we follow those who preach hatred, confrontation, and conflict, we are the ones who end up losing. We do not have the power or the means for a confrontation. This means that our sons will turn into bombs. If we incite them against others, this means that instead of building our society, and establishing a culture of dialogue within the society, we use the religious pulpit and satellite TV for incitement. Of course, the people who incite get away with it, and are never held accountable, but my son is the one who will pay the price. That is the problem, and unfortunately, the law does not punish those who incite. It punishes my son - the perpetrator.


"The people who say that America and the West are the enemy, and who focus on conspiracy theories, want to create an imaginary enemy. We will not benefit from this in any way. "


"The Religious and Cultural Discourse Prevalent in the Media Mentions Only the Negative Aspects of the West and America" "There is no such thing as eternal friendship or eternal hostility - only eternal interests. I acknowledge that there are many issues on which we differ with the U.S. and the West. But am I supposed to turn these differences into criterion or standard by which I view others? I think not. I may have differences of opinion with my friends, but there are also many positive things, so why should I focus on the negative only, and ignore things that are positive?


"The religious and cultural discourse prevalent in the media mentions only the negative aspects of the West and America: It supports our enemy Israel, arms it, and so on. But our countries are the allies of that same country which we criticize, accuse, and curse day in and day out. This generates a kind of schism in the minds of our children. How can the leadership, the government, and the state possibly say that America is our strategic ally?"


"[The Class] Was Told by the Teacher, During a Lesson on Monotheism... [to] Hate Non-Muslims" "When I talk about 'culture of dialogue,' I mean a culture that deals with its own defects and flaws more than with the flaws of others. What is happening today, as far as the culture of dialogue is concerned, is that we are busy following and exaggerating the defects of others. If somebody in the West disparages the Prophet or the religion of Islam, or says something abominable, we immediately blow this out of proportion, and this makes the preachers of hatred happy. They say to us: Didn't we tell you that the West was hostile, and that it was constantly conspiring against us? But the truth is that there are many 'wests,' and America does not consist of a single sect or a single opinion.


"I would like to tell you about something I read in the Saudi Al-Watan newspaper, [about] a mother who wrote a letter to Saudi journalist Layla Al-Ahdab. In it, she wrote that her eight-year-old daughter, in the third grade, was told by the teacher, during a lesson on monotheism, that there were three ways to disavow the polytheists: First, hating them. This means we should hate non-Muslims. We should emigrate from their countries. In other words, the Muslim communities in [the West] -the eight million, or I don't know how many, in Europe, and the six million in America - should all return to their countries, and if they are forced to stay there, they must harbor hatred towards them, because this is monotheism, it is part of our belief. This is not a personal opinion... Thirdly, we must reveal their falsehood.


"The mother wrote in her letter: Do they expect me to hate the Jewish scientist who discovered insulin, which I use to treat my mother? Am I supposed to teach my daughter that she should hate Edison, who invented the light bulb, which lights up the Islamic world? Should I hate the scientist who discovered the cure for malaria? Should I teach my daughter to hate people merely because their religion is different? Why do we turn our religion into a religion of hatred towards those who differ from us?

"One of the great sheikhs of the Council of Islamic Scholars, whose name I won't mention in order to avoid slandering him, responded to the mother: This is none of your business. Don't interfere in things that don't concern you. We know better than you when it comes to school curricula. He said that cooperation with the infidels is permitted, but only as a reward [for services] and not out of love. In other words, there should be no friendship.

"I would like to know how this can possibly be, when Allah allows me to marry a woman from among the People of the Book. How can I possibly not love the mother of my children? How can I harbor hatred towards her, and at the same time, sleep with her? I don't understand how this is possible."


Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Come-on a My House

These fifteen buildings are the most eco-friendly on the Planet and they are all either built, in the building stage, or on the drawing boards waiting for approval.

DuBiotech: Set amidst the skyscraper-sprawl that is modern Dubai, the new 22 storey headquarters of DuBiotech will be one of the largest green buildings on earth at 60,000 square foot when completed in 2009. The 2 connected buildings will house research laboratories and are designed as a representation of DNA migration in an agarose gel as seen during electrophoresis. DuBiotech will be oriented to maximise daylight, minimise solar gain and regulate the internal temperature in what is one of the hottest climates on earth. There will also be a 500,000 square foot nature reserve for the conservation of indigenous species.

Khanty Mansiysk: This 917 foot tall tower in Khanty Mansiysk is designed by Foster + Partners to be a multi use living and workspace capable of withstanding the hot and cold extremes of the Siberian climate. In the renderings provided it looks like a diamond on the hill thanks to the faceted glass Foster has used to maximise penetration of natural daylight, increase solar gain, provide insulation in winter and decrease the power needed for artificial lighting. OK, we’re Foaster fanboys … but who isn’t?

Crystal Island: OK, we know, it is another Foster project. But this one is more equal than others for Crystal Island will be the largest building in the world when completed. Crystal Island’s vital statistics are, well, huge. The volcano-shaped superstructure will be 1,500 foot tall with 26,909,776 foot squared of floor space, that’s enough room to house 30,000 people. As you would expect from a Foster + Partners project, the self-contained city within a city has energy conservation and eco-friendly energy management at the very heart of the design. Crystal Island will generate low carbon energy from solar arrays and wind turbines located on the building with vast atriums to regulate the internal air temperature during the extremes of the Russian summer and winter.

30 The Bond: When Lend Lease decided to move their headquarters to Sydney they consulted their staff with regards their priorities for the building. As a consequence Lend Lease came up with a design brief that put an emphasis on an improved internal environment, better water management, waste management, fewer emissions and pollutants. 30 The Bond has achieved a 5 star ABGR rating (the equivalent of Gold LEED) by using chilled beans for cooling, individually operated external shades to manage heat and solar gain, wintergarden rooms and rooftop gardens with drought resistant plants that increase biodiversity. Lend Lease say that 30 The Bond emits 30% less CO2 that a typical office building.

Clinton Presidential Library: The Clinton Presidential Library and Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas was rated LEED Platinum in November, 2007 after it was reincarnated with bang-up-to-date green features. So what is it about this library that makes it so green? For starters they added a rooftop garden to absorb carbon, reduce rainwater runoff and regulate temperatures. Polsek, the architects who are responsible for the updates, also added increased recycling capabilities, green cleaning (green cleaning chemicals and increased recycled content for paper products), a reduction in the waste through local sourcing and carbon offsetting of all non-renewable energy used. It might have reached the highest level in terms of LEED ratings but we believe they could and should go further by implementing renewable energy production on-site with photovoltaics or wind turbines.

CH2: Located in the center of Melbourne, the 10 storey Council House 2 aka CH2 is a United Nations award-winning building with sustainable design and energy efficiency at heart. It took AUD$50 million to construct CH2 but it has paid dividends in terms of the recognition it has bestowed on Melbourne. CH2 was the first purpose built office building in Australia to achieve the six Green Star certified rating. It ticks just about every box you can imagine: thermal mass cooling, photovoltaic cells, wind turbines, sewage recycling, chilled ceilings and an amazing tapestry of photovoltaic-powered recycled wooden louvers that track the sun and promote a healthier internal environment. The City of Melbourne expect these green features to pay for themselves inside 10 years, but the real benefit for the city has been the prestige heaped on them from around the world. There’s a message in there.

Burj al-Taqa: Well it had to happen: it just wouldn’t be a post about green architectural and innovative construction without a mention of one of the emirates. The Burj al-Taqa is a totally self-sufficient office tower to be constructed in Dubai, Bahrain and Riyadh that will use wind, solar and water to produce all necessary energy with zero emissions. Designed by Gerber Architekten the 68 story “Energy Tower’ (as the name translates) will have an air conditioning system based on Iranian wind towers to draw air inside that gets pre-cooled with seawater before distribution round the tower. There will also be a 200 foot tall wind turbine with a Darrieus-type rotor on the roof of the 1,056 foot tall tower. The wind turbine will be accompanied by 2 rooftop solar arrays with another floating array offshore to augment power generation. If this building does prove to be totally carbon neutral when completed it will help usher in a new generation of super-green buildings.

Residence Antilia: Believe it or not but this 70 storey, 803 foot tall tower is going to be the home for a single family, that of Indian property mogul Mukesh Ambani. The tower has been designed by Perkins + Will using traditional Vastu design, which means this will be the tallest living wall when completed and act as a large carbon sink in the heart of Mumbai. Not all of the floors will be occupied, some are going to be used exclusively as gardens in the sky. According to Vastu philosophy the central column of the building will angle upwards to symbolise enlightenment. The design is certainly innovative and should add at least some weight behind the whole idea of rooftop gardens and inner city farms that seems to be gaining some well-deserved traction.

Cor: If ever there was an example of strikingly beautiful sustainable architectural design, this is it! Cor is a mixed use 25 storey tower in Miami’s design district costing $25 million to build and due for completion in 2009. Much of the expenditure will go towards the integration of photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and solar hot water generation with the innovative structural design. Cor’s exoskeleton will provide structural integrity, thermal mass for insulation, enclosure for terraces, armatures for turbines, shading for natural cooling and loggias for congregating on the ground. This unique exoskelton will enclose 20,100 square foot of office space, 5,400 square foot of retail units and 113 residential units.

India Tower: When first announced many commentators reacted with aghast to the renders of India Tower claiming it looked more like a stack of misaligned boxes than an intelligently designed building. I know there are similar towers around the world but I still quite like the India Tower, if only because it symbolises an environmental awareness in the world’s second most populous country. India Tower will be 74 storeys tall with 882,000 square foot of multi-use space when completed in 2010. Each rotated block in the tower will have a completely different use, ie. residential, office, retail, recreation etc. The design incorporates the use of solar shading, natural ventilation, daylighting, rainwater harvesting, and green interior finishes and materials to make this one of the greenest buildings in India. The India Tower has already achieved the US LEED Gold rating.

BMW Welt: The BMW Welt in Munich is one of the finest examples to date of German engineering at it’s best. The standout feature of the 785,000 square foot BMW Welt is without doubt the 157 foot wide Double Cone, which provides support for the roof (in a rather stunning manner). On the roof of the building there is a large photovoltaic array, also made in Germany by Solarwatt, to produce a minimum of 824kWp. The designers also installed a network of steel panels on the roof that helps to heat the building via solar gain. Solar gain is also encouraged through the materials on the external facade of the structure. It is somewhat ironic that a car manufacturer should spend so much on a building project like this, but if this is in any way demonstrative of where BMW are going with their vehicles then there is hope.

Transbay Tower: The 1,200 foot tall obelisk-shaped Transbay Tower is set to joint the Transamerica Building and the Golden Gate Bridge as one of the most iconic structures in San Francisco. A new Transbay bus terminal will be constructed from glass with a rooftop park to absorb the C02 from buses. Transbay Tower will have wind turbines located on the roof, intelligent ventilation of 100% fresh air, lightshelves to control lighting and reduce energy demand, solid exterior panels near the floor to remove undesirable solar gain as well as sunshades to allow for solar control. This is a thoughtfully designed green building, we especially like the use of rooftop turbines.

Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park: When it comes to green architecture they don’t get much greener than the Bank of America Tower in New York. This $1 billion, 54 storey, 1,200 foot tall tower will house 2.1 million square foot of office space. Cook + Fox designed the tower to be extremely efficient so that waste and rainwater is reused, heat from the sun is maximised and office space is flushed with natural daylight. Most of the raw materials used in the construction of the tower are from renewable and recycled sources within 500 miles of New York in line with the ideology of sustainable building practice. It should come as no surprise therefore that this tower has been accredited with US LEED Platinum status, the only skyscraper with the reward at the time of writing.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Rats and Other Vermin!

Scientists in Uruguay have found the fossil remains of a 2,000 pound (1,000 kg) RAT that lived 2 million years ago -- the largest rodent ever found.

"We report the discovery of an exceptionally well preserved fossil skull of a new species of rodent, by far the largest ever recorded," they wrote in a report in Britain's Proceedings of the Royal Society.

"Rodents are a very successful group of mammals living almost worldwide and with small body masses (generally less than 1 kg or 2.2 pounds)," they wrote.

"However, our work suggests that 2 million years ago in South America, rodents with 1,000 kg (2,200 pounds) of body mass (a 'mouse' larger than a bull) lived with terror birds, saber-toothed cats, ground sloths and giant armored mammals....... among others."

Always poking, always peeking,
Climbing, jumping, sometimes squeaking,
Twitching whiskers, cunning faces,
Hiding in the strangest places!
Nibbling here and napping there,
Always finds the time to spare
Folks can have their cats and dogs,
Horses, snakes, and even frogs.
For me you stand out from the rest.
For no doubt about it- the RAT'S a pest!


The Book of Mormon needs changes!

Just like any old religious document it often runs afoul of modern scientific fact and needs an "Opps! We got it wrong!"

Mormons, (As told in my book "The Plain Truth About God") have had to backtrack on a number of issues during the last little while including Polygamy, Slavery, Ancestry and a bunch of other stuff.

The change is in the second paragraph of the introduction to the 2006 Book of Mormon, the most recent printing of the book published by Doubleday.

The last sentence of that paragraph, which discusses the fate of ancient civilizations, stated in previous editions that the Lamanites, a nation of people that originated in Jerusalem, “are the principal ancestors of the American Indians.”

The newest edition states the Lamanites are “are among the ancestors of the American Indians.” The change suggests that more recent scientific data contradicts Mormon teachings.

The Book of Mormon is the reference book for the church, just like the Bible.

Mormons believe the founder of the church, Joseph Smith, translated the book from a set of engraved golden plates buried on Cumorah Hill in Manchester, N.Y.

The book teaches, in part, that Native Americans were descendants of the Lamanites, who migrated to America from Israel.

Science has found no credible evidence to support the migration theory in the Book of Mormon, according to the Institute for Religious Research. Instead, science supports a Siberian or Asiatic origin for Native Americans, the institute reported in 2004.

The only good thing I can say about the Mormons is that at least they had the guts to change their dogma in the face of scientific evidence, instead of rejecting it or even condemning it like the Christian and Islamic faiths.

(Although they are ALL guilty of being "full of shit!")


Now............ don't do your kid a favor by having "Clowns" at their next birthday party! (Unless he's 32)

Children don't like clowns and even older kids are scared of them.

The news was revealed in a poll of youngsters by researchers from the University of Sheffield who were examining how to improve the decor of hospital children's wards.

The study, reported in the Nursing Standard magazine, found most the 250 patients aged between four and 14 that they quizzed disliked clowns, with even the older ones finding them scary.

"As adults we make assumptions about what works for children," said Penny Curtis, a senior lecturer in research at the university.

"We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite frightening and unknowable."

One American politician that I have a lot of respect for is Ross Perot. (Remember he's the one that got his employee's out of Iran during the hostage crisis!)

Ross is not one to pull any punches so I pay attention when he says that John McCain is not all he is cracked up to be!

Seems he has issues with McCain's honesty and character!


Next, I'm not sure if this is some sort of Hollywood record..... but somehow I doubt it!

The wedding ceremony for Eddie Murphy and film producer Tracey Edmonds two weeks ago is already over...... we think!

Murphy, 46, and Edmonds, 40, traded vows on New Year's Day on a private island off Bora Bora in French Polynesia in a ceremony that was not legally binding.

"After much consideration and discussion, we have jointly decided that we will forgo having a legal ceremony as it is not necessary to define our relationship further," said a statement on behalf of both Murphy and Edmonds issued by publicist Arnold Robinson.
This not only leads us to the question "Did they, or didn't they?" But also: "Will they, or won't they?" And of course" "Do we care, or not?"

Two weeks is a short time even by Hollywood standards but I don't think it's anywhere near a record!

Got some quicker one's, leave a message in the comments section!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Give me the money or I'll shoot!

All in all, yesterday was a bad day for Derrick Kosh of Kokomo, Indiana.

(Bad enough to win the "Loser of the Day Award!")

Derrick was short of cash and here it was only the middle of the month.

What to do? What to do? Why, rob a convenience store, of course!

A clerk told police a man carrying a semiautomatic handgun entered the Village Pantry demanding cash and a pack of cigarettes. The clerk put the cash in a bag and as she turned to get the cigarettes, she heard the gun discharge.

Police say a surveillance video shows the man shooting himself as he placed the gun in the waistband of his pants.

To add insult to injury, Kokomo is so small that the clerk recognized Derrick and a short time later the cops found the 25-year-old at home with a gunshot wound to his right testicle and lower left leg.

Kosch was released from the hospital today and booked into the Howard County jail on a charge of armed robbery, criminal recklessness, battery and stupidity.

He is being held on a $100,000 cash bail.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Planet of the Apes?

A chimpanzee cannot be declared a person, Austria's Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.

An animal-rights group had sought to have the chimp, Matthew Hiasl Pan, declared a person, hoping to gain guardianship of the animal.

The shelter where Matthew has lived for 25 years is going bankrupt, threatening to leave the chimp homeless. Donors have offered to help support the animal, but under Austrian law, only a person can receive personal gifts.

The Vienna-based Association Against Animal Factories petitioned to be appointed as Matthew's trustee.

But the high court upheld a September ruling by a judge in the town of Wiener Neustadt rejecting the petition, the group said Tuesday.

The rights group said it would take the case to the European Court of Human Rights.

Matthew and another chimp at the shelter, Rosi, were captured as babies in Sierra Leone in 1982 and smuggled to Austria for use in pharmaceutical experiments.

Customs officers intercepted the shipment and turned the chimps over to the shelter.

Organizers said they may set up a foundation to collect donations for Matthew, whose life expectancy in captivity is about 60 years. But they argue that only personhood will ensure that he isn't sold outside Austria.

They might have a rough road with this attempt since it could open the floodgates to all sorts of claims from animal rights groups, PETA, and the World Wildlife Federation.

After all a chimp is just a chimp.......... the same as "a horse is a horse, of course, of course!"

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jupiter and Io

Close-up of Jupiter with the moon Io transversing it. (Notice the moon's shadow on the surface!)

Io (The innermost of the four Galilean moons) is one of the moons discovered by Galileo!


Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site http://www.god-101.com/

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Don't tell me how tough your commute is........ the morning commute in India is a son-of-a-bitch!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Killing of Non-Muslim's is O.K.

It's Sunday and you're in Church. Doesn't matter whether it's Catholic, Anglican, Protestant, Baptist, Mormon or Jehovah's Witness. The Priest, Minister, Deacon or whatever comes up to the pulpit and starts to give his sermon.

The First thing he says is that Muslims don't accept God and it is O.K. to kill them!

That, my friends, is what the article the other day was all about when I said that Islam is not at fault for atrocities by Muslims, but rather the Imam's, Mullahs, Ayatollahs and the Madrases Schools were the true culprits of Islamic extremism for what they taught the masses.

(Naturally if you're an un-educated Muslim teenager with no real knowledge of the outside world, or even a middle-class, jaded and disenchanted Muslim, you're going to listen to him and believe everything he says!)

This is an interview on British TV with a radical Mullah and believe me when I say that for this interview he has toned-down the rhetoric compared to what he says in the Mosque when no outsiders are present!

(Note! Muhammad originally wanted all Muslims to pray twelve (12) times a day but a few of his buddies talked him down to five (5) times! Rather a shame really, since if the radicals WERE all praying twelve times a day, it would afford them less time to get into mischief!!)

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Smurf's Turn 50.

What is Belgium famous for? Well, waffles for one thing. Belgium is also the headquarters of NATO and the European Union and the World Court.

Also, everyone seems to go there on a Tuesday!

But, all this pales in comparison to their greatest export......... The Smurfs!

Yes, the Smurfs first hit the stage in the spring of 1958 and in the following half century they have become known and loved throughout the world.

For their half-century anniversary big things are planned for this year and they plan a world tour that will rival the Rolling Stones.

(Their claim, not mine!)

(Funny, they don't look Blueish!)

Whatever the outcome, our congratulations to the Smurfs and may they have many more years of making children around the world happy!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Mona Lisa

German academics believe they have solved the centuries-old mystery behind the identity of the "Mona Lisa" in Leonardo da Vinci's famous portrait.

Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy Florentine merchant, Francesco del Giocondo, has long been seen as the most likely model for the sixteenth-century painting.

But art historians have often wondered whether the smiling woman may actually have been da Vinci's lover, his mother or the artist himself.

Now experts at the Heidelberg University library say dated notes scribbled in the margins of a book by its owner in October 1503 confirm once and for all that Lisa del Giocondo was indeed the model for one of the most famous portraits in the world.

"All doubts about the identity of the Mona Lisa have been eliminated by a discovery by Dr. Armin Schlechter," a manuscript expert, the library said in a statement on Monday.
Dr. Schlechter went on to say that the reason behind Mona Lisa's smile was also finally explained.

She had just signed a three picture deal that morning!!!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Water Discovered on Mars!

The ever diligent "Perspective" research department has released these stunning photo's of evidence for water on Mars. Note: This is NOT a doctored or Photo-shopped picture!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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I am going to present a short clip from this series every day, Monday to Friday, and I promise you that following them will be well worth it! Enjoy!


Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Imams Declare War on West

Just so that everyone understands this perfectly I have to make something crystal clear.

(I myself did not really comprehend the full implications of the statement I am about to make at first and it took a while for me to come to terms with it in my heart and not just in my head.)

The Radical Islamic Imams in the Middle-East have declared WAR on not only the West, but also on every other sect of Islam that is not completely in line with their ideas and beliefs on how things should be! Period.

These guys have been in a position of power and authority for over a thousand years and make all the decisions as far as the average Ali is concerned. They control the politicians, the population and especially those evil, scheming, subversive WOMEN!

Why would they want to give that up?


We don't have a problem with Islam kids. No! Normal, decent people know the difference between right and wrong and act accordingly.

The problem is with the radical, fundamentalist clergy, and the only way to deal with them is to take this WAR they have declared and shove it down their throats. (Or up their ass!)

After the Christian Reformation the Catholic Church had to be dragged into what was then the modern world (A job still not finished!) and much the same needs to be done with Islam.

End of story.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Jewish conductor Barenboim takes Palestinian citizenship

World-renowned Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim has taken on honourary Palestinian citizenship, saying he hopes the move will serve as a symbol of peace in his troubled region.

"I hope that my new status will be an example of Israeli-Palestinian co-existence," said Barenboim, who received a passport at the end of a Saturday night concert he played in Ramallah in the West Bank.

Conductor Daniel Barenboim, seen here in 2006, says he believes Israelis and Palestians are blessed to be living with each other. (Canadian Press)

Ramallah is a town that Barenboim has visited often, promoting contact between young Arab and Israeli musicians.

"I believe that the destinies of … the Israeli people and the Palestinian people are inextricably linked," said Barenboim, who is also music director at the La Scala opera house in Milan, Italy.

Former Palestinian Information Minister Mustafa Barghouthi said the passport had been approved by the previous government, which lost an election last June. The passport had actually been issued about six weeks ago.

The 65-year-old Barenboim has never been one to shy from controversy. In 2001, he conducted an opera by composer Richard Wagner in Jerusalem despite protests against the performance of a work by a German accused of being anti-Semitic.

Barenboim, the former music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, has often voiced his opposition to Israel's occupation of the West Bank. "We are blessed, or cursed, to live with each other. I personally think we have been blessed," said Barenboim.
In 1999, Barenboim established the Diwan Orchestra with Palestinian-American academic Edward Said. The orchestra includes Israelis, Palestinians and citizens from Arab countries.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Stop! (BANG) Or I'll shoot!

In case you were wondering, it's probably not a great idea to be hanging out in the Toronto entertainment district at 3:15 a.m. Especially if you're in a luxury Lincoln SUV and you've got a ponytail.

In February of 2006, Toronto police officers arrested Irshad Ahmed and Omar Betty for failure to stop, failure to comply, and obstructing police.

Their trial is currently being conducted at Old City Hall, and some interesting evidence has emerged in the form of a voice mail recording.

When Ahmed and Betty were stopped by police, Ahmed immediately called his lawyer. (Oh, like you don't have your lawyer on speed dial?) It turned out to be an ingenious decision, as his lawyer's answering machine captured the entire exchange between the suspects and the police.

And what an exchange! The tape captures officers telling Ahmed and Betty to open the doors and get out of their vehicle. When the two did not immediately comply, the police smashed the window open and used a taser on Ahmed.

He was then handcuffed and placed on the ground.

What was particularly striking was the contrast between the profanity used by the police and the seemingly compliant behaviour of Ahmed, who repeatedly addressed the officer as "sir."

As well, one of the officers on the tape can clearly be heard to tell Ahmed, "I'll break your fucking ponytail," which, you've got to admit, is a pretty stylish and creative threat, even if it's not entirely practical.

At the trail last week this tape was taken from the lawyers answering machine and introduced by the defense into evidence of excessive force by the police, namely Constable David Rubbini. (Below)

Officer (Rubbini): Open the door!

Ahmed: Why sir? Why sir?

Officer: I am warning you.

Ahmed: Can you tell me one more time why I am under arrest?

Officer: Open the door now (police dog can be heard barking). Open the door now. Get out the door now! (at this point police smash the driver and passenger side windows of the car).

Ahmed: Whoa. Whoa. Hold up, hold up. I'm coming out. I'm coming out. I'm coming out sir. I'm coming out. I'm coming out sir.

Officer: Get out the fucking door. Get out the fucking door.

Ahmed: Sir, I am coming out. Can you relax? Can you relax?

Officer: Get the fuck out.

Ahmed: I'm coming out sir. I'm opening the door. I'm opening the door sir. I'm opening the door. I'm opening the door. (screaming is heard as Ahmed, who is on the driver's side, is hit by a taser shot, fired by an officer on the passenger side of the car).

Officer: Unlock the door now. Get on the ground or I will let the dog in. On the ground. On the ground.

Ahmed: Okay (Ahmed is now placed on the ground face first in the broken glass and handcuffed behind his back. A police dog can be heard barking loudly on the tape and there are sounds of police and paramedics talking on the radio).

Officer: I'll break your fucking ponytail (Ahmed has his hair in a ponytail).

Ahmed: (inaudible)

Officer: Yeah, you're right. You lost. You fucking lost....don't ever fuck with us.


Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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Sunday Morning Funnies #9

January 13, 2008

Dear Ms. Williamson;

That you for the letter you sent to me today, and also for the many other pieces of correspondence I have received from you over the past few months.

I appreciate your concern with my well being and totally believe your claims that I can be one of the "Big Dicks" amongst my friends and acquaintances.

Unfortunately, most of my friends already realize I am a "Big Dick" (Or as they more often put it, a "Big Prick") and I don't honestly see how your pills and creams will change this situation to my advantage.

With this in mind please do not send me any more letters or pamphlets and kindly Fuck Off!

Your Humble Servant;
Allan W Janssen

O.K. kids, it's time again for the annual "Stella Awards"!

For those unfamiliar with these awards, they are named after 81 year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled hot coffee on herself and successfully sued the McDonald's in New Mexico , where she purchased coffee.

You remember, she took the lid off the coffee and put it between her knees while she was driving. Who would ever think one could get burned doing that, right?

These are awards for the most outlandish lawsuits and verdicts in the U.S. Yes we know that the United States of America is the most litigious society in the world but these awards go above and beyond the call of duty.

So keep your head scratcher handy. Here are the Stella's for the past year:


Kathleen Robertson of Austin , Texas was awarded $80,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The store owners were understandably surprised by the verdict, considering the running toddler was her own son.


Carl Truman, 19, of Los Angeles , California won $74,000 plus medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Truman apparently didn't notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when he wastrying to steal his neighbor's hubcaps.


Terrence Dickson, of Bristol , Pennsylvania , who was leaving a house he had just burglarized by way of the garage. Unfortunately for Dickson, the automatic garage door opener malfunctioned and he could not get the garage door to open. Worse, he couldn't re-enter the house because the door connecting the garage to the house locked when Dickson pulled it shut.

Forced to sit for eight, count 'em, EIGHT days and survive on a case of Pepsi and a large bag of dry dog food, he sued the homeowner's insurance company claiming undue mental anguish. Amazingly, the jury said the insurance company must pay Dickson $500,000 for his mental anguish.

We should all have this kind of anguish.


Jerry Williams, of Little Rock, Arkansas, garnered 4th place in the Stella's when he was awarded $14,500 plus medical expenses after being bitten on the butt by his next door neighbor's beagle - even though the beagle was on a chain in its owner's fenced yard.

Williams did not get as much as he asked for because the jury believed the beagle might have been provoked at the time of the butt bite because Williams had climbed over the fence into the yard and repeatedly shot the dog with a pellet gun.


Amber Carson of Lancaster , Pennsylvania because a jury ordered a Philadelphia restaurant to pay her $113,500 after she slipped on a spilled soft drink and broke her tailbone.

The reason the soft drink was on the floor: Ms. Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument. What ever happened to people being responsible for their own actions?


Kara Walton, of Claymont , Delaware sued the owner of a night club in a nearby city because she fell from the bathroom window to the floor, knocking out her two front teeth.

Even though Ms. Walton was trying to sneak through the ladies room window to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge, the jury said the night club had to pay her $12,000....oh,yeah, plus dental expenses. Go figure.

Ok. Here we go!!!!!


This year's runaway First Place Stella Award Winner is: Mrs. Merv Grazinski, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, who purchased a new 32-foot Winnebago motor home.

On her first trip home, having driven on to the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver's seat to go to the back of the Winnebago and make herself a sandwich.

Not surprisingly, the motor home left the freeway, crashed and overturned.

Also not surprisingly, Mrs. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not putting in the owner's manual that she couldn't actually leave the driver's seat while the cruise control was set.

The Oklahoma jury awarded her, are you sitting down? $1,750,000 PLUS a new motorhome!

(Winnebago actually changed their manuals as a result of this suit, just in case Mrs. Grazinski has any relatives who might also buy a motor home.)

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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SEX Anyone?

Chatelaine, a Canadian women's magazine just published an interesting article and I thought I would give you a few of the results on how women think and feel about sex.
(This applies equally to American and European women!)

Four out of five are in monogamous relationships; the rest are single; and by and large they're heterosexual. Thankfully, most are happy with their partners, though fully one-quarter admit that a previous lover was actually the best they've ever had.

One out of three copes with waning libidos and busy lives by resorting to good old-fashioned Canadian practicality: They schedule sex dates, something that is highly encouraged by relationship experts and therapists.

In the end, our survey pointed to a few clear differences along cultural lines – we wouldn't be Canada if it didn't.

French-Canadian women show a greater acceptance of themselves sexually and more openness to the gamut of sexual practices. They enjoy sex more as they age and are more apt to be sexual go-getter's rather than waiting for their partners to spark things up.

But, if you think all of Quebec is swinging from the chandeliers while the rest of us lie back and think of England, that's not exactly the case.

Sadly, most women, regardless of provenance, have issues with body image. When asked to rate satisfaction with their bodies on a scale of one to 10, women gave themselves no higher than an average of six.

Here are some other "quick facts;"

- Four out of five women enjoy receiving oral sex but one out of three doesn't like giving it! (These silly women have forgotten that old saying "It's better to give than receive!")

- Almost half were under 18 when they had sex for the first time and nine out of ten had sex before marriage.

- Canadian women have an average of eight sexual partners during their lifetime!

- English women have an orgasm about five out of ten times but French women have an orgasm seven out of ten times! Oh la la!

- One out of five has had phone sex with their partner while one out of twenty has had phone sex with a stranger!

- Three out of ten women say they have been cheated on in the past!

- Three out of ten women have "sworn off sex" at least once in the past! Fortunately this, on average, doesn't last too long.

- Only two out of ten never masturbate.

- While four out of ten women own a vibrator!!!!

- One in twenty has had group sex.

- One in four routinely fakes an orgasm!

AND FINALLY..... FOR THE BIG CLIMAX [SORRY, no pun intended ;-)]... Five out of ten women say they want more sex than they get!!!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available at the web site www.God-101.com

Visit the blog "Perspective" at http://God-101.blogspot.com

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